If your smart leave DC now. Your not going to be able to leave. They will lock all travel down. And release all deep state hires and plants and only arrest and prosecute Trump supporters.

Antifa Comrades. On Nov 4. I mean January 6th and 20th. Dont forget to disguise yourselves as Patriots / Trump supporters. Wear MAGA hats, USA flags 3% insignias and convincing police uniform is even better. This way the police and patriots will not know who their enemies are onlookers and media will think they are Trump supporters.

They did it once they will do it again!


If and only if we understand what lies we have believed for years only then can we can start living in freedom.

Freedom to do what? Make money? Control others or to support eachother?

If 70 million people voted for DJT then if we stick together. Help eachother, defend eachother, feed eachother, purchase from eachother. Liberals, socialism, deep state, RINOs and Demonrats will finally end.

What's the cost? Your life. If we fight for eachother yes some will die. If we do nothing we will ALL slowly die.

I don't do business with people who dont support the President. Because their shutting him down. Twitter, facebook, google all deep state services. What about corporate? Yes they too will shut us down.

What is truth? That's where you start. If you learn to love truth at all costs only then will you start to feel free. Admit it we've been deceived. But about what?

Salvation? Pearl Harbor, 9/11, JFK, Patton, Moon landings, Covid 19, Titanic, Lincoln Assasination. Every time government makes a move we all believed them. The more lies someone believes the more they can control that person. It's that simple.