SoNoRiko 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not certain if this is is intentional disinfo but it doesn't look legit at all. I saw this make waves around twatter last night, and I took a look and a lot of this information is not relevant to the 2020 election.

Whomever is sharing may have good intentions but this looks bad. I'm still hoping for the real doozy information to come out at some point.

SoNoRiko 7 points ago +7 / -0

They were legit before the 2016 election. Then after that point, like the other brands under Conde Nast, they went full blown TDS.

I've not found a suitable replacement for tech news that's either centrist, apolitical, or righ-wing after 2016. It's been a bummer honestly, if I want tech news I have to hold my nose and dive into the cesspool of left-wing groupthink.

SoNoRiko 4 points ago +4 / -0

From TD, I think there is some credibility to Q though I'm still a bit skeptical.

There was a sub in my state that was trashing Q folks for some reason which drew my initial interest. How Q proofs are proven still has me scratching my head.

The most interesting aspect is how much the powers that be are suppressing any mention of Q. That I think is the most telling, or at least creates the Streisand effect.