PARALLELISM -Replicate the template of local government -Staff with Citizens/Patriots -Function as the B component THINK Mirror


THINK Neutral Observer

Did anyone ever look into Mike Pontroy and the pizza places he goes to? Imagine he was actually trying to bring attention to something.... I don't mean to be judgemental but the restaurant owner in this video gives me certain vibes. See for yourself and tell me what you think. Alot of times I feel like I'm overthinking things. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UCMRfFcuvsw?feature=share

I cannot stop pondering on the potential for unlocking more Q information by using Chatgpt and the AI Image processing capability.

ChatGPT is now enabling the ability to produce and process images. Good timing white rabbit.

What if there was a "Key" contained within the Q drops or the White Rabbit Pics that upon plugging into the AI, produces information that we wouldn't have gained otherwise and more importantly that was MEANT to be used this way. Future Proves Past. "You have more than you know" This is a new capability no could have ever predicted and one the deep state couldn't stop from being used. So it's something to consider.