I have COVID. This is my 2nd go-round-the 1st time was a year and a half ago. For the first bout, I had ordered meds from America's Doctor and still have 6 Hydroxychloroquine pills and a few Prednisone 50 mg pills left.

This time, I have respiratory symptoms along with the severe body aches and exhaustion. I am wondering if I can just take the Hydroxxhlroquine, or does this medication need to be combined with Ivermectin in order to be effective? Thanks!


There are massive, and I mean massive, warehouses being built all along the I81 corridor in Maryland & PA, The majority of these, if not all of them, are sitting empty and unrented but more keep getting built! The County Commissioners in Wash Co MD said they couldn't do anything to stop these companies from building and were sued when they tried to stop it. Does anyone know what's going on with all of these empty warehouses?

Question for Planefags ✈️ Planefags ✈️
posted ago by SierraSky ago by SierraSky

We just heard a plane go over our house that sounded like it was close enough to take the roof off! I immediately opened the flight tracker ap on my phone and there were no planes showing in the area. This has happened several times over the last month. Any thoughts on this??


About two weeks ago I posted that my fully vaxed and boosted uncle had been really sick. After going to the ER 2 days ago, he was hospitalized after the CT Scan showed, what they thought was liver cancer. An MRI done last evening showed a "jelly substance" surrounding the liver. The doctors don't have a clue what is going on or what this is, so the plan for today is to do a biopsy and discharge home him while they study it. Has anyone heard of this happening due to the vaccine?


My aunt and uncle are fully vacced and fully boosted by Pfizer; they are die-hard, extremely brain-washed Democrats who won't entertain the idea that the government would have harmed them on purpose. My uncle has been in ill health since starting the vac process and now is progressing to extremely ill. I need some hard proof that Pfizer vacs were dangerous. Googling died suddenly won't work. Is there any hard evidence/research out there that I can show to my aunt?


This may be nothing, but I follow the Washington County MD Fire Call page on Facebook. An alarm went in around 4:00 am this morning for a commerical building fire at 1050B Florida Ave in Hagerstown. When I brought up the address to see exactly where the fire was located, the address was linked to a Tower Hill Corporation and provideded the url as www.towerhill.org. Tower Hill apparently is a private school in Delaware. Why would a Delaware school -which ranks in the top 50 schools in the Country - have a warehouse 146 miles from the school? Just seems strange especially after the Camp Airy Jewish (sleep away camp) in the Thurmont burnt down on June 29.


My granddaughter has COVID and is feeling very ill. What medications are suggested for children? She is 11 but very tiny for her age and is not much bigger than a 6 years old child. She has been running 104 temp off and on, has some congestion and a headache. She told her mom she feels like she is dying. Symptoms just started overnight. Also, requesting prayers for her. Thanks so much!


Does anyone have a list, or a link, to the events that lead to false flags? For example, when the Pentagon announced that billions of dollars were unaccounted for and then 911 happens the next day. What stories got side-lined due to Sandy Hook, the Oklahoma bombing, Columbine, Las Vegas, Virginia Tech, Orlando night club,, Parkland, etc?


I was perfectly fine an hour ago and then my right nostril started feeling tingling followed by a lot of sneezing! Now I am extremely congestive and my throat is starting to get sore. I remember reading something about what to take if you get COVID but I can't recall what was recommended. I am hoping this is just an allergic reaction to something but since I have been in and out of doctor's offices this week and around a co-worker who just recovered from COVID, there's a possibility this may be more than an allergic. Any suggestions as to what I should take in case this would be COVID?


What if Keystone isn't referring to a place but leading us to the term Keystone Pipeline and it's the word "pipeline" we should be looking at?

The definition of Pipeline also mean communication. In every Q post if you replace the word Keystone with Pipeline or Communication this fits. The term pipeline also refers to a type of computer programing.

From Wikipedia: a primarily one-directional pipeline may have some communication in the other direction, known as a return channel or backchannel...

From the Dictionary of Cliches by Christine ArmmerL The word pipeline entered the language in the latter half of the nineteenth century, and by the 1920s the term was used also for a channel of supplies or information.