“Why are FREEMASONS on the scene of most shooting locations? Openly giving interviews or in background shots? Symbolism will be their downfall. Q“

George Floyd’s “twin bro” ex NBA player, Stephen Jackson said he was a mason on his Instagram and he was all over the mainstream news saying he was Floyd’s twin. Notice how Floyd died in the twin cities? The twin pillars are one of the Mason’s main symbols. Looks like it was a ritual in reference to the twin pillars.

Ben Crump, who’s the lawyer of Trayvon Martin’s Dad (who’s also a mason) is also the lawyer in the George Floyd case, and many other of the popular mainstream brutality cases. Crump is listed as a prince hall freemason and in his interview on Good Morning America with Daunte Wright’s family he blantanly throws up the devil horns at 5:45, probably a mason symbol/signal. https://youtu.be/5KBVWD5Y4zQ


Philando Castille’s Dad is also a mason. He used a mason in distress phrase in this cnn interview and there are pictures with him in his mason attire https://youtu.be/RPFUoJtvI84