a little over 30 million believers of "the science" will be dead by the end of next year in the U.S alone. This does not include still births.

posted ago by Scar1 ago by Scar1

Are inbred morons. I mean this literally. None, and I mean none of them, can survive without huge sums of tax money constantly being injected in their holdings. They are complete losers and they know it.


Did some research and, from what I can find is, the closest treatment they got is to clean out the arteries of protein accumulation (dead cells) and then apply massive blood transfusions (from unvaxxed donors) which will extend the patients life (months, maybe a few years) and that's it. This because the metal shards found in the death jab embed themselves into the arterial walls and internal organs, as well as the brain. The body starts to ROT from lack of circulation. Ultimately a very painful death if you decide to get the treatment. In the near future, maybe something better will turn up but, as for now that is all they got.


Western Europe is a totalitarian shit hole.


Cracking the riddle of Elon Musk was very difficult for me but, now that I have additional information about the man, I can put together a hypothesis. He does not strike me as a crusader or a man driven by righteousness (this was my major stumbling block). What I think, is the passing of his baby had lot's to do with what he's doing. He knows who is responsible for the death of his child and he wants payback. He wants to crush all of those vermin. It's personal with him. In other words, a cold vengeance is the force driving him.


Let the 4 jabs take there effect. DOA. Can you say switch and bait?....I knew you could.


Lot's of faucets are turned off.


If or when the mass death toll from the death jab (30 to 80 million) takes place and those cockroaches in D.C, big pharma, or anyone else responsible, aren't hanging from the gallows, then they can haul the bodies themselves. If they try to force me on this body dumping detail, there's going to be more bodies for them to dump.

End transmission


They are evil to the core of their twisted black hearts. Anyone that thinks murdering an unborn is a right, I don't want anywhere near me. Most vile and untrustworthy ppl that ever existed. I wouldn't call them my allies, my friend or even my family. Their capacity for evil knows no bounds. If anyone trust these vermin or sides with them on ANY issue deserves his or her fate.

End transmission.


This was posted 10 hours before Elon let us in on his bot farming poll.


I really need a pat on the back.


Somebody that is paid to read off a script in front of a camera.


Misogynist (still not defined in a political context)

White supremacist (this can apply even to black ppl)

Antisemitic (universal application)

Ablest (my personal favorite)

Racist (though still used, it's losing its zing)

Far-right (till this day no one knows what that means exactly)

A whole assortment of words ending in phobe

That is about it. Every leftist debate can be summed up using this criteria.

Numbers (with the exception of fudged ones), facts, deductive reasoning, and logic are beyond their grasp (for real, these are beyond their grasp). So you really can't blame them for being reduced to these simplistic fictional common denominators in any and all debates.


List 1.Nothing 2.Nothing 3.Nothing 4.Nothing 5.Nothing 6.Nothing etc etc

That is all.


He did his job and now making a move to retire in Israel. Why Israel? Because Israeli has a law barring extradition of its citizens. In other words you can commit a crime in one nation and then run to Israel without being held accountable.

P.S He received a $1 million Israeli prize for his contributions (as if he wasn't being paid) to health and medicine.


Recently she made a reveal of France controlling currency in west Africa, I guess she didn't get the memo that this has been going on for decades. This is nothing new. Why she points this out is because the banksters (aka E.U) want to take control of this currency that they currently have no control over (yet).

She also stated this little reveal about her so called nationalist policies:

“I have and always will be clear, I intend to lead a government with a foreign policy that is clear and unequivocal. Italy is fully part of Europe and the Atlantic Alliance. Anyone who does not agree with this cornerstone will not be able to be part of the government, at the cost of not being a government. With us governing, Italy will never be the weak link of the West,”

As of now, she has isn't introduced any new policies or have any plans in the near future. (at least not made public)

In short if I was going to rate her in an American context, she would be labeled a RINO.

She talks a lot and does nothing.

P.S MSN, particularly CNN, absolutely adore her.


He setup a poll tweet to flush out the bots. New bots can't come in but, the ones remaining are hard to flush out. So he setup this little poll to do just that. Pure genius.


Under this form of government you have NO guaranteed individual rights. They can steal your land, put you in jail, and even murder you, all by a simply voting on it.


Take this with a grain of salt. These illegals entering our country will be armed and used to slaughter us. The police will be told to stand aside much like they did during the riots. Only arresting anyone that were protecting themselves or property. They are being trained as we speak by CIA slush funds (aka black ops) Now from what I understand, they will be offered our houses and other goods as incentives. The cockroaches running the show will use everything in their power to villainize us (thus the campaign of white supremacists) and make the murders look like the good guys (you have seen it done with the riots). The target is white ppl. Simple as that. This slaughter will not stop till they cut down our numbers enough to subjugate us. Any areas that these thugs meet stubborn resistance will be neutralized by the military. This whole operation will of course begin with a massive false flag. Being reported as riots at first then as a war on white supremacy This is their rumored plan. Is it true? Answering that is beyond my pay grade.

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