Take the moral high ground from mask enfarcers and have fun doing it.
Anti-face bias must end!
Is good versus evil an infinite war?
Is this current clean-out of the swamp worldwide a finite war?
If so, then what systems/controls are we (mortals) planning to add to our world after this finite war is won to strengthen our position in the infinite war?
I am fascinated by how communities of faith that have endured persecution have dealt with it.
Amish. Mennonite. Mormon. Hebrew. I may not be using the correct words; my study has scarcely begun.
Anyway it seems these communities DO NOT rely on governments to save them nor do they think that a good life is untenable whilst evil/fearfulness/degeneracy persists.
They seem to focus on those things that they can affect and leave the other stuff to God.
Do you think there are lessons for living well during difficult times? If so what? Thanks.
Mortimer, I bet you that I can penetrate two billion people in two years.
You're on, Randolph. The usual stakes?
But of course (passes Grey Poupon).
Ask a classic lib. Ask a neo lib. Ask whomever.
They can admit diversity only matters for skin tone to them and choice only applies to abortion to them.
If they drone about grandma or the herd or muh variant, ask them to explain the limits to their authoritarian fetish.
Neighbor said "What?"
Other kid chimed in, "Let's go, Brandon."
Neighbor agreed, "Let's go, Brandon."
Are hierarchies mislabelled as systems of racism?
At least least that is what I call them. They deny it but I reassure them. Freedom is challenging AF and requires great courage.
Think of the people who suffered and died to safeguard our freedom, I implore. Think of the people suffering and dying to free themselves WW right now.
This is not D&D. You don't belong to CCP. Or CDC.
Freedom is the key.