The Audits may bring about the Apocalypse and why that's a good thing.
The vaccine whistleblower is now the #1 most viewed video on Project Veritas's YouTube channel!
🏡 Local WINNING 🏘️
NASA engineers banding together, we are witnessing something truly amazing here. 💪
🏡 Local WINNING 🏘️
Holy shit, is blowing up right now, they got 16 stickies! lol😄All the states who spoke out. Also, @SomeBitchIKnow's got this map going on that she keeps updating...
💥 B O O O O O M 💥
Scott Presler doing Scott Presler things, reached out to every mayor he knows! 👍
When your son finds out you're a conspiracy theorist and he asks you what that means...
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