A 10 Step Guide to opposing the Cabal:

  1. Un-learning and Re-learning: Open your mind to new perspectives and challenge your existing beliefs and knowledge. This can help you understand the cabal's operations better and devise effective strategies against them.

  2. Divest from Establishment Causes: Remove your retirement funds from organizations like Blackrock and other similar entities. This can reduce the financial power of the cabal.

  3. Avoid Funding Communist Corporations: Divest from corporations that support or are controlled by the cabal. This can weaken their financial base.

  4. Refuse Poisoned Food and Media: Avoid consuming products and media that are harmful to your health and promote the cabal's agenda. This can include genetically modified foods and biased media.

  5. Stop Volunteering to Pay Taxes: While this is a more radical step, it can be effective in reducing the cabal's resources. However, it's important to consider the legal implications of such actions.

  6. Spread Awareness: Use social media and other platforms to share information about the cabal and its operations. This can help others understand the situation and potentially join the resistance.

  7. Organize and Mobilize: Form or join groups that are dedicated to opposing the cabal. This can provide a platform for collective action and resistance.

  8. Engage in Civil Disobedience: If necessary, participate in peaceful protests and other forms of civil disobedience to challenge the cabal's authority.

  9. Support Independent Media: Support and promote independent media outlets that provide unbiased news and information. This can help counter the cabal's control over the mainstream media.

  10. Stay Informed: Continuously seek out new information and stay updated on the cabal's activities. This can help you adapt your strategies and actions accordingly.

Be sure to check out Stav888 and subscribe He is doing alot of amazing stuff https://x.com/STAV_888/status/1793400322653868159


It's always a good idea to approach subjects with an open mind and a willingness to question and verify information.

Select a Topic: Choose a subject that you're interested in exploring. It could be a historical event, a scientific theory, a cultural phenomenon, or any other topic that piques your curiosity.

Research the Topic: Begin by gathering information from various sources. This might include books, articles, documentaries, and interviews. Be sure to use a variety of sources to get a well-rounded perspective.

Valuate the Sources: As you gather information, evaluate the credibility of your sources. Consider factors such as the author's expertise, the publication's reputation, and the date of publication. Be particularly cautious with sources that present information as absolute truth without providing evidence or acknowledging alternative viewpoints. Identify Inconsistencies and Contradictions: As you compare and contrast information from different sources, you may start to notice inconsistencies and contradictions. These can be valuable clues that help you dig deeper into the topic and uncover new information.

Seek Out Primary Sources: Whenever possible, try to find and analyze primary sources, such as original documents, photographs, or artifacts. These can provide valuable insights and help you verify or challenge the information you've gathered from secondary sources.

Engage in Critical Thinking: As you evaluate the information you've gathered, engage in critical thinking. This means questioning assumptions, considering alternative explanations, and looking for evidence to support or refute different claims.

Collaborate and Share: Connect with others who are interested in the same topic or similar projects. Share your findings, discuss your ideas, and learn from each other. This can help you gain new perspectives and uncover new information.

I encourage everyone to follow STAV888 on x. He does some great digs. We are slowly working on getting a team together that can help create maps like he is doing.



Heavenly Father, We come before You with humble hearts, grateful for Your boundless love and mercy. Thank You for the gift of life and the many blessings You bestow upon us each day. Lord, guide us in our walk with You, that we may grow in faith, hope, and love. Forgive us for our sins and shortcomings, and help us to extend forgiveness to others. Grant us the strength to face challenges with courage and to trust in Your divine plan for our lives.

Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may be instruments of Your peace and bear witness to Your truth. May our actions reflect Your grace and compassion, bringing light to those in darkness. We lift up our prayers for those in need, the sick, the lonely, and the oppressed. Comfort them with Your presence and provide for their needs according to Your will. Continue to bless this site and grow it as a lighthouse for the world. In the glorious name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est




Heavenly Father, We come before You with hearts full of gratitude and praise. We thank You for the countless blessings You have bestowed upon us, for Your unwavering love, and for the grace that sustains us each day. Your mercy is new every morning, and Your faithfulness endures forever. Lord, we seek Your guidance in all that we do. Lead us on the path of righteousness and help us to walk in Your ways. Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will and the strength to follow it, even when the road is difficult. May Your Holy Spirit fill us, guiding our thoughts, words, and actions.

We lift up to You our worries and burdens, knowing that You care for us deeply. Comfort those who are hurting, provide for those in need, and bring peace to troubled hearts. Help us to be instruments of Your love and compassion, reaching out to others with kindness and generosity. Forgive us for our sins, Lord, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Renew our hearts and minds, that we may live lives that are pleasing to You. Teach us to love as You love, to serve as You serve, and to forgive as You forgive.

We pray for our families, our friends, and our communities. Surround them with Your protection, bless them with Your provision, and fill them with Your peace. May Your presence be evident in their lives, and may they come to know the depth of Your love. In all things, we trust in Your perfect plan and timing. Strengthen our faith and help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. May our lives bring glory to Your name. In the glorious name of Jesus Christ we pray Amen.

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer 2pm and 8pm est


Dear Heavenly Father, We gather as a family in Christ, bound by faith, hope, and love. Grant us the strength to walk in faith, trusting Your divine plan for our lives. May our hope be anchored in Your promises, knowing that through challenges and triumphs, You are with us. Let the flame of hope burn brightly in our hearts, lighting the path ahead. Fill our hearts with Your boundless love, teaching us to love one another as You have loved us. May our family in Christ be a testament to the transformative power of Your love. In moments of joy, may we be grateful; in times of trial, may we find solace in Your presence. Guide us, Lord, as we journey together in faith, hope, and love, for we are united as one family in Christ. In Jesus Christ glorious name Amen.

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Dear Jesus. I love you so much. Thank you for the many blessings in my life. Life, family, food, shelter, my church, frens, animals. You never cease to amaze me in the work you do both in my life and the world. Continue to build up this movement. When we fall, please pick us up, redirect us to the right path so we can carry on in your spirit. Forgive us for us sins, oh how we so often fall short. Yet your grace is enough. Cast out all worries and help us remain mission focused. Give each of us a purpose in this beautiful movie playing out. We love you Jesus. Amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Dear Jesus, when life gets tough and things seem dark, give us the eyes to see the good hidden in the challenges. Help our faith stay strong so we don't lose hope, knowing You're right there with us until the very end. Jesus, we want to give You thanks for all the good in our lives. Help us remember Your love in both the good times and the hard ones. Guide us, Lord, and may our journey be a testament to Your grace. Continue to build up this site and all the people here. Bring us to one mind in Jesus. We are so grateful to be awake during these dark times. Use us as you see fit. Help us to remain mission focus with humble hearts. In Jesus Christ glorious name Amen.

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est


Heavenly Father, We come before You with grateful hearts on this blessed day of Pentecost. We thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, sent to guide, empower, and comfort us. Just as the disciples were filled with Your Spirit and spoke with boldness and clarity, we pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit upon us today. Lord, ignite in us the fire of Your love. May Your Spirit transform our hearts and minds, filling us with wisdom, courage, and compassion. Help us to be bold witnesses of Your Gospel, spreading Your message of hope and salvation to all corners of the earth.

As we celebrate the birth of the Church, unite us in Your love. Break down the walls that divide us, and make us one in purpose, one in mission, and one in love. Let Your Spirit of peace dwell richly within us, guiding our steps and inspiring our actions. We pray for a renewal of faith within Your Church. Strengthen our leaders, empower our communities, and fill us all with the joy and enthusiasm that comes from knowing and serving You. May our lives reflect Your glory, and may we always be instruments of Your grace and mercy. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in us the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. In the glorious name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est

Sorry for my time away. God had me focusing on building my local network up. Please keep me in your Prayers. Love you all so much. Excited for what's to come


Heavenly Father, On this glorious Easter Day, we come before You with hearts overflowing with joy and gratitude, celebrating the triumphant resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ. In the radiance of this blessed day, we proclaim with all our hearts: "He is risen! He is risen indeed. Lord Jesus, we marvel at the power of Your resurrection, which conquered sin and death once and for all. Through Your victory over the grave, You have offered us the promise of new life and eternal salvation. Today, we rejoice in the truth of Your resurrection and the hope it brings to all who believe in You. As we bask in the light of Your resurrection glory, we are reminded of the boundless depth of Your love for us. You willingly laid down Your life for our sake, bearing the weight of our sins upon the cross, so that we might experience forgiveness, redemption, and everlasting life with You. How great is Your love Lord, that You would suffer and die for us, unworthy though we are.

Lord Jesus, on this Easter Day, we surrender our hearts afresh to You. We acknowledge You as our Lord and Savior, the risen King who reigns forevermore. May our lives be a living testimony to Your resurrection power, as we strive to walk in Your footsteps and live according to Your teachings. Fill us, O Lord, with Your Holy Spirit, that we may love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Empower us to live lives of faith, hope, and love, shining Your light in a world that so desperately needs it.

As we gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ to celebrate Easter, may Your presence be felt among us, filling our hearts with joy and our souls with peace. May our worship be a sweet fragrance rising up to You, as we lift our voices in praise and adoration of Your holy name. Lord Jesus, we thank You for the gift of Easter, for the hope it brings and the promise of new beginnings. May Your resurrection power transform our lives and renew our spirits, now and forevermore. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est

Happy Easter Fren. I love you all so much. HE IS RISEN


Heavenly Father, On this solemn day of Good Friday, we gather before You with hearts heavy yet filled with gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. As we reflect on the agony and suffering He endured on the cross, we are reminded of the depth of Your love for us and the price paid for our redemption. Lord Jesus, we thank You for willingly laying down Your life for us, bearing the weight of our sins upon Your shoulders. In Your suffering, we find comfort knowing that You understand our pain and sorrows, for You have experienced them firsthand. Help us to draw near to You in our moments of sadness and despair, finding solace in Your presence and the promise of Your resurrection.

Yet, even as we mourn the darkness of Good Friday, we cannot help but rejoice in the victory that was won on Easter Sunday. Through Your death and resurrection, You conquered sin and death, offering us the gift of eternal life and reconciliation with God the Father. This is the source of our greatest joy and hope, for Your sacrifice has made a way for us to be reunited with You for all eternity. As we journey through this day of remembrance, may we never lose sight of the magnitude of Your love and the power of Your resurrection. May Your sacrifice inspire us to live lives of love, compassion, and service to others, following in Your footsteps and sharing Your message of hope with the world. Lord, help us to embrace both the sadness and the joy of Good Friday, knowing that through Your sacrifice, we are made whole and set free. May we never cease to marvel at the wonder of Your love and the miracle of Your resurrection. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Dear Jesus

I love you so much. You are my all and I am forever grateful and full of joy that you came into my life. You brought me out from the darkness and Into your light. You loved me at my lowest points even when I didn't love myself. You were here, waiting with open arms, waiting for the prodigal son to return and then welcomed me home like I never left. Words can't even describe the pure joy and peace you fill me with. As I took 10 days away from much of the online stuff, I couldn't help but think of you and all you are doing in this fallen world at this time. I know none of the timing or events are in my control Jesus. I wait for your direction and your will. Show me how I can best serve you. Help you increase in my life and me decrease.

Jesus I am so excited for the future of this Great Awakening and the amazing .win family you have brought together. We are scattered across the 4 corners of earth, yet united in Truth, a desire for Justice and a hope for a better tomorrow that only you can bring. Let this place be a pillar of light for the world. Help guide new faces here so we can all learn and grow in Truth together. Keep us humble and focused on you so we may best carry out the re building of society.

As the world begins the Easter week celebration, help us to keep our focus on the beautiful sacrifice you made for us. Let us the pick up our own crosses so we may see you in deeper ways. We love you so much Jesus and look forward to your return. Until then we desire to know you deeper, be used by you in ways you want and to see others all across the world begin to awaken. Let your Kingdom Come your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven..in Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever.


Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer:2pm and 8pm est


Dear Jesus I love you so much. I constantly am amazed at you and the work you are doing within me. Continue to grow me and make me more like you each day. Jesus today I feel a little overwhelmed. It's hard being patient with the different projects you have put in my heart. I ask that you continue to bless Prayer Garden and Prayer Garden Podcast. If I have moments of wanting to give up, please strengthen me so I can continue onward in you. Send financial blessings so the episodes can continue to grow. Send me people that are willing to share their testimony and let us have Jesus centered discussion that help edify others and spread your light through the work you have done and are doing in us. Keep me humble and show me the best path forward in everything i do.

Jesus thank you for this site as well. It's been such a blessing during these dark times. You have brought together so many awesome, loving people. Bring us to one mind and body so we may best bring light to the world. If any here are feeling down, cast that out and re energize them so we can continue onward towards that better tomorrow you are creating. We love you so much and look forward to the work you are doing. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



Ok this one is gonna be a little out there. 😉😎

So we know much of our history has been a lie. We know we don't really truly know what the past holds. Also most of us feel Christ working in this plan. So what is everyone's thoughts on the idea of the millennial reign of Christ already happening. And we are simply in the short season in which Satan reigns. Just waiting on the full coming of Christ.

Revelation says when Satan gets released he somehow tricks the world again. So if there was some previous reign, couldn't satan have already tricked the world into forgetting it.

I know this isn't a theory many follow, nor one many are willing to even entertain. However we are truth seekers here, and we go where ever that leads. So I thought it might be an interesting topic to atleast bring up for discussion. I personally have very mixed views on revelation as a whole. Imo I'm just gonna stick close to Christ and whatever happens happens..I personally believe that when it does go down it won't be something that large groups of people will say...see I told you.

🙏Mapping Project🙏 (media.greatawakening.win) 🌎 WWG1WGAWW 🌍
posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614

Dear Jesus. I love you so much. You are such an awesome, loving, grace filled God. Each day you find new ways to make me filled with wonder and awe. I thank you so much for revealing yourself to me, even though I am broken...a sinner...fallen...you still loved me and put me back together..I look around at the world and feel so blessed to be awake and aware of all that is taking place. Yet I still know you have so much more left to show me. So Jesus I give you my soul+mind+body..it's yours. Use me as you wish. Refine me in your fire each day so I may best do your will. You get all the glory and praise. Help show me how to best witness to those that cross my path. Not just by my words, but by my thoughts and actions. Break the chains of the world and show us how we can come together as one body. Thanks you so much for this site and for Prayer Garden. Your hand is at play in both. We dedicate them both to you in all ways. We humbly wait for your direction. Continue to grow us and shape us and you awaken the world. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est



By now it's obvious that the Q plan is a very in depth military op being played out. With many layers and elements. Q said the plan is only fully known by 10 people.

Q had to take into account many different things. From our own military, the enemy, and even us anons. I'm sure much planning went into each part to ensure each was utilized and contained in a way that all the pieces fall together..so with this in mind what is everyone's thoughts on where we fall into the plan. How much did Q include us in things. Did Q simply release the truth and knew anons would eventually do what was needed, or are we more a part of the plan then we might realize?

How do you think Q monitors and ensures us anons are focusing and directed where they need us to be? How would they guide us if for some reason we are looking into the wrong things?

Together through Christ we have endless potential

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