Need Cameras in the classrooms to stop violence, bullying by teachers and other students, pedophilia, and teaching of CRT and other unwanted material.
Protect or children!!!
I would think that everyone get out to there capital with guns raised and stop these morons from taking anymore action on America. make them afraid to step out even in there hometowns they are destroying this country. need to stop the bleeding, or be slaves forever. Trust in God that we can bring light to a world crying for help in the darkness that has besieged it.
Dear Lord forgive me for being so blind as not see and so deaf to not hear the evil in front of me, The suffering of the ones that needed us most, the children's cries as it fell on death ears. Carried away in my own life not caring about the world around me, Not trying to see the strife of the people around me. I shall never forget ( When your eye's are opened they can never be shut )...
If you look at all of it D.C. is a big prison they are being held tell trials the E.O.s are useless America Inc is no more (America The Beatufull) is here. Really need to do your research, Trump isn't gone just on vacation. all will come out in do time.Fallow the white rabbit you will be amazed on the (dirty little secrets) S.G.1