Part 1 is here: https://greatawakening.win/p/15IrYwMrcu/so-my-super-woke-indoctrinated-n/ For the record: i decided NOT to give her the custom trolling onesies i had ordered after thinking it over long and hard.

fast forward to today, the day after her baby shower... I thought I was going to be invited. I planned to sit quietly and listen to her weird ideology to see if i could find any remnants of the little girl i remember of her.... NOPE. Im not allowed. FEMALES ONLY. for her gender neutral baby shower. cause thats not dripping with irony. Soooo.... I realized as a light warrior I could no longer bite my tongue and I told her everything i thought about her decision to hide the gender of her baby and allow the child to 'choose' his or her gender(at a very young age, followed by hormones and/or actual medical procedures. to "correct" the "issue") I included suicide statistics and the whole nine yards... in my own way of course... I then told her Mother (my sister) what i had done, and explained i was spiritually guided to do so and she gave me her blessing. and said more or less: clearly my role is to tell the hard truth and back off. I couldnt agree more. so I alienated my Niece today in hopes of getting the hard truth in her face. all to stand up for her unborn child. a child I may not have any relationship with for a very long time as a result of my decision. Im still at peace with what i did.

So far she has not responded to my messages. i dont expect her to. if she does respond angrily, I will mail her the troll onesies.

Now im pondering what I should or shouldnt say to this kid many years from now when i finally get to be a part of his/her/xe/xim/ne/nim/whateverthefuckpronouns life... I think i wont bring any of this up unless there is a good reason to do so.


What 2 things do these four world leaders have in common?

John F kennedy

Abraham Lincoln

Moammar Qadaffi

Saddam Housein

.... The answer is they all tried to introduce new currency that wasnt under globalist control. And they were all killed shortly after.


What should her crazy uncle do but troll her with her own ideas for the baby shower... So I just ordered 3 custom grey onesies that say: "please don't put me on puberty blockers", "hot dogs, donuts, I don't know but my parents will decide... Whatever is most woke at the time" ... And "let me decide at 18!"

She is so indoctrinated she won't reveal the gender of her baby because she "doesn't want to reinforce gender norms" her own words

Don't shoot me for this I'm just here to ask a simple question:

We all agree the Queen of England is NOT a white hat.

Most of us if not all of us also agree Megan Markle is NOT a white hat.

But Megan Markle pisses off the Queen on a regular basis. Evidence: Queen told aides 'thank goodness Meghan isn't coming' before Prince Philip's funeral, claims bombshell book https://tiny.iavian.net/1opd9

Most likely this is simply due to the obvious... But what if....?

Discuss. I'm just asking a question here not drawing any conclusions


TREASON: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death.

I see a lot of comments calling everything treason. most of the times the crimes are serious, but do not fit this strict definition. We need to maintain higher standards here and call out crimes for what they are - not just label everything treason.

SEDITION: If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

MUTINY: a)Any person subject to this chapter who— (1)with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny; (2)with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition; (3)fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition. (b)A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.


We must recognize the strengths of our enemies in order to defeat them. The left has no choice but to speak deceptively and they have mastered the art over the years. We always speak our minds straight forward and forthright. With the truth on our sides, we feel no need to play word games. They HAVE to play word games because their ideas never work in the real world.

Some examples: Illegal alien is now undocumented immigrant... Rapist is now sex offender... self defense is now murder... baby murder is now reproductive healthcare... .....

another one they are trying to make happen is white nationalism = white supremacy... essentially implying that if you are white and love your nation the Good Ol' USA then you are automatically lumped right in with the KKK.

These are the games our enemies play. lets call them on it every time. keep the record straight.


Dan Bongino's podcast today made the claim.. seems legit - at least according to all the "badges" parler gave her... even marked her as an employee. I wonder if Trump is buying them out or merging with them as part of Truth Social



OK this shit just got weird - my kids lifetime doctor - who was sympathetic to antivax and didnt vax her own kids - and other doctors in the same clinic also didnt vax their kids - this clinic just went POOF?!?!? their number no longer in service and nobody i know can get in touch with the main Doctor there... her name was Dr. Bain in Frisco, TX and the clinic was called "Healthy Kids Pediatrics" .... please dont harass them cause they are some of the last few GOOD doctors out there and now we cant find them! Research needed!

Edit: she wasnt just "antivax" either... she had holistic cures for everything! my kid got a sniffle and i could call her and get advice without a fee and the advice was always spot on and my kid would be good to go in 2 days or less...without any big pharma products involved. things like Briar Rose and Colloidal silver...

Update: u/ThisIsHowItStarts provided me with some great info from a couple of different pay sites and based on that info it looks like the clinic shutdown sometime between March and May of this year. I was also able to track her down on LinkedIn and sent her a message there just now. Her LinkedIn profile still indicates the clinic as her main job so looks like that may be dormant & a dead end. The search continues, but I have a lot more to go on now - thanks ThisIsHowItStarts!


In North Texas - starting to feel like a third world country here. 4 outages on separate days all lasted over an hour. Is it just my local infrastructure and is ERCOT just going to shit or are we being attacked?


I work for a random unnamed corp, presently impacted by a massive microsoft Azure outage. This is a very rare event. MS Azure is a massive cloud platform, and very rarely goes down. It has been down for around 4 hours now. This makes it a notable event. I don't pretend to know why or what but this is definitely a notable outage.

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