Yep. I’ve been seeing 17 everywhere.
You’re right, he did. The most recent reminder I have of what happens when everything breaks down is S.M. Stirling’s novels of the Change (one day all tech stops working. Planes fall out of sky, no cars or guns, nothing. Everyone in the big cities basically starved to death when logistics and everything more complicated than a gear and pulley stopped working). It basically was a return to feudalism.
Depends on how many people survive that actually know how to keep infrastructure going. The biggest danger to a massive population die off is loss of knowledge that keeps people fed and safe and alive. With that sort of loss, big cities will become death zones of starve people who will then go into rural areas and try to take what they can to stay alive. Communities will become a lot more local than before.
He gave Fauci all the chances to do the right thing and Fauci didn’t.
That’s funny, the first thought I had upon seeing news of this last night was “hmm wonder if he’s an operative who’s finished an op but failed extraction so he’s doing evasion and survival to try to avoid capture, and the establishment is putting out an APB to try to get him.”
What a thing to be worried about. I’ve never considered that having a blood type would make someone think twice about driving under wide open skies. Crazy! You learn something every day.
That’s been around for awhile. When I first saw it used on Reddit, I asked what it was and I got massively chewed out by the tranny “allies” for daring to ask questions.
Think about it this way. They’re conditioned and fearful. Give it some time - when they see nobody’s dropping dead, they’ll feel more confident about taking theirs off. It’ll be a gradual process.
All we can do is prepare for the mass die-offs.
How does Obummer feel about that? I seen him deep throating them hotdogs.
Hey I gotta axe you for a dub zen, man.
My response would be “I apologize, let me send you what you want.” Then mail her a piece of paper saying “1 dozen = 12. Your order has been filled in full. Thank you for doing business with us.”
Had a random thought about this today while browsing memes. Lately there have been a lot of “president trump was right all along” kind of posts comparing trump being proven right today about things the media and Dems made fun of him for saying. HCQ, wind turbines, etc etc. it’s part of the red pilling process. What they made fun of Trump for yesterday, is proven to be correct later and some people will remember all the crap they said to ridicule him.
Damn it looks like my edit didn’t work. Iedited it right afterwards to say Nevermind it’s a video so there goes that thought.
Is it just me or do these firemen look like they’re in suspiciously military poses? And could be holding rifles? And the firemen outfits are photoshopped in maybe?
I don’t think you get very far in the Secret Service by trusting ANY other branch to handle security. If I were USSS I’d be parking my ass up there no matter what.
Would be fantastic if this meant Hillary had been collared.
Just gonna sit here and wait to hear about some more “earthquakes”.
Works if you tap/click on the post title again while in the post. That’ll take you directly to the YouTube app if you’re using mobile.
Oh damn you’re right. 2021 doesn’t feel real yet.
Oh damn you’re right. 2021 doesn’t feel real yet.
Lol! What’s her middle name? If you were making an anagram out of her name, it’s just missing a “d” to put together “Kennedy”.
Get bent, commies. Or go back to work. Your choice.