in case y'all didn't notice during the election, he sits on the council of foreign relations if you live in Virginia and voted for this shithead we'll guess what you got duped. Another wolf in sheep's clothing. Y'all better do your homework next time you vote for a Klaus Schwab minion. seems this little bag of shit who is up to her eyeballs in corruption regarding the Ukraine is signaling some sort of false flag. Either the ruskies are going to level the azovsteel plant and she knows that or the azov holdouts will find a way to make it seem like a small nuke went off as a form of kamikaze false flag. Speculating obviously but this Cee you next Tuesday is rearing her shite little head. Sure they may have been caught gerrymandering but the maps are now legal and are being kicked to the next higher court tier. Small win but in reality looks like two losses. The good the bad and the ugly. The higher court could in fact reimplement the maps that were previously drawn this bypassing this small win