Everything seems very strange given all the recent occurences, namely: the war in Ukraine coming closer to a conclusion due to NATO giving Zelenskyy the cold shoulder, Pence being a tard on Tucker's interview, the American soldier now in NK's custody and now the fresh spanking new Trump indictment. What do all these things seem to be pointing to? I have a very weird feeling about this.


Just like in the same way we do not revel or rejoice in the euthanasia of an animal that has rabies which caused a lot of pain and misery to others. We can be thankful to the Lord that the cause of pain and suffering is gone, but (as hard as it is) do not rejoice in the actual necessary measures taken to achieve peace! We love life, peace and communion and never death itself, even though it may have to play a role to reach these states. Just my 2 cents...


Does anyone have any indication as to whether or not Reiner Fuellmich’s work with the Coronavirus Investigative Committee will come into play at some point, considering the ever gradual reveal of the Vax effects by MSM? I remember him holding extremely revealing and informative panels with heavyweight scientists like Geert Vanden Bossche and Michael Yeadon, but it seems nobody brings them up anymore. Any input on the subject is welcome! Thanks frens


“ In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a "pure democracy," the majority is not restrained in this way and can impose its will on the minority.” They NEED to keep saying democracy on MSM to distract everyone from this fact.


We’re planning to move back home to the USA, but the information available is a bit confusing. Everyone tells me something different. Thanks.