The drones!!!
Its starting to get obvious now. Its the typical glowie faggets putting drones up to make us strip our own freedom. Look at the warfare that was used in Ukraine. Its not typical grorilla warfare anymore. Its fps drones on the front lines. Just like the faggetts in las vegas with their metal detector fuckery.
Nov 5 Dec 5 Done in 30
That is all
I Believe this is relevant since recent event.
Going to try and make a long story somewhat short.
Had kid in Bexar county hospital.
Only building to get birth certificate for kid was the city of San Antonio city clerks office.
Security guard said I had to have mask on in building.
Told him to call the boys in blue because “not on my worst day”
City workers tried to not do business and held up all people from entering after me.
They held everyone up and even messed with the lady In front of me to by time for the police to show up .
I maintained composure the whole time.
Once the police arrived I was nice and went outside to discuss.
I asked to be serviced outside they said they didn’t want to do business with me.
I asked to have official paperwork of being told to leave and are trespassed by the city clerk.
I got what I wanted (that nut - unforgivable)
They processed my request.
Continued to press for the law and it is a city manager ( appointed official’s ) rules
Will follow up with the city attorneys.
My thought is it’s my building (my taxes) and they have to do official business with me, no law stating a mask is necessary.
Please let me know what y’all would go with it next. I’m ok pressing the city in court pro se just don’t know how I would go about it yet.
If you need a break go watch 4 presidents and let me know what you think?
Lets go Doomers, ConcernTrolls, DateFags, Commies, SoiBoi's I got DEPORT POWER ALL DAY LONG
Maxwelll hearing was stopped because of the youtube link here