Are we gonna ever get a new drop or is it over?

I had so much hopium right after the election. The fraud was obvious surely it would get reversed by courts. Nope. Surely that 2018 executive order would come into play. Nope. Surely the hold the line Q stuff would matter. Nope. Surely Lin Wood saying Biden would 100% not be sworn in would matter. Nope. Surely the Pillowguy getting photographed with documents that discuss military and insurrection would matter. Nope.

What is there to hang hopium on?

Cause I’m running low. Need real things not talk. It’s been all talk since November 3rd. Sidney Powell and Lin Wood can suck my cock.


Doesn’t that mean it’s over? What would be a path to victory in this scenario?


Need Hopium


Need an injection.




All optics are bad. And I get that’s part of the plan but eventually you may have to just say may be the optics are the truth. How can you remain positive?


Why wouldn’t there be a drop to calm the nerves of his digital warriors?