Heavenly Father, On this glorious Easter Day, we come before You with hearts overflowing with joy and gratitude, celebrating the triumphant resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ. In the radiance of this blessed day, we proclaim with all our hearts: "He is risen! He is risen indeed. Lord Jesus, we marvel at the power of Your resurrection, which conquered sin and death once and for all. Through Your victory over the grave, You have offered us the promise of new life and eternal salvation. Today, we rejoice in the truth of Your resurrection and the hope it brings to all who believe in You. As we bask in the light of Your resurrection glory, we are reminded of the boundless depth of Your love for us. You willingly laid down Your life for our sake, bearing the weight of our sins upon the cross, so that we might experience forgiveness, redemption, and everlasting life with You. How great is Your love Lord, that You would suffer and die for us, unworthy though we are.

Lord Jesus, on this Easter Day, we surrender our hearts afresh to You. We acknowledge You as our Lord and Savior, the risen King who reigns forevermore. May our lives be a living testimony to Your resurrection power, as we strive to walk in Your footsteps and live according to Your teachings. Fill us, O Lord, with Your Holy Spirit, that we may love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Empower us to live lives of faith, hope, and love, shining Your light in a world that so desperately needs it.

As we gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ to celebrate Easter, may Your presence be felt among us, filling our hearts with joy and our souls with peace. May our worship be a sweet fragrance rising up to You, as we lift our voices in praise and adoration of Your holy name. Lord Jesus, we thank You for the gift of Easter, for the hope it brings and the promise of new beginnings. May Your resurrection power transform our lives and renew our spirits, now and forevermore. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est

Happy Easter Fren. I love you all so much. HE IS RISEN


Heavenly Father, On this solemn day of Good Friday, we gather before You with hearts heavy yet filled with gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. As we reflect on the agony and suffering He endured on the cross, we are reminded of the depth of Your love for us and the price paid for our redemption. Lord Jesus, we thank You for willingly laying down Your life for us, bearing the weight of our sins upon Your shoulders. In Your suffering, we find comfort knowing that You understand our pain and sorrows, for You have experienced them firsthand. Help us to draw near to You in our moments of sadness and despair, finding solace in Your presence and the promise of Your resurrection.

Yet, even as we mourn the darkness of Good Friday, we cannot help but rejoice in the victory that was won on Easter Sunday. Through Your death and resurrection, You conquered sin and death, offering us the gift of eternal life and reconciliation with God the Father. This is the source of our greatest joy and hope, for Your sacrifice has made a way for us to be reunited with You for all eternity. As we journey through this day of remembrance, may we never lose sight of the magnitude of Your love and the power of Your resurrection. May Your sacrifice inspire us to live lives of love, compassion, and service to others, following in Your footsteps and sharing Your message of hope with the world. Lord, help us to embrace both the sadness and the joy of Good Friday, knowing that through Your sacrifice, we are made whole and set free. May we never cease to marvel at the wonder of Your love and the miracle of Your resurrection. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Dear Jesus

I love you so much. You are my all and I am forever grateful and full of joy that you came into my life. You brought me out from the darkness and Into your light. You loved me at my lowest points even when I didn't love myself. You were here, waiting with open arms, waiting for the prodigal son to return and then welcomed me home like I never left. Words can't even describe the pure joy and peace you fill me with. As I took 10 days away from much of the online stuff, I couldn't help but think of you and all you are doing in this fallen world at this time. I know none of the timing or events are in my control Jesus. I wait for your direction and your will. Show me how I can best serve you. Help you increase in my life and me decrease.

Jesus I am so excited for the future of this Great Awakening and the amazing .win family you have brought together. We are scattered across the 4 corners of earth, yet united in Truth, a desire for Justice and a hope for a better tomorrow that only you can bring. Let this place be a pillar of light for the world. Help guide new faces here so we can all learn and grow in Truth together. Keep us humble and focused on you so we may best carry out the re building of society.

As the world begins the Easter week celebration, help us to keep our focus on the beautiful sacrifice you made for us. Let us the pick up our own crosses so we may see you in deeper ways. We love you so much Jesus and look forward to your return. Until then we desire to know you deeper, be used by you in ways you want and to see others all across the world begin to awaken. Let your Kingdom Come your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven..in Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever.


Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer:2pm and 8pm est


Dear Jesus I love you so much. I constantly am amazed at you and the work you are doing within me. Continue to grow me and make me more like you each day. Jesus today I feel a little overwhelmed. It's hard being patient with the different projects you have put in my heart. I ask that you continue to bless Prayer Garden and Prayer Garden Podcast. If I have moments of wanting to give up, please strengthen me so I can continue onward in you. Send financial blessings so the episodes can continue to grow. Send me people that are willing to share their testimony and let us have Jesus centered discussion that help edify others and spread your light through the work you have done and are doing in us. Keep me humble and show me the best path forward in everything i do.

Jesus thank you for this site as well. It's been such a blessing during these dark times. You have brought together so many awesome, loving people. Bring us to one mind and body so we may best bring light to the world. If any here are feeling down, cast that out and re energize them so we can continue onward towards that better tomorrow you are creating. We love you so much and look forward to the work you are doing. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Ok this one is gonna be a little out there. 😉😎

So we know much of our history has been a lie. We know we don't really truly know what the past holds. Also most of us feel Christ working in this plan. So what is everyone's thoughts on the idea of the millennial reign of Christ already happening. And we are simply in the short season in which Satan reigns. Just waiting on the full coming of Christ.

Revelation says when Satan gets released he somehow tricks the world again. So if there was some previous reign, couldn't satan have already tricked the world into forgetting it.

I know this isn't a theory many follow, nor one many are willing to even entertain. However we are truth seekers here, and we go where ever that leads. So I thought it might be an interesting topic to atleast bring up for discussion. I personally have very mixed views on revelation as a whole. Imo I'm just gonna stick close to Christ and whatever happens happens..I personally believe that when it does go down it won't be something that large groups of people will say...see I told you.

🙏Mapping Project🙏 (media.greatawakening.win) 🌎 WWG1WGAWW 🌍
posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614

Dear Jesus. I love you so much. You are such an awesome, loving, grace filled God. Each day you find new ways to make me filled with wonder and awe. I thank you so much for revealing yourself to me, even though I am broken...a sinner...fallen...you still loved me and put me back together..I look around at the world and feel so blessed to be awake and aware of all that is taking place. Yet I still know you have so much more left to show me. So Jesus I give you my soul+mind+body..it's yours. Use me as you wish. Refine me in your fire each day so I may best do your will. You get all the glory and praise. Help show me how to best witness to those that cross my path. Not just by my words, but by my thoughts and actions. Break the chains of the world and show us how we can come together as one body. Thanks you so much for this site and for Prayer Garden. Your hand is at play in both. We dedicate them both to you in all ways. We humbly wait for your direction. Continue to grow us and shape us and you awaken the world. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



By now it's obvious that the Q plan is a very in depth military op being played out. With many layers and elements. Q said the plan is only fully known by 10 people.

Q had to take into account many different things. From our own military, the enemy, and even us anons. I'm sure much planning went into each part to ensure each was utilized and contained in a way that all the pieces fall together..so with this in mind what is everyone's thoughts on where we fall into the plan. How much did Q include us in things. Did Q simply release the truth and knew anons would eventually do what was needed, or are we more a part of the plan then we might realize?

How do you think Q monitors and ensures us anons are focusing and directed where they need us to be? How would they guide us if for some reason we are looking into the wrong things?

Together through Christ we have endless potential


Heavenly Father, In the journey of life, we seek Your guidance and grace to draw closer to Your Son, Jesus Christ. We come before You with hearts open, yearning to deepen our relationship with Him. Grant us the strength to lean on Jesus in times of joy and sorrow, trusting in His love and mercy to sustain us. Help us to surrender our worries and burdens to Him, knowing that He carries them with compassion and understanding. As we walk alongside Jesus, may we be transformed by His teachings and example. Grant us the wisdom to discern His will and the courage to follow it faithfully. Help us to embody His compassion, humility, and forgiveness in our daily lives.

Lord, instill within us a desire to seek intimacy with you, to know you more deeply and to love you more fully. May our hearts be attuned to your voice, our minds enlightened by yourtruth, and our spirits renewed by your presence. As we strive to emulate Jesus, may His light shine through us, illuminating the path for others to encounter Your boundless love and grace. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer:2pm and 8pm est



Dear Jesus I love you so much. From the moment you came into my heart, my world was forever changed. I seek to know you in deeper ways. I seek to put away myself and replace it with your perfect, true everlasting love and light that beats out all things. Make me new each day. Forgive me for my sins Jesus and allow your grace and mercy to wash me clean. Build me up in ways I can't even imagine. I give you my whole heart, my whole soul, my whole being. Use me for your will. Thank you for this site that has brought together so many awesome people. Show us how we can spread truth to the world and build up a network of light to help bring positive change. Bless this site and Prayer Garden. Humble each of us and make us like children walking with there father. You are our savior, our best friend, our king. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Heavenly Father In moments of weariness and despair, we come before You with hearts heavy and burdened, seeking Your strength and grace to carry on. When the weight of life's struggles seems too much to bear, help us to remember the promise of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who invites us to cast all our cares upon Him.

Lord Jesus, we surrender our hearts to You, knowing that in Your love and mercy, we find refuge and solace. When the journey ahead feels daunting and our spirits grow weary, renew within us a steadfast hope for a better tomorrow. Grant us the courage to persevere, even when the road is steep and the path uncertain. Help us to fix our eyes upon You, the author and perfecter of our faith, trusting that Your plans for us are good and filled with hope.

Fill us with Your peace that surpasses all understanding, guarding our hearts and minds in You. May Your presence be our constant companion, guiding us through the darkest valleys and leading us into the light of Your eternal love. In moments of doubt and despair, remind us that You are the source of our strength and the anchor of our souls. Give us the assurance that with You by our side, we can overcome every obstacle and rise victorious in Your name. Lord, lift our spirits and fill us anew with Your joy and peace. May we find renewed strength in You each day, knowing that You are the source of our hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer:2pm and 8pm est



Heavenly Father In moments of trial and tribulation, we turn to You, the source of our strength and hope. As we navigate through the storms of life, may our faith in You remain steadfast and unwavering, like a beacon guiding us through the darkness. Grant us the wisdom to come together as one body, united in purpose and love, to lift each other up in prayer. Help us to recognize the power of our collective faith, knowing that where two or three are gathered in Your name, You are there in the midst of them.

In the face of adversity, we stand firm against the powers of darkness, knowing that Your light shines brighter and Your love conquers all. Strengthen our resolve to resist evil and to walk in the path of righteousness. May our prayers be a shield against the schemes of the enemy, and may Your divine protection surround us like a fortress. Give us the courage to face challenges with unwavering trust in Your unfailing promises. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Dear Jesus thank you for this beautiful day, thank you for the gift of life and all the beauty that comes with it. You have blessed me beyond belief and I am forever grateful for the love, mercy and grace that you show me. I seek to grow in my relationship with you moment by moment. Help me to not walk in my own will but to lean on you on all I do. If I get discouraged please renew my heart so I can see all things work in your time and for your good. Continue to bring your body together..cast out our ego, worry and doubt so we can be made new in you. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer:2pm and 8pm est



Section 1: The Vision

The Prayer Garden was envisioned by Ryan Slechta in April 2021 after God impressed upon his heart to create a safe Christian place for Christian members of Communities.win, now Scored, to gather. God brought together a solid core team of people from all over the United States and even one from Germany to create the Prayer Garden. From its humble beginnings, the Prayer Garden reached 500 members by October 2021 but its original home on Discord was deleted due to violating Discord’s policy on “vaccine misinformation,” despite only giving information on religious exemptions. The group, shattered, moved to Guilded, where they accumulated over 100 members in 3 months before stepping out in faith and moving back to Discord. The Prayer Garden now has over 200 members again with a solid core of around 50 representing 25 US states, 2 Canadian provinces, and at least 6 nations around the world.

Our Vision is to conquer the world through Prayer. We aim to establish dedicated prayer teams in every church we can to pray for personal, local, national, and global issues. We are non-political and we will not attempt to influence or guide any church, except perhaps in and through prayer to the Almighty.

Our primary goal is to connect the global church, the sum of the Body of Christ, through prayer, fellowship, and oneness. Our goal is not to influence doctrine or politics. We are a grassroots movement of prayer warriors that seek only good and holy things. God needs a worldwide army of prayer warriors and churches that seek to do His will and perform His calling. God needs an army that will harvest the fields that are ripe with the harvest of billions. Our mission is to establish prayer teams in every nation and church to call upon His Name and spark a worldwide revival through the millions of prayers uplifted.

Our secondary goal is to raise up a newer and younger generation of church leaders. We, the newest generations, grew up online, and many Christian teens, no matter how solidly grounded, were led astray by the world. That is why the Prayer Garden was founded, to draw them back to Christ using a common medium and an edifying mission. As the generation of great men of God fades into obituaries, a new generation must rise to bear the torch and lift His Name on High!

These goals serve only to praise, uplift, and magnify the name of Jesus. From the impossible comes a miracle when God is involved. Thus, from our unlikely beginnings and disjointed formative period, we have faith that Christ will bless us and bless the world through our prayers and love. Our vision is that of the Early Church. Establish Christ’s Divine Truth in every place, evangelize those who do not know Christ as their personal savior, and prepare the Earth as a bride does for their groom when Christ returns for the Second Coming. In doing so, we will defeat Satan every step of the way, for we are backed by the One who created all and orchestrates all for His Glory!

What is our mission, then? We have 7 tasks God gave us.

1)Bring together churches and youth groups using online media like Discord(for now)and communities.win.

2)Promote and gather together Christian businesses.

3)Make a worldwide network of congregations to form a Church that can stand in the End Times (which we are rapidly entering), and harvest the fields for Christ.

4)Produce and release Christian content, such as flyers, tracts, memes, and books.

5)Find and partner with existing Christian ministries that are active in the battlegrounds of film production, politics, and social work in order to support and uplift them and the ministry.

6)Bring Christians together from all walks to life to share testimonies and prayers, to bring fellowship back into the Body of Christ.

7)Utilize internet technology to create a global network for Christ.

Our original mission statement

The Church has strayed far from the path Christ directed it towards when He ascended to heaven. We went from well-connected and interconnected churches to disparate denominations and inter-church fighting over doctrine and dogma. Now, more than ever, it has become apparent that the church must begin to take a more active role in the culture and society. Not just in the United States, but worldwide.

We are directed to be the Salt and Light of the world, to defend the faith against satanic-occupied bastions. We have the word which is like a two edge sword. We have been given a shield, which is faith. We have been given all the armor and weapons we need to vanquish Satan, but we became complacent.

This is largely due to our decadent and free lifestyle. Our freedoms are guaranteed, right? Right? Not anymore! While the Church mired in doctrinal and dogmatic battles, they were slowly restricted by the worldly doctrine of separation of church and state. This neutered the Church's options to be politically active, and has resulted in the systematic destruction of our heritage and values. When Christians aren't fighting, the devil can just walk in and occupy.

This needs to end. The internet has given us a powerful tool to transcend denominational boundaries and strengthen the bulwarks against the enemy, so we can push back out and retake the world for Christ! We are not restricted anymore by distance from like-believing churches. We can connect, instantly, over the internet.

Discord, Scored, and other platforms are highly useful and applicable for connecting Churches because they cater to the newest generations and can be easily learned. Pastors and youth alike can easily join and share their testimonies with a worldwide network of Believers. Prayer requests can be submitted and instantly, congregations all over the world can pray together about it. If two people gathered in the name of Jesus can affect the world, how much more so can millions?

Let us escape the stresses of the world and come together as children of God, and enter the Garden to pray. Pray for our lives, pray for our jobs, our kids, our communities, and our world. Pray for our soldiers and politicians. Pray for our farmers and doctors. Pray for our friends and our enemies. Pray and watch for the impending coming of Christ. Our work is far from over. The fields are overwhelmingly white with the ripest harvest of souls we can imagine. We must engage the enemy and drive them out! Drive them out of our churches, our schools, our government buildings! Drive Satan’s minions out of the Earth and back to Hell where they belong!

Section 2: Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all things visible and invisible. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us His creation and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in the In-erring, Immutable, and Timeless Word, which was written by holy men under the Holy Spirit’s command, the words of which are eternally true and the basis for all morality, ethics, scruples, and standards. We believe in one, holy, universal and apostolic Church. We confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and we look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Section 3: Prayer Teams

Ideally, local church prayer teams consist of 5-10 dedicated prayer warriors that meet at least twice a month in a prayer meeting. These prayer meetings will be ideal avenues for the Unlimited Authority and Power of God to invade Earth and release blessing, healing, and prosperity.

Prayer teams will have a designated Prayer Team Lead, who can be the Seed Planter, but we prefer the church’s designated prayer leader if they have one. All other members will be considered Prayer Warriors. At the moment, we communicate using various forms of social media, including Discord and Scored/Communities.win, and the members of the prayer team will be requested to have some sort of presence in at least one of our online hubs.

Prayer Team Leads communicate prayer requests to whoever is immediately up the hierarchy, whether that is a County, Metro, or State Coordinator. Prayer requests may be published daily in the Prayer Garden’s many prayer request channels for global prayer teams to intercede and war against Satan.

Ideally, a prayer team is mainly composed of young adults that are “on fire for the Lord.” This demographic is best because they understand modern society, culture, and trends, and can better pray for global healing and take the battle directly to the gates of Hell to keep Satan out of Earth!

Section 4: Local Church Network

As believers, we believe in the primacy of the local church as a member of the Body of Christ, that being the worldwide, apostolic, and holy Church that Christ’s Apostles and Disciples established. Churches that have been for whatever reason corrupted by the influences of the Satan-dominated (until now) world must be guided back into the Kingdom of God. There is no reason why any Christian or any Christian church claiming to follow Christ should be errant regarding the doctrines, truths, and declarations of the Living Word of the Bible. The Bible, specifically the Grace manifested and freely bestowed by Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, is the final answer to all questions of morality, ethics, and living standards, and is never contradictory or erroneous.

We no longer live under a Covenant of Law. We now live under a Covenant of Grace. The modern Church should therefore not operate under the Law, or under any law of mankind that contradicts the Bible, blasphemes or mocks God, or attempts to ban God. Compromise towards man is blasphemy towards God.

That being established by numerous scriptures, the Local Church Network (LCN) is the network of prayer teams in local churches of a town, city, suburb, or other locality. The LCN will be the main source of unity early on, as churches learn to work together through united prayer on God’s Big Projects across denominational divides.

The local churches are not required to adhere to our specific statement of faith, as many denominations have differing doctrines. We are open and loving, however, as Christ commands us. Our statement of faith is God-given and defines the goals of the Prayer Garden. However, the local churches are expecting to embody Christ in their local community, and, when taken as a whole, embody Christ in wider scales including worldwide. The Christ Church, established in the Upper Room, certainly continues to this day, worldwide, and it is time the local churches stopped being isolated and started realizing the infinite freedom when Christians work, pray, and harvest together.

Section 5: Bigger than Ourselves

God has commanded us to do things we cannot do ourselves or even as a group. Things that only God can do. When you are impressed to do something and you know you can’t do it yourself, that means God wants to bring glory to Himself through you. For the Prayer Garden, that mission is uniting the Church in a macroscopic network, one that covers the world in a web of prayer and faith.

In order to organize such a monumental task, we have been led by the Holy Spirit to establish a hierarchy to smoothly delegate responsibility from local churches, to the county/municipality or metropolitan area, to the state or province, to the region (in some countries), to the nation, and finally to the world. The generalized tiers are thus as follows:

Prayer Garden Network Leaders

National Coordinators

Region Coordinators (some countries)

First-level administrative region (State, Province, Oblastc etc)

Second-level administrative region (County,

Municipality, Metropolitan Area, etc)

Local Church Network

Local Church

There is no progression-based movement here. As an example, if the Lord directs a prayer team leader to grow from leading a single prayer group to leading a county or metro network (potentially hundreds of prayer groups), and the elders and peers (including their spouse) come in agreement, they will be elevated to that position since God ordained it for such a time as the present harvest.

Of course, whoever is elevated to “the next level” will still lead or participate in their church prayer team. This will be the case even on a national level. Thus, some churches may become influential simply by God elevating their members to a higher responsibility in the world. These churches won’t be the face of the various divisions of the Prayer Garden Network, and certainly there will be many denominations represented as one moves upward.

The coordinators of the 5th-tier networks will together pray and select 7 members of connected churches who adhere the most closely to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (KJV given):

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. This will be repeated by the 4-tier leaders in their turn in regards to selecting leaders for regional or national coordination positions.

More to come.. part 2 out soon.


Heavenly Father We come before you seeking the peace that surpasses all understanding, which can only be found in Christ Jesus. As we embark on this journey of faith, help us to let go of our old selves...the doubts, fears, and insecurities that bind us...and to step boldly into the purpose you have ordained for us. Grant us the courage to surrender our will to yours, trusting that your plans for us are good and perfect. Help us to cast off the old garments of sin and self-doubt, and to put on the new self, created to be like you in true righteousness and holiness.

Fill our hearts with your peace, knowing that in Christ, we are made new and have been given a purpose beyond ourselves. Guide our steps as we seek to walk in obedience to your will, and may our lives be a testimony to your grace and mercy. Empower us with your Spirit, that we may be bold ambassadors of your love and truth in a world that desperately needs to know you. Use us, Lord, to bring light to the darkness and hope to the hopeless, as we walk in the footsteps of our Savior. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Heavenly Father, In times of trial and tribulation, we come before you seeking strength and guidance. Grant us the courage to carry on amidst the storms that surround us, knowing that you are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Teach us to trust in your unfailing love and wisdom, even when our faith is tested and our hearts are heavy. May we find solace in your promises, knowing that you work all things together for the good of those who love you.

As members of the body of Christ, bind us together in unity and love. Help us to support and uplift one another, bearing each other's burdens and sharing in each other's joys. May we be a beacon of hope and light to those who are lost and weary. Give us the grace to persevere, knowing that through you, all things are possible. Strengthen our faith, deepen our trust, and guide us in your ways Lord. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Heavenly Father, We come before you with humble hearts, seeking strength and guidance as we journey onward in faith. Grant us the courage to press on, fixing our eyes upon Christ, our source of hope and salvation. As we walk this path, we lift up those who are lost, wandering in darkness without knowing Your love. May Your light shine brightly upon them, drawing them closer to You, that they may find peace and redemption in Your embrace.

In times of doubt and despair, remind us Lord that You are our steadfast anchor, our rock in the storm. With each step we take, may we cling to Your promises, knowing that You hold the key to a better tomorrow.Fill our hearts with compassion for those who are hurting, and empower us to be beacons of Your love in a world that so desperately needs it. Grant us the wisdom to speak words of encouragement and truth, pointing others to the eternal hope found only in You. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est


Dear Heavenly Father, We come before You with hearts filled with hope, trusting in the promises of things to come. In the midst of uncertainty, we surrender all our fears, worries, and dreams into the loving hands of Jesus. Grant us the strength to release our burdens and to place our trust wholly in You. May Your grace illuminate our path, guiding us through the darkest valleys and the brightest peaks.

As we gather in the name of Jesus, unite us in love, compassion, and understanding. Let His light shine through us, binding us together as one body, one faith, and one family. In times of joy, may we celebrate together, giving thanks for Your abundant blessings. In times of trial, may we lift each other up, knowing that through Christ, all things are possible. Lord, as we journey forward, help us to keep our eyes fixed on the eternal hope that lies ahead. May our lives be a testament to Your unfailing love and grace, shining brightly for all to see. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Heavenly Father, We come before you with hearts full of hope, seeking your blessings upon our communities. In times of challenge and triumph, may your light guide us, illuminating the path ahead. Grant us the strength to persevere, to uplift one another, and to embody the love and compassion you have shown us. May our communities be beacons of faith, hope, and unity, shining brightly in the darkest of times.

As we journey together, grant us the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to follow where you lead. Help us to support and encourage one another, lifting each other up in prayer and action. May our efforts be blessed with success, not for our own glory, but for the greater good of all. May our communities thrive, reflecting your grace and mercy to the world. In times of doubt, remind us of your promises and reassure us of your presence. Help us to trust in your plan, knowing that you are always with us, guiding and sustaining us. With grateful hearts, we offer our prayers, trusting in your unfailing love and abundant blessings. May we continue to carry the light of hope wherever we go, shining brightly for all to see. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Heavenly Father, We come before you with hearts filled with gratitude, Thankful for the gift of loving friends, whose presence sustains us, Whose care uplifts us, and whose love reflects your own. In their companionship, we see the light of your grace, A reminder of your unwavering love that surrounds us always, We give thanks for the bonds of friendship that strengthen us, And for the joy they bring into our lives.

Lord, in times of uncertainty, grant us hope for the future, Guide our steps as we journey through life's winding paths, May we never lose sight of your promises, And may hope be our anchor in the stormy seas.Teach us the power of prayer, O Lord, Help us to approach you with open hearts and minds, To seek your guidance, comfort, and strength in times of need, And to trust in your perfect timing and wisdom. As we lift our voices in prayer, may we find solace in your presence, And may our faith be deepened as we commune with you. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Dear Jesus I love you so much. From the moment you came into my heart, my world was forever changed. I seek to know you in deeper ways. I seek to put away myself and replace it with your perfect, true everlasting love and light that beats out all things. Make me new each day. Forgive me for my sins Jesus and allow your grace and mercy to wash me clean. Build me up in ways I can't even imagine. I give you my whole heart, my whole soul, my whole being. Use me for your will. Thank you for this site that has brought together so many awesome people. Show us how we can spread truth to the world and build up a network of light to help bring positive change. Bless this site and Prayer Garden. Humble each of us and make us like children walking with there father. You are our savior, our best friend, our king. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Sorry for ugly formatting. Will work on that in near future.We are attempting to bring churches into this beautiful movement. Together through Christ we have endless potential

Section 1: The Vision

    The Prayer Garden was envisioned by Ryan Slechta in April 2021 after God impressed upon his heart to create a safe Christian place for Christian members of Communities.win, now Scored, to gather. God brought together a solid core team of people from all over the United States and even one from Germany to create the Prayer Garden. From its humble beginnings, the Prayer Garden reached 500 members by October 2021 but its original home on Discord was deleted due to violating Discord’s policy on “vaccine misinformation,” despite only giving information on religious exemptions. The group, shattered, moved to Guilded, where they accumulated over 100 members in 3 months before stepping out in faith and moving back to Discord. The Prayer Garden now has over 200 members again with a solid core of around 50 representing 25 US states, 2 Canadian provinces, and at least 6 nations around the world.

    Our Vision is to conquer the world through Prayer. We aim to establish dedicated prayer teams in every church we can to pray for personal, local, national, and global issues. We are non-political and we will not attempt to influence or guide any church, except perhaps in and through prayer to the Almighty.

Our primary goal is to connect the global church, the sum of the Body of Christ, through prayer, fellowship, and oneness. Our goal is not to influence doctrine or politics. We are a grassroots movement of prayer warriors that seek only good and holy things. God needs a worldwide army of prayer warriors and churches that seek to do His will and perform His calling. God needs an army that will harvest the fields that are ripe with the harvest of billions. Our mission is to establish prayer teams in every nation and church to call upon His Name and spark a worldwide revival through the millions of prayers uplifted.

    Our secondary goal is to raise up a newer and younger generation of church leaders. We, the newest generations, grew up online, and many Christian teens, no matter how solidly grounded, were led astray by the world. That is why the Prayer Garden was founded, to draw them back to Christ using a common medium and an edifying mission. As the generation of great men of God fades into obituaries, a new generation must rise to bear the torch and lift His Name on High!

    These goals serve only to praise, uplift, and magnify the name of Jesus. From the impossible comes a miracle when God is involved. Thus, from our unlikely beginnings and disjointed formative period, we have faith that Christ will bless us and bless the world through our prayers and love. Our vision is that of the Early Church. Establish Christ’s Divine Truth in every place, evangelize those who do not know Christ as their personal savior, and prepare the Earth as a bride does for their groom when Christ returns for the Second Coming. In doing so, we will defeat Satan every step of the way, for we are backed by the One who created all and orchestrates all for His Glory!

What is our mission, then? We have 7 tasks God gave us.

Bring together churches and youth groups using online media like Discord(for now)and communities.win. Promote and gather together Christian businesses. Make a worldwide network of congregations to form a Church that can stand in the End Times (which we are rapidly entering), and harvest the fields for Christ. Produce and release Christian content, such as flyers, tracts, memes, and books. Find and partner with existing Christian ministries that are active in the battlegrounds of film production, politics, and social work in order to support and uplift them and the ministry. Bring Christians together from all walks to life to share testimonies and prayers, to bring fellowship back into the Body of Christ. Utilize internet technology to create a global network for Christ.

Our original mission statement

The Church has strayed far from the path Christ directed it towards when He ascended to heaven. We went from well-connected and interconnected churches to disparate denominations and inter-church fighting over doctrine and dogma. Now, more than ever, it has become apparent that the church must begin to take a more active role in the culture and society. Not just in the United States, but worldwide.

We are directed to be the Salt and Light of the world, to defend the faith against satanic-occupied bastions. We have the word which is like a two edge sword. We have been given a shield, which is faith. We have been given all the armor and weapons we need to vanquish Satan, but we became complacent.

This is largely due to our decadent and free lifestyle. Our freedoms are guaranteed, right? Right? Not anymore! While the Church mired in doctrinal and dogmatic battles, they were slowly restricted by the worldly doctrine of separation of church and state. This neutered the Church's options to be politically active, and has resulted in the systematic destruction of our heritage and values. When Christians aren't fighting, the devil can just walk in and occupy.

This needs to end. The internet has given us a powerful tool to transcend denominational boundaries and strengthen the bulwarks against the enemy, so we can push back out and retake the world for Christ! We are not restricted anymore by distance from like-believing churches. We can connect, instantly, over the internet.

Discord, Scored, and other platforms are highly useful and applicable for connecting Churches because they cater to the newest generations and can be easily learned. Pastors and youth alike can easily join and share their testimonies with a worldwide network of Believers. Prayer requests can be submitted and instantly, congregations all over the world can pray together about it. If two people gathered in the name of Jesus can affect the world, how much more so can millions?

Let us escape the stresses of the world and come together as children of God, and enter the Garden to pray. Pray for our lives, pray for our jobs, our kids, our communities, and our world. Pray for our soldiers and politicians. Pray for our farmers and doctors. Pray for our friends and our enemies. Pray and watch for the impending coming of Christ. Our work is far from over. The fields are overwhelmingly white with the ripest harvest of souls we can imagine. We must engage the enemy and drive them out! Drive them out of our churches, our schools, our government buildings! Drive Satan’s minions out of the Earth and back to Hell where they belong!

Section 2: Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all things visible and invisible. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us His creation and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in the In-erring, Immutable, and Timeless Word, which was written by holy men under the Holy Spirit’s command, the words of which are eternally true and the basis for all morality, ethics, scruples, and standards. We believe in one, holy, universal and apostolic Church. We confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and we look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Section 3: Prayer Teams

Ideally, local church prayer teams consist of 5-10 dedicated prayer warriors that meet at least twice a month in a prayer meeting. These prayer meetings will be ideal avenues for the Unlimited Authority and Power of God to invade Earth and release blessing, healing, and prosperity.

    Prayer teams will have a designated Prayer Team Lead, who can be the Seed Planter, but we prefer the church’s designated prayer leader if they have one. All other members will be considered Prayer Warriors. At the moment, we communicate using various forms of social media, including Discord and Scored/Communities.win, and the members of the prayer team will be requested to have some sort of presence in at least one of our online hubs.

    Prayer Team Leads communicate prayer requests to whoever is immediately up the hierarchy, whether that is a County, Metro, or State Coordinator. Prayer requests may be published daily in the Prayer Garden’s many prayer request channels for global prayer teams to intercede and war against Satan.

    Ideally, a prayer team is mainly composed of young adults that are “on fire for the Lord.” This demographic is best because they understand modern society, culture, and trends, and can better pray for global healing and take the battle directly to the gates of Hell to keep Satan out of Earth!

Section 4: Local Church Network

As believers, we believe in the primacy of the local church as a member of the Body of Christ, that being the worldwide, apostolic, and holy Church that Christ’s Apostles and Disciples established. Churches that have been for whatever reason corrupted by the influences of the Satan-dominated (until now) world must be guided back into the Kingdom of God. There is no reason why any Christian or any Christian church claiming to follow Christ should be errant regarding the doctrines, truths, and declarations of the Living Word of the Bible. The Bible, specifically the Grace manifested and freely bestowed by Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, is the final answer to all questions of morality, ethics, and living standards, and is never contradictory or erroneous.

We no longer live under a Covenant of Law. We now live under a Covenant of Grace. The modern Church should therefore not operate under the Law, or under any law of mankind that contradicts the Bible, blasphemes or mocks God, or attempts to ban God. Compromise towards man is blasphemy towards God.

That being established by numerous scriptures, the Local Church Network (LCN) is the network of prayer teams in local churches of a town, city, suburb, or other locality. The LCN will be the main source of unity early on, as churches learn to work together through united prayer on God’s Big Projects across denominational divides.

The local churches are not required to adhere to our specific statement of faith, as many denominations have differing doctrines. We are open and loving, however, as Christ commands us. Our statement of faith is God-given and defines the goals of the Prayer Garden. However, the local churches are expecting to embody Christ in their local community, and, when taken as a whole, embody Christ in wider scales including worldwide. The Christ Church, established in the Upper Room, certainly continues to this day, worldwide, and it is time the local churches stopped being isolated and started realizing the infinite freedom when Christians work, pray, and harvest together.

Section 5: Bigger than Ourselves

    God has commanded us to do things we cannot do ourselves or even as a group. Things that only God can do. When you are impressed to do something and you know you can’t do it yourself, that means God wants to bring glory to Himself through you. For the Prayer Garden, that mission is uniting the Church in a macroscopic network, one that covers the world in a web of prayer and faith.

    In order to organize such a monumental task, we have been led by the Holy Spirit to establish a hierarchy to smoothly delegate responsibility from local churches, to the county/municipality or metropolitan area, to the state or province, to the region (in some countries), to the nation, and finally to the world. The generalized tiers are thus as follows:

Prayer Garden Network Leaders

National Coordinators

Region Coordinators (some countries)

First-level administrative region (State, Province, Oblastc etc)

Second-level administrative region (County,

Municipality, Metropolitan Area, etc)

Local Church Network

Local Church

There is no progression-based movement here. As an example, if the Lord directs a prayer team leader to grow from leading a single prayer group to leading a county or metro network (potentially hundreds of prayer groups), and the elders and peers (including their spouse) come in agreement, they will be elevated to that position since God ordained it for such a time as the present harvest.

    Of course, whoever is elevated to “the next level” will still lead or participate in their church prayer team. This will be the case even on a national level. Thus, some churches may become influential simply by God elevating their members to a higher responsibility in the world. These churches won’t be the face of the various divisions of the Prayer Garden Network, and certainly there will be many denominations represented as one moves upward.

The coordinators of the 5th-tier networks will together pray and select 7 members of connected churches who adhere the most closely to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (KJV given):

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. This will be repeated by the 4-tier leaders in their turn in regards to selecting leaders for regional or national coordination positions.


Dear Heavenly Father, We gather before You, united as Your diverse body, seeking Your guidance and grace. Help us set aside differences and embrace the love that binds us together. Grant us wisdom to navigate disagreements with humility and understanding. In the face of spiritual battles, equip us with Your armor, empowering us to stand firm against the schemes of darkness. May our unity be a testimony to Your strength, and may our prayers be a powerful force in the spiritual realm. Fill our hearts with hope for a better tomorrow, knowing that Your promises endure. May our collective faith inspire change, and may Your light shine through us as a beacon of love, unity, and unwavering trust in Your divine plan. In Jesus glorious name we pray Amen.

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est

Love you all. I am here if anyone needs prayer


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