DextertheCat 5 points ago +5 / -0

We will all feel the pain, but it will pale in comparison to what will happen if we try to "kick the can" down the road. We are overdue for a massive market correction and we will need to destroy massive amounts of USD from circulation. I think we may even have to replace the existing currency and reinvent our currency by eliminating fiat forever. Anything else will eventually lead us back to the same situation that we face now.

DextertheCat 8 points ago +8 / -0


On a side note, California has amended SB1414 for vote. It makes it "possible" to charge a child sex-trafficker or child sex "customer" with a felony (it is currently a misdemeanor). WTF? The original bill had teeth and would have been far more aggressive by holding people accountable, but it was amended to give Pedo's wiggle room with their attorneys to get them off without serious consequences.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do the 7 day fast once a quartet. I drink nothing but water or tea. No sweetener

DextertheCat 8 points ago +8 / -0

Folks, please read the post. This is for any type of fast that you wish. It is not a complete zero intake of food. 30 days is doable for someone with sufficient fat reserves, but it is recommended that it be supervised by a doctor. 40 days is virtually a death sentence, unless you are expending minimal energy (think hibernation). Intermittent fasting is quite healthy and can be a tremendous health benefit. Zeroing out ultra processed foods is not really a fast, but is something that could be a wonderful "fasting" goal.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +2 / -1

The question boils down to what is the future going to look like? Will the day to day modern lifestyle in the majority of the world remain the same? Will it be a golden age of enlightenment? Will major disruptions/destruction take place as the old system and players fight to stay in power? These are the questions. Everyone has some idea of what they think will happen. We tend to prepare for what we think will happen. Those who support crypto have a particular positive view. Those who prep for chaos have a more negative view. The majority tend to compromise and try to prepare in as many ways as they can. Hold crypto, gold, silver, fungible materials, ammo, food, medications, etc. It doesn't matter what you believe, you do what you think is best for you. There is zero point in arguing the validity of your particular viewpoint and beliefs. Prepare in the way that satisfies your need.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Term Limits is key. This is service, public service. The deep state has to work hard to corrupt incoming politicians. Once they have managed to bribe/extort/blackmail a pol, they do not want to lose them. Two terms would limit the corruption process. As far as knowing how to do the job, it is quite simple...follow the Constitution. Know the difference between right and wrong and do everything to benefit the whole country and all the citizens. This means reading every bill before voting. Eliminate omnibus bills. Single issue bills only.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

The issue of economic systems is extremely divisive in discussions. Everyone has their own beliefs. Most don't agree on the details. Capitalism without checks and balances is as bad as communism and socialism. Ultimately, all the wealth is monopolized in each system by a few. Balancing the different systems is the most effective way to prevent the systems from turning into a shitshow. We have a balance, but it is being unbalanced and this will lead to failure. Finding the right balance is difficult and will probably always be adjusted a bit here and there to get the best outcome.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ian has been clear that he is basically anti-corporate and anti-capitalist. He has some good points and does an entertaining show, but he is not in line with my beliefs. I don't have to agree with his views, I just hope he is helping to wake people up to the BS that is going on. People make up their own minds about what they think of capitalism and communism, he isn't going to change that for most people. Most of us have views and beliefs that are in common, but I am fairly certain none of us agree with everything that we all believe. You don't need 100% consensus on everything, just the really big and important things. The difference between good and evil is pretty much the deal breaker. Everything else can be discussed and debated calmly and intelligently.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

The government pensions are not that juicy. Everyone thinks they are good. They are not. 1% of your annual salary for the average of the highest three years times the number of years you serve. If you do 20 years and reach minimum retirement age of 57 years old, you collect 20% of the average. Considering a GS-12 is maxed out around $100k+ (96k plus locality) you will receive 20k per year as a pension. If you take it when you hit 62. If you take it at minimum retirement age, you lose 5% of the pay, per year before 62, unless you have 30 years of service at minimum retirement age. When you take into account that most government service isn't able to make it to GS12, the values of the pension are much lower. 99% don't reach the maximum GS15 rate. That tops out about 180k. Only about 5% reach GS14, about 10% reach GS13 and only about 20% reach GS12. The benefits allow you to keep paying your portion of medical, which was $500 per month for Std Blue Cross/Blue Shield for me. If I retired at 57, I can keep my insurance by paying the same rate (adjusted per year) until you hit age 65, then you lose the insurance because you switch to Medicare. The rest of the "benefits" are garbage. I left service this last year with 21.5 years of service. I am not near minimum retirement age. I get zero benefits. When I hit 57, I can start to draw my pension, but I lose that 5% per year before 62. No medical, no other benefits. After the mandatory covid Vax threats, I decided that federal service isn't for me. The retirement benefits weren't worth the time I have left before I can retire. Prior to 1983, the old system was much better, but that has been gone a long time. That was the old CSRS system. The FERS system is basically garbage. The only real benefit is the TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) which is just a 401k for federal employees and the military, same exact percent as most civilian companies, but the fees for management are lower. So....not really that great. In another twelve years, my pension will be around $1500-1600 per month. By the time 12 years go by, I will probably be able to buy some groceries with that money.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect that many of the systems we have in place are going to be gutted and fixed. Some will be gone for good after complete annihilation. If I had to guess, the Federal government will be roughly a third of the size it is today. Virtually all original frredoms will be restored and failsafe mechanisms installed that would stop any future erosion of Rights. At least, that is what I would do.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. Some grubby collection agency buys the debt cheap and then goes after the debtor with legal tactics. Quite a few are law firms.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Several States have gold bills. They are actually quite pretty and have varying denominations. They are actually gold and have great artwork. I have a couple of South Dakota 1/1000 ounce bills that were given to me when I bought some gold from a local coin shop


DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent theory. Sound reasoning. Everything bad that happens is quickly blamed on someone else. It is plainly obvious to all of us, but there are many drones out there, with the reasoning ability of a potato. If they have the majority, it is harder to hide from the semi-concious. The hardship is going to come, we are all going to have to feel the pain. It will suck, but there is pretty much only two ways it can go after this. One option is far more painful and bloody. Let's hope the plan works out, otherwise it will be very bad. We will still win, but it will cost a lot.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think any of this happens in the world without an Intelligence agency behind it. It isn't just our CIA, but all the globalist nations. Every infiltrated nation has had their Intelligence apparatuses turned toward their goals. Not the entire agencies, just key players and small groups.

DextertheCat 19 points ago +19 / -0

Summary for quick assimilation: The rapid pace that all the woke nonsense has been pushed out is so ridiculous that only the most brainwashed can buy it. Everyone else is put into panic mode because you can't throw a frog in a boiling pot, they jump out. When you place the frog in water and then slowly heat the water, they don't realize what is happening until it is too late. By capturing their tools and forcing them to boil the water too rapidly, it creates a mass awakening. There is no other logical explanation for the rapid deployment of all the woke BS. The glabalists aren't stupid, they would have modulated the pace to reduce the amount of push back, they would not accelerate it faster and wake up more people.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't follow up on the rest of his career. Research will turn up more. The fact that he has been saying this for decades before I have heard a word about this is pretty amazing. How he hasn't been killed/framed or neutralized seems very surprising.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe the auctions aren't just children, different tastes spawn different markets. The whole point is that this is simply slavery. Some are for sex, some are for torture and murder, some are for black market organ harvesting. As far as organic terrorist activities vs coordinated ones, I think most organic ones are easily disrupted, because of all the surveillance, however if one serves the interests of the government, not only will it be "overlooked", they can be supported and enabled with materiel and expert guidance.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sad thing is that this doesn't even register on my shock meter any more. The level of depravity among celebrities is much worse than this, Larry has probably done far worse things and this is simply one victim. Hoping that a cell mate gives him everything he deserves.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

The whole point is to respect individual choices, beliefs and actions as long as it doesn't negatively impact others. People like to share, it is in the nature of most good hearted people to try and share their truth with others. Try not to let it bother you, they are coming from a place of love.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

This isn't homosexuality. This is something entirely different. Plenty of regular folks out there are gay, you wouldn't even know about it unless they tell you. Nothing to be afraid of or worried about, just consenting adults doing what they do in the privacy of their own home. I have zero issue with that. Live and let live, just don't mess with children or non-consenting adults.

DextertheCat 27 points ago +27 / -0

All the real Americans stand up for what is right. The party of unity. The Trump party.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have done quite a bit of research into Ivermectin and the other anthelmintics. Ther have been quite a few studies and anecdotal papers written. The herding breed canines are the only danger I have ever seen associated with Ivermectin. It is likely the safest compound out of virtually all the drugs out there. It seems that it doesn't cure every single type of cancer, that is a possible reason that different ones are stacked to help cover as many types as possible.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only one specific breed, I believe it is the collie family and certain herding breeds. The following types of dogs have been found to be prone to the mdr1 gene mutation:

Australian Shepherd Border Collie Collie German Shepherd Dog Miniature American Shepherd Old English Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Skye Terrier Mixed-breeds that may have herding-breed heritage

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