How would you guys go about promoting this place(GAW) to those that are anons but not yet currently on this site.

I ask because I notice a decent amount of people on x(and other sites) that have never even heard of this site. They are usually invest in whatever site they are on. We don't wanna pull them from the battlefield completely but it would be awesome to make this place the rally point for Great Awakening. After all it is the public face :)


Heavenly Father, We come before you today with hearts full of gratitude and love as we celebrate Fatherโ€™s Day. First and foremost, we thank you, our Almighty Father, for Your unending love, grace, and guidance. U are the ultimate example of what it means to be a father, showing us compassion, patience, and unwavering support. We are grateful for Your constant presence in our lives, leading us with Your wisdom and filling us with Your peace.

Today, we also give thanks for all the earthly fathers who reflect Your love and care. Bless them abundantly, Lord, for their hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. Strengthen them as they provide for their families, guide them in Your ways, and support them with Your wisdom and grace. Help them to be the role models their children need, showing kindness, integrity, and faithfulness in all they do. We pray for fathers who are struggling, Lord. Comfort them in their challenges, provide for their needs, and surround them with Your love and encouragement. Let them feel Your presence and know that they are not alone.

For those who have lost their fathers or have strained relationships, we ask for Your healing and peace. Fill the void with Your love and grace, and help them to find comfort in Your everlasting arms. May all fathers look to U as their guide and inspiration, and may their lives be a testament to Your goodness and love. We thank U for their presence and influence in our lives, and we ask that you continue to bless and keep them in Your care. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est




Heavenly Father,We come before You with hearts full of gratitude and praise. You are our strength, our refuge, and our ever-present help in times of trouble. We thank You for the incredible gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice on the cross has given us eternal life and victory over sin and death.

Lord, we ask for Your mighty hand to be upon us. Fill us with the power of Your Holy Spirit. Ignite in us a passion for Your Word and a zeal to share Your love with those around us. Help us to stand firm in our faith, unwavering in the face of challenges and trials.

Empower us, Lord, to be bold and courageous, to shine Your light in the darkness, and to be salt in this world. Let us not grow weary in doing good, for we know that in due season we will reap if we do not give up. Strengthen our hearts and minds, and give us the endurance to run the race set before us with perseverance and joy. We declare that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against us in judgment, we shall condemn. We trust in Your promises, knowing that You are faithful to complete the good work You have begun in us.

Father, unite us as Your church, a powerful force for Your kingdom. Let us move forward with confidence, knowing that You are with us every step of the way. Fill us with Your peace, Your joy, and Your love, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Join us Daily for 1min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est


Heavenly Father, We come before U with hearts full of hope and faith, trusting in Ur infinite goodness and mercy. We thank U for the countless blessings U have bestowed upon us, and for the promise of Ur eternal love. We seek Ur guidance and strength as we strive to turn away from our sins and walk in the path of righteousness.

Lord, we confess our shortcomings and ask for Ur forgiveness. Help us to recognize the areas in our lives where we have fallen short, and give us the courage to repent and seek transformation through Ur grace. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and fill us with Ur Holy Spirit, so that we may be renewed and restored.

In all things, we place our hope in U, knowing that U are the source of all that is good. May our lives reflect Ur love and truth, and may we be a testament to Ur redemptive power. As we journey through this life, perfect us in Christ, molding us into His likeness day by day. Grant us the wisdom to discern Ur will and the strength to carry it out, that we may live lives that glorify U. Teach us to love as Christ loved, to serve as He served, and to live in a manner worthy of the calling we have received. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est




Heavenly Father, We come before u with humble hearts, seeking Your grace and mercy for those who oppose us. We pray for our enemies, that they may come to know Your love and truth. Touch their hearts, Lord, and lead them to repentance and a relationship with u. May they experience the transforming power of Your grace and be filled with the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Father, we also pray for unity within Your body, the Church. Help us to come together as one, setting aside our differences and focusing on the mission You have given us. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ with a world in need. May our words and actions reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. Strengthen us, Lord, to be ambassadors of Your kingdom, working together to spread the message of salvation and hope. Let our lives be a testimony of Your grace, drawing others to You. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen.

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est




How does everyone see the Great awakening movement tying into revelation. Personally I see 4 options

  1. we are in Satan's short season, so most has already played out in the past (see jtfollowsjc on x)

  2. trump is the anti Christ and we are all being herded (see Donniedarklend on x)

  3. we are being given a reprieve chance from God. A chance to turn from evil and being his spirit back into the world. So we aren't in revelation yet

  4. revelation is taking place in a way we just can't understand yet and most theological ideas are not correct

I lean towards 4 but 1 and 3 are next options for me with option 2 simply beinf in the back of my mind


Dear Heavenly Father, We come before You with humble hearts, seeking Your guidance and strength. Teach us to pray without ceasing, to stay in constant communion with You, and to make every moment an offering of praise and supplication. Help us to remain steadfast in our prayers, knowing that You hear and answer us according to Your perfect will.

Lord, empower us to spread Your truth in love. Grant us wisdom and discernment as we share Your gospel, that our words may be seasoned with grace and compassion. Let our lives be a reflection of Your truth, drawing others to the light of Your love. As we navigate the journey set before us, give us the courage and determination to carry on until the end. Strengthen our resolve to remain faithful, even in the face of trials and tribulations. Remind us that our hope is in You and that Your promises are steadfast and true. In Jesus Christ glorious name. Amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



๐Ÿ™#FromPrideToPrayer#๐Ÿ™ (media.greatawakening.win) #PRAYERmonth
posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614

Heavenly Father, We come before You with grateful hearts, acknowledging the blessing of friendship that You have bestowed upon us. Thank You for the frens who walk beside us, offering support, love, and encouragement. We recognize that these friendships are a reflection of Your love and a gift from Your hand.

Lord, we pray for the strength to push on until the end, to remain steadfast and faithful in all that we do. Grant us endurance and perseverance in the face of challenges, knowing that You are with us every step of the way. Help us to encourage one another, lifting each other up and reminding each other of Your promises. As we journey through life, unite us as one body in Christ. Help us to come together in love, understanding, and unity, reflecting Your grace and compassion to the world around us. May our actions and words be a testament to Your goodness and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus Christ glorious name Amen



Heavenly Father, We come before You with hearts weighed down by the injustices we see in our world. Lord, You are the God of righteousness and truth, and we place our trust in Your perfect justice. In times of darkness, when hope seems distant and our faith is tested, remind us of Your unwavering presence and the promises You have made. Grant us the strength to hold onto Your truth, even when the path is unclear and the burdens are heavy. Fill us with Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, and help us to remember that You are working all things together for good.

Father, let Your light shine through us in these troubled times. Guide us to be instruments of Your peace and justice, and give us the courage to stand up for what is right. Help us to trust in Your timing and Your ways, knowing that true justice will come through Your hands. We pray for those who are oppressed and suffering, that they may find solace in Your love and strength in Your promises. Use us, Lord, to bring comfort and hope to those in need, reflecting Your compassion and grace.As we wait for Your justice to prevail, keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Renew our spirits daily and deepen our trust in You. May we never lose hope, but always remain steadfast in Your love. Jesus please be with Trump and the whole Trump family. Thank you for giving him he strength and courage to take these slings and arrows. Use this moment as a way to awaken many others to the un justice system seeking to keep us all enslaved. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Heavenly Father We come before You today with grateful hearts, remembering the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We honor their courage, dedication, and selflessness. Lord, we ask for Your comfort and peace for the families and loved ones they left behind. May Your presence be a source of strength and solace to them in their time of grief.

As we enjoy the freedoms secured by their sacrifice, help us to live in a way that honors their legacy. Guide our leaders and all citizens to seek justice, peace, and unity. May we never take for granted the liberties we have been given and strive to be a nation that reflects Your love and righteousness. Bless our veterans and active service members. Protect them, give them courage, and grant them peace. We pray for peace in our world, that the day may come when war is no more, and we can live in harmony as one family under Your care. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us daily for 1 min of prayer 2pm and 8pm est

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