I was recently offered a job with a company who has offices based in texas.

The offer was verbal, which I accepted. Comp, start date, discussion of duties and more all discussed at length with a formal offer to be sent to me the following day.

The job Ad I applied to had no reference to a vaccination requirement, nor was it mentioned during 4 separate Interviews for the role. (I even googled the company but no vaccine policy could be found) After my verbal acceptance, my to be manager mentioned I would need to bring my vaccine card on day one, which was the 1st time I was informed.

I'm now being told I essentially have two choices... take the job and get the vaccine, or tell them to shove it and not accept the job I have already accepted and want.

Any help, or advice would be hugely appreciated.


I know it’s tough with Biden being sworn in, and GEOTUS leaving BUT....I trust General Flynn. He’s military intelligence (25+years) hated Obama and was vocal about his treachery, has mentioned Q and digital/ irregular warfare. Obama tried to silence him, Dems tried again when he joined Trumps team, in fact they even went after his family. He’s a man of god and loves this country.

Don’t forget the NSA head Admiral Rogers, secretly visited President elect Trump and told him Obama was spying on his campaign. Trump moved his entire operation to Mar-a-lago the following day, all the while Obama is still in office.

I think this whole thing has been the military with Trump as the face (only one who could do it). I think they approached him to run in 2016, gave him all the intelligence & protection he needed and are in control right now.

Chris Miller, Pompeo, Sydney Powell, Giuliani etc. I think they’re allright too.