Today is the day my Brothers and Sisters. Shit will do down.

Hello, my fellow Q mates. I am here to inform on how the MSM and the Left gonna react.

Possible Reaction(s):

  1. OMG ITS A COUP! (Blame it on the Russians and Trump)
  2. while shaking and crying OH SHIT WE FUCK, WE DONE, WE ARE SO DONE.
  3. POSSIBLE SUDICIES of corrupt politician or wealthy Elites

Hello, my fellow Q members. I have some several questions here. I know that Trump has been impeach twice. I also know that there are military National Guards on the Capitol. I was wondering on how will that work. Back in my day, school thought me when congress remove the president of the United States, the Vice President will be in charge until the next administration (I hope is Trump). So, will the Military will have to listen to VP Pence. Are they still gonna Drain the Swamp? Can someone clear this up for me please?