SiBear117 4 points ago +4 / -0

They had also been smiling and yukking it up with the others until POTUS & FLOTUS entered the room. They immediately became sullen.

SiBear117 1 point ago +1 / -0

He didn't. Pence leaked to the media that he was going to be the pick.

Bataclan terrorist attack.

Candidate Trump wanted to wait til after the weekend to announce out of respect.

Pence runs to the media.

SiBear117 1 point ago +1 / -0

MANY people have distrusted Pence throughout PDJT's Presidency, myself included.

SiBear117 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hate to spoil the fun but it is because the trolls haven't found the site yet. The _Donald was free and clear of trolls for a long time until the trolls discovered the site.

Now it gets hit with DDOS whenever really huge things hit, doomers, nothing's happening...

Just a matter of time.

SiBear117 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dark days as in targeted EMP strikes? "Dark winter" as well. Prep up on winter survival gear right now.

SiBear117 12 points ago +12 / -0

Not what he stated. He merely said that voting on the same corrupt Dominion machines would lead to the same fraud.

SiBear117 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've never trusted Pence since he leaked that he was going to be VP. He also leaked that Romney was being considered for SOS. He & Reince tried pressuring PDJT to make that happen.

There's been several other questionable actions he's done.

SiBear117 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember the chain of events:

  1. Media pressuring DJT to name a VP.
  2. The Bataclan terrorist happened & DJT said he would wait until after the weekend out of respect.
  3. Pence leaked it to the media that he was going going to be VP.

Pence also went on Hannity's show that night or the following and made the, strange comment that he was ready to be President. That clip has been edited and the comment excised out.

SiBear117 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm BruniForce on Voat. Do people here realize that it was The _Donald's mods who set up .win in foresight prior to getting kicked off of Reddit?

Instead of keeping it just for themselves, they've opened it up to other communities. Pretty ungrateful to attack the host simply because most don't go along with Q. Not all Trump supporters do. Doesn't make them less though. Let it go already.

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