This isn't over yet. If I thought it was, I'd be activating my contingency strategy for cultural self-preservation and encouraging Conservatives to geographically relocate into a central array of neighboring States...for purposes of controlled political centralization/concentration.
But you don't see me doing that because I still Trust the fucking Plan. Maybe I'll be the last one holding the line, but I seriously doubt it...y'all are some badass I don't think I'll be alone.
Side note:
FBI analysts, want some coffee? Must be tiresome. We can all be friends...alls you gotta do is be objective and ignore the people telling you to be biased. Enforce the law as it is written, not the political policy as you are directed. I think there are some truly good people within your ranks- same as I was back when I worked for Government. Not everyone is who they appear to be...and I hope you have the internal strength to do what is right. My admonition to "Be Strong" applies to you, just as much at it applies to those of us holding on to hope. Always do the right thing.
That's all. Add an inspirational quote if you've got one. Bitches love inspirational quotes.
I refuse to believe that President Trump (the rightful President) has handed the fate of his family, himself, his loyal Patriots and the Last and Greatest Hope of Mankind to a drooling pedophile. There has to be more to this story than meets the eye.
Are we in the 10 days of darkness? Fuck if I know. Sure as fuck feels dark in here. So harden the fuck up, light a torch and take ONE look all around you at the red eye-shine of predatory swamp creatures staring back from the darkness. They're waiting for you to stop fighting...because they're hungry. So keep fucking pushing. There are no second place winners in this game of thrones. The winner takes all, and if we're the loser then we'll eventually get put in camps and "re-educated." You are either the apex predator in this ecosystem or you get eaten alive and ingloriously shit out. Do you fully comprehend the consequence of GIVING UP and WALKING AWAY? Are YOU willing to hand over the fate of your families, yourselves and your fellow Patriots to these sick fucks? I didn't think so. Defeat is not an option- this isn't a fucking Nintendo game. Yes, it's hard- hard as fuck. But you can't press the menu button, back out, pop in another disc and go play Animal Crossing...this is a struggle for survival. What hangs in the balance is the result of THOUSANDS of YEARS of struggle on the part of our Ancestors. Their blood, sweat, tears and lives were sacrificed in order to give their descendants (you and me) the chance to not just survive...but prosper. In order to make a better world for their children. America is the realization of that goal- the ideal that they fought for. The prize that they won at the price of their own lives.
Do you realize that America is not just a geographical location? It isn't just a place that you live in, it is a hope and an ideology that lives within YOU. So long as our children carry that ideal in their hearts and it lives within them, America will ALWAYS live. If we go on to lose ANY hope of regaining the cooperation of our Federal Government, we can always relocate en masse and concentrate our numbers within a region of neighboring States...THEN use absolute majority power to vote for whatever laws we want. In doing so, we can utilize State Laws to say "fuck you" to Federal Laws...the same as California did with weed and illegal immigration. They were allowed to- so why can't we use that strategy too? We can always set up a sort of "Wildlife Preserve" for Patriotic Americans so that at least our children can grow up experiencing OUR way of life- while we prosper and allow Liberal dominated regions to (metaphorically) obliterate their societies/economies with tyranny and taxation. Demographics are Destiny. Our Culture and Way of Life are losing Demographically due to the brainwashing of Liberal cultural indoctrination and the reproductive rates of radical Liberal populations. Let's call the aforementioned strategy/concept "Project AMBIVALENT EPILOGUE."
What is MOST important is that our breed doesn't go extinct- and that we don't lose ALL hope of surviving as a species. That we continue to reproduce, grow our numbers and keep our kind alive. If we can do that, we can "out-survive" and "out-prosper" ANY failed Liberal Utopia that surrounds our inhabited safe zone. There are SO many ways to approach this puzzle- ways that do not involve the shedding of precious Patriot blood and the ending of bloodlines, nor any lives lost period. Peaceful and strategic solutions that are just waiting to be found. Violence was not the answer is not the answer now...nor will it ever be the answer to our problems. You don't swat a bloodsucking mosquito with a sledgehammer when it lands on your loved ones.
My point is- if you feel hopeless, realize that there are MANY other strategies going forward to ensure that the American Dream and our Patriotic Ideals stay alive. This isn't "the end." It is only the fucking beginning.
As for Q-Group...consider this:
"Done in 30" -posted by Flynn (21 days ago)
If we're in the "10 Days of Darkness," then they are ending 9 days from today. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The time for grieving, stomping your feet and throwing brat fits is over. If you think you've seen this ideological movement through to the end...I've got some bad news for you- you haven't. It's not over yet. Not for another 9 days. Let's see what the next ten-day interval brings. If the end is not for you, then walk away and move on with your lives. But don't tell yourself that you saw this through to the end- because we aren't there yet. Not yet. Do you have the courage to see a thing through til the bitter or victorious end- whether you win or whether you lose? Whether you are right or wrong? Whether people ridicule you or admire you? Be strong. I'm willing to hold the fucking line and see this through to the end. If you're willing to face the darkest of nights with me- and willing to hold the line here in this dying light, against the backdrop of a setting Western sun- I'll be right by your side. You are never alone- and I am always with you. Always. If you're not, I respect your decision and I hope that you find peace. But regardless of your choice, don't fucking give up on the American Ideal- not now. Do not allow yourselves to be demoralized. Do not be robbed of hope or faith. Do NOT shame yourself by giving up and conceding defeat when your lives and families are on the line. Convert that negative energy to positive momentum. They're already dehumanizing our ranks by labeling us "terrorists-" what do you think is next for them to do? No matter how many times you get beaten down, you rise- and rise again- until the last letter, of the last word, of the last chapter of this amazing story.
I'm with you to the end. I will see this through with you, Anon- and there are many more of us where I came from. Within a metaphorical and ideological context, this is where we're at:
"To stay on the parapet and expose yourself to danger; to rise and fight a thousand miles from home when you’re all alone and outnumbered and probably beaten; to spit on your hands and lower the pike; to hold fast over the body of Leonidas the King; to be rear guard at Kunu-Ri; to stand and be still to the Birkenhead Drill; these are not rational acts. They are often merely necessary."--Jerry Pournelle
I refuse to believe that President Trump (the rightful President) has handed the fate of his family, himself, his loyal Patriots and the Last and Greatest Hope of Mankind to a drooling pedophile. There has to be more to this story than meets the eye.
Are we in the 10 days of darkness? Fuck if I know. Sure as fuck feels dark in here. So harden the fuck up, light a torch and take ONE look all around you at the red eye-shine of predatory swamp creatures staring back from the darkness. They're waiting for you to stop fighting...because they're hungry. So keep fucking pushing. There are no second place winners in this game of thrones. The winner takes all, and if we're the loser then we'll eventually get put in camps and "re-educated." You are either the apex predator in this ecosystem or you get eaten alive and ingloriously shit out. Do you fully comprehend the consequence of GIVING UP and WALKING AWAY? Are YOU willing to hand over the fate of your families, yourselves and your fellow Patriots to these sick fucks? I didn't think so. Defeat is not an option- this isn't a fucking Nintendo game. Yes, it's hard- hard as fuck. But you can't press the menu button, back out, pop in another disc and go play Animal Crossing...this is a struggle for survival. What hangs in the balance is result of THOUSANDS of YEARS of struggle on the part of our Ancestors. Their blood, sweat, tears and lives were sacrificed in order to give their descendants (you and me) the chance to not just survive...but prosper. In order to make a better world for their children. America is the realization of that goal- the ideal that they fought for. The prize that they won at the price of their own lives.
Do you realize that America is not just a geographical location? It isn't just a place that you live in, it is a hope and an ideology that lives within YOU. So long as our children carry that ideal in their hearts and it lives within them, America will ALWAYS live. If we go on to lose ANY hope of regaining the cooperation of our Federal Government, we can always relocate en masse and concentrate our numbers within a region of neighboring States...THEN use absolute majority power to vote for whatever laws we want. In doing so, we can utilize State Laws to say "fuck you" to Federal Laws...the same as California did with weed and illegal immigration. They were allowed to- so why can't we use that strategy too? We can always set up a sort of "Wildlife Preserve" for Patriotic Americans so that at least our children can grow up experiencing OUR way of life- while we prosper and allow Liberal dominated regions to (metaphorically) obliterate their societies/economies with tyranny and taxation. Demographics are Destiny. Our Culture and Way of Life are losing Demographically due to the brainwashing of Liberal cultural indoctrination and the reproductive rates of radical Liberal populations. Let's call the aforementioned strategy/concept "Project AMBIVALENT EPILOGUE."
What is MOST important is that our breed doesn't go extinct- and that we don't lose ALL hope of surviving as a species. That we continue to reproduce, grow our numbers and keep our kind alive. If we can do that, we can "out-survive" and "out-prosper" ANY failed Liberal Utopia that surrounds our inhabited safe zone. There are SO many ways to approach this puzzle- ways that do not involve the shedding of precious Patriot blood and the ending of bloodlines, nor any lives lost period. Peaceful and strategic solutions that are just waiting to be found. Violence was not the answer is not the answer now...nor will it ever be the answer to our problems. You don't swat a bloodsucking mosquito with a sledgehammer when it lands on your loved ones.
My point is- if you feel hopeless, realize that there are MANY other strategies going forward to ensure that the American Dream and our Patriotic Ideals stay alive. This isn't "the end." It is only the fucking beginning.
As for Q-Group...consider this:
"Done in 30" -posted by Flynn (21 days ago)
If we're in the "10 Days of Darkness," then they are ending 9 days from today.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The time for grieving, stomping your feet and throwing brat fits is over. If you think you've seen this ideological movement through to the end...I've got some bad news for you- you haven't. It's not over yet. Not for another 9 days. Let's see what the next ten-day interval brings. If the end is not for you, then walk away and move on with your lives. But don't tell yourself that you saw this through to the end- because we aren't there yet. Not yet.
Do you have the courage to see a thing through til the bitter or victorious end- whether you win or whether you lose? Whether you are right or wrong? Whether people ridicule you or admire you? Be strong. I'm willing to hold the fucking line and see this through to the end. If you're willing to face the darkest of nights with me- and willing to hold the line here in this dying light, against the backdrop of a setting Western sun- I'll be right by your side. You are never alone- and I am always with you. Always. If you're not, I respect your decision and I hope that you find peace. But regardless of your choice, don't fucking give up on the American Ideal- not now. Do not allow yourselves to be demoralized. Do not be robbed of hope or faith. Do NOT shame yourself by giving up and conceding defeat when your lives and families are on the line. Convert that negative energy to positive momentum. They're already dehumanizing our ranks by labeling us "terrorists-" what do you think is next for them to do? No matter how many times you get beaten down, you rise- and rise again- until the last letter, of the last word, of the last chapter of this amazing story.
I'm with you to the end. I will see this through with you, Anon- and there are many more of us where I came from.
Within a metaphorical and ideological context, this is where we're at:
"To stay on the parapet and expose yourself to danger; to rise and fight a thousand miles from home when you’re all alone and outnumbered and probably beaten; to spit on your hands and lower the pike; to hold fast over the body of Leonidas the King; to be rear guard at Kunu-Ri; to stand and be still to the Birkenhead Drill; these are not rational acts. They are often merely necessary."--Jerry Pournelle
I refuse to believe that President Trump (the rightful President) has handed the fate of his family, himself, his loyal Patriots and the Last and Greatest Hope of Mankind to a drooling pedophile. There has to be more to this story than meets the eye.
Are we in the 10 days of darkness? Fuck if I know. Sure as fuck feels dark in here. So harden the fuck up, light a torch and take ONE look all around you at the red eye-shine of predatory swamp creatures staring back. They're waiting for you to stop fighting...because they're hungry. So keep fucking pushing. There are no second place winners in this game of thrones. The winner takes all, and if we're the loser then we'll eventually get put in camps and "re-educated." You are either the apex predator in this ecosystem or you get eaten alive and ingloriously shit out. Do you fully comprehend the consequence of GIVING UP and WALKING AWAY? Are YOU willing to hand over the fate of your families, yourselves and your fellow Patriots to these sick fucks? I didn't think so. Defeat is not an option- this isn't a fucking Nintendo game. Yes, it's hard- hard as fuck. But you can't press the menu button, back out, pop in another disc and go play Animal Crossing...this is a struggle for survival. What hangs in the balance is THOUSANDS of YEARS of struggle on the part of our Ancestors. Their blood, sweat, tears and lives were sacrificed in order to give their descendants (you and me) the chance to not just survive...but prosper. In order to make a better world for their children. America is the realization of that goal- the ideal that they fought for. The prize that they won at the price of their own lives.
Do you realize that America is not just a geographical location? It isn't just a place that you live in, it is a hope and an ideology that lives within YOU. So long as our children carry that ideal in their hearts and it lives within them, America will ALWAYS live. If we go on to lose ANY hope of regaining the cooperation of our Federal Government, we can always relocate en masse and concentrate our numbers within a region of of neighboring States...THEN use absolute majority power to vote for whatever laws we want. In doing so, we can utilize State Laws to say "fuck you" to Federal Laws...the same as California did with weed and illegal immigration. They were allowed to- so why can't we use that strategy too? We can always set up a sort of "Wildlife Preserve" for Patriotic Americans so that at least our children can grow up experiencing OUR way of life- while we prosper and allow Liberal dominated regions to (metaphorically) obliterate their societies/economies with tyranny and taxation. Demographics are Destiny. Our Culture and Way of Life are losing Demographically due to the brainwashing of Liberal cultural indoctrination and the reproductive rates of radical Liberal populations.
What is MOST important is that our breed doesn't go extinct- and that we don't lose ALL hope of surviving as a species. That we continue to reproduce, grow our numbers and keep our kind alive. If we can do that, we can "out-survive" and "out-prosper" ANY failed Liberal Utopia that surrounds our inhabited safe zone. There are SO many ways to approach this puzzle- ways that do not involve the shedding of precious Patriot blood and the ending of bloodlines, nor any lives lost period. Peaceful and strategic solutions that are just waiting to be found. Violence was not the answer is not the answer now...nor will it ever be the answer to our problems. You don't swat a bloodsucking mosquito with a sledgehammer when it lands on your loved ones.
My point is- if you feel hopeless, realize that there are MANY other strategies going forward to ensure that the American Dream and our Patriotic Ideals stay alive. This isn't "the end." It is only the fucking beginning.
As for Q-Group...consider this:
"Done in 30" -posted by Flynn (21 days ago)
If we're in the "10 Days of Darkness," then they are ending 9 days from today. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The time for grieving, stomping your feet and throwing brat fits is over. If you think you've seen this ideological movement through to the end...I've got some bad news for you- you haven't. It's not over yet. Not for another 9 days. Let's see what the next decad interval brings. Yes, "decad" is a word. If the end is not for you, then walk away and move on with your lives. But don't tell yourself that you saw this through to the end- because we aren't there yet. Not yet.
Do you have the courage to see a thing through til the bitter or victorious end- whether you win or whether you lose? Whether you are right or wrong? Whether people ridicule you or admire you? Be strong. I'm willing to hold the fucking line and see this through to the end. If you're willing to face the darkest of nights with me and hold this line in the dying light- against the backdrop of a setting Western sun- I'll be right by your side. If not, I respect your decision and I hope you find peace. But regardless of your choice, don't fucking give up on the American Ideal- not now. Do not allow yourselves to be demoralized. Do not be robbed of hope or faith. Do NOT shame yourself by giving up and conceding defeat when your lives and families are on the line. They're already dehumanizing our ranks by labeling us "terrorists-" what do you think is next for them to do? No matter how many times you get beaten down, you rise- and rise again- until the last letter, of the last word, of the last chapter of this amazing story.
From a metaphorical and ideological position, this is where we're at:
"To stay on the parapet and expose yourself to danger; to rise and fight a thousand miles from home when you’re all alone and outnumbered and probably beaten; to spit on your hands and lower the pike; to hold fast over the body of Leonidas the King; to be rear guard at Kunu-Ri; to stand and be still to the Birkenhead Drill; these are not rational acts. They are often merely necessary."--Jerry Pournelle
Love wins in the End.
Just wanted to say that it was one of the greatest honors of my life to stand along side you, Anon. To serve the interests of our Country and our President- in any capacity- is an incomparable privilege. It hasn't been easy, nor will it ever be- but it was worth every moment. I've been following Q-Group since Day 1 and participating in our long journey across various communication and social media platforms. It has been a life experience that I will never forget. It has taught me that no matter what the odds are, no matter how powerful our opponents appear to be...we are stronger. We haven't just endured through everything that they could possibly throw at us (including the kitchen sink) ...we have flourished. We were only made more powerful by that adversity.
Come what may, I know that Good conquers Evil and Light treads Darkness. We have long since crossed the threshold of no return- don't look back. The world will be a very different place soon. You are living through a series of historic events- an era that will never be forgotten by History. Be strong. Hang in there- look after yourselves and your families. See y'all on the other side.