I'll run the risk of sounding like a broken record, but there's no evidence of bird flu, B.S. PCR tests are being used to detect, lamestream is pushing this narrative, we've been given a warning about January 21 for "something coming down the pipeline" by Peter hotez. This is convid 2.0, stop being gullible and stop peddling this fear porn
There's a reason their movement is referred to as blue anon ...
They're not infected with anything, PCR test are still being used. Either op is ignorant to reality of PCR tests or is being intentionally dishonest.
Well it seems some of y'all are primed and ready to go for the next plandemic. All it takes is some tik tok videos with creepy music playing in the background to get people on board. Winter is called flu season for a reason, somehow most of us held that understanding before the Internet was so prominent. Thank God we have other people to do our thinking for us.
Maybe you're new to all this, but you do understand that they're using PCR tests once again for detection. Are you aware of the PCR test history or have you been living under a rock for the past 4 years?
I've been around for awhile too just by different names. Me and certain mods tend to have a love hate relationship and sorry I'm generally an asshole by nature, but what I say is truth, you can like it or leave it, but I'll do me. There's too much Hysteria being spread and you aren't helping. Honestly it seems like you and a lot of other individuals are new to the community and are either intentionally trying to steer this movement or are generally ignorant. I've taken a sabbatical for the last several months, but there's too much crazy stuff being suggested to take the back seat any longer. You and a lot of other people read a realignment, mentally and spiritually. There's a lot of fucked up things going on, but what some of you people are peddling only discredits q and the movement. Sorry not sorry