So, I live with my parents to help take care of them. Haven't been able to get them to shake off Cable Tell-A-Vision programming. They have Spectrum. Walked into their bedroom and PakaFree is watching History Channel and the show playing is "The Next Nostradamus," a 2 hr "documentary" about Dr. Bruce Buena de Mesquita and his GAME THEORY A.I. computer he uses to "predict" future human events. He teaches Game Theory at NYU and STANFORD. If you haven't dove down that "little" rabbit hole, I suggest you do because it brings into context what Q has mentioned about LOOKING GLASS.
Anyway, it got me curious, knowing what I know about predictive programming and the use of t.v. as [their] preferred medium for dissemination. So, I started going thru the channel guide and it can't be any more obvious.
The next show on History Channel is about Nostradamus's "Lost Book." If you aren't aware of that, look it up. Not sure if I fully believe there is a "lost book," but it's still interesting as this one has illustrations to go along with his quatrains. Most likely, their fan fiction, but it's still a compelling rabbit hole dive, so I suggest you check it out.
On BBC America, there's a Star Trek: TNG marathon. What's today's marathon subject? Q and his interecstions with Picard and the Enterprise crew. So, there's two, or three (depending how you look at it) "coincidences."
On the Science Channel there were/is sequential episodes of a UFO team's "investigative" "disclosure" show, complete with a "former" CLOWN as it's leader, called "Black Files Declassified." Today's episode topics? "To Catch an Alien," "Secrets of the Space Force," and "American UFOs." Later on, they have shows on The Shroud of Turin, one called "The Oracles of the Dead," and a curious one titled, "Secrets of The Illuminati," and a show on Noah's Ark.
American Heroes Channel is showing shows on Hitler, Stalin, Mao, North Korea, Mussolini, the various Nazi secret weapons programs, Nazi Occultism, and 9/11.
Coincidentally, Bruce Buena de Mesquita's game theory A.I. predictions have certain world leaders believing that the CCP will be the lone surviving dominant power in the 21st Century, HOWEVER, Buena de Mesquita DOES NOT believe that. He says there's no way the CCP can sustain itslef much longer under its own weight of corruption, income inequality, human rights violations, lack of religion, etc. He believes their demise is inevitable and probably sooner than we think. This makes me think that the Cabal may have taken some of those predictions and ran with them for their benefit, erroneously looking at them from a surface level view without actually applying game theory and running it to it's end point.
This also got me thinking, could he be one of the civilians working with Q Team? Could they have employed him to run his simulations with his game theory A.I.? Q Team has said this is all the highest form of military planning thru the use of game theory, and they've also alluded to Project Looking Glass. I think it's extremely possible, maybe even likely he's involved somehow. This show came out in 2008, has been shown a handful of times since, but there isn't too much more info about the man himself before or after this. Not from him or from anyone else. It's like he came out to show this tech, and then relatively vanished.
Anyway, I thought y'all would get a kick out of the predictive programming today. Seems that [they] are prepping the Normies for some major disclosures soon. It also seems like the White Hats may also be trying to get some messages out with some of this, too. The Cabal also to be trying to highlight Q, game theory, and alien/UFO diaclosure, but whatever's going on, I'm extremely amused by it all.
That is all. Carry on
I don't think I need to spell out the inherent high level risks and dangers, with little to no reward, in this decision, but the first link does a pretty good job at explaining why this is bad. Very, very bad.
One of the reasons listed by the Commandant, is to move the Corps to a more "Naval based" fighting force. One that can use squads anywhere from 75 Marines (avg MC platoon size) to small squads of 4-6 (avg fire team) placed "strategically" along larger distances, and that will be able to "assist" the Navy with taking out enemy vessels in ports.
Now, I can tell you first hand, that the Navy doesn't need help with s curing ports, attacking en my vessels in port, and I hat we ALREADY use both Marin s AND Coast Guard Interdiction Teams, AS WELL as the SeALs/EOD/SWCC crews to board and secure enemy vessels at sea.
Attacking and securing enemy ports and vessels is what the UDT, and later, the splitting up of those duties into th SeAL, EOD, and SWCC teams was for. We can also accomplish this at sea. I know, b cause I trained for it and went on ops, in ports and at sea, as an EOD team member.
We use the MC to help when the task is larger than our capabilities, but that's usually restricted to the invasion/infiltration of medium/large to large size ports and enemy naval bases. Case in point: when we invaded Panama, we used our SeALs, EOD, and Marines to invade from the sea, neutralized their patrol vessels, and secured their ports and naval base to prevent Noriega from escaping via water. It's a time tested and the most efficient way to neutralize a port zone.
HOWEVER, the Marine Corps is not primarily used as a "special warfare" type force like that Naval Special Warfare units are. They are our MAIN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, and SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED for land incursions from open ocean, through the Littoral Zone, and onto a beach. This CANNOT be accomplished WITHOUT FIRST securing the beach head. The beach head CANNOT be secured properly without artillery.
What is the M1-A1 Abraham's Main Battle Tank? It is first and foremost, a MOBILE, AMPHIBIOUS, ARTILLERY PLATFORM!! It is high speed in water, and even higher speed on land, capable of 30 kts and 65-70 mph on land, respectively.
Where are most cities located in this world? Near WATER!!! The USMC is also our main Pacific Theater Combat Force. Where are most Asian and Pacific Island cities and mega-cities located? NEAR WATER!!!
It is a statistical impossibility for ANY attacking force to fully secure, or even effectively win engagements inside a city WITHOUT a mechanized, artillery based platform like a tank.
This will only end in disaster for us. Which surprises me that ithe decision and initial plans were decided and carried out last year when Trump was still occupying the WH.
This was the Commandant's decision, after that AAV sank last year. A Commandant that was approved by Trump. I'm not saying this is Trump's fault, because I believe he hired this sucka to help show what bad leadership really looks like, but, DAMN!! C'MON, MAN!!! This can only end badly if we end up having to retake Pacific Islands in the likely event China/CCP starts securing Asia at the beginning WWII.
What? Do you REALLY think we don't end this Luciferian, NWO cult Cabal WITHOUT [them] dragging us into another world war??
I live in a fairly wooded area in west Volusia, County, FL. We've gone almost two full weeks of little to no measurable amount of rain. In May. April was kind of dry, too. The forecasts are saying we won't se much rain for another week or so, with highs in the 90's. This is bad. Has the potential to get real bad, real fast. There's a lot of dried up tinder around, ranging from inches to almost a foot deep in a lot of the wooded areas in Ctrl FL. We call this stuff "muck" around here because of the smell it emits when burned. Very bad for the respiratory system. Oh, yeah, and masks don't work. Only self-contained breathing apparatuses work.
I look around when I'm hiking and can't help but wonder what will happen if we see another summer like '98. I was in the Navy at the time, stationed in Virginia, but remember seeing night time satellite imagery of FL, and it looked like a damned torch burning from Osceola County all the way into S. GA. Driving down to see my parents in Aug '98 was tough with all the smoke and the smell of the muck burning.
There's tons more structures built in FL now, encroaching into the wooded areas, so if it flames up, there will be more damage than in '98.
Last summer, the West Coast burned. I distinctly remebering Antifa/BLM saying that he East Coast was next. They were saying this late last Fall and early Winter. When I look around and see how much dead underbrush we have just in Central FL, it makes me wonder, with the dry weather we've been having, what might happen if Antifa makes their threats become reality.
FL isn't the only State on the East Coast experiencing drier than normal weather this Spring.
So, this just happened:
9:15 EDT, my 10 yr old daughter Wargurl17 (she picked the name herself) just came up to me asking about the Illuminati. She's probably heard me and her older brothers talking about it in the past, and I always wondered if she had been paying attention. Well, I got my confirmation just a few moments ago.
She says, "Daddy, there's this group called the Illuminati. They have a hand symbol with an eye on the middle. Did you know that?" I said, "Yep. It's called the 'All Seeing Eye,' or ' The Eye of Horus." She's then asks, "Who runs the Illuminati?" I replied, "Well, short answer, the Deep State Cabal. Why don't you look it up and research it?"
So now, she's pouring over info about the Illuminati. She already made the connection that it's Luciferian in nature. "Only God has the power to see everything, Daddy. Why do people follow a group like this if it's evil?" "Well, Little One, they've be n deceived by th Great Deceiver. You know who that is, right? "Yep! Lucifer." To which I replied, "You're absolutely right, sweetie pie. And how do you defeat the Father of Lies?" "With The Truth, Daddy!"
And now she's researching the Illuminati. Just like that.
That's how you open the eyes of the children. You may think they aren't listening or paying attention, but they are.
Edit: Title should say, " Redpilling the kiddos."
We need one of the mods who ISN'T vested in this little mod fight to research this issue & weigh in here with a follow up.
And since this is a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC we live in, I believe it's now time to have elections and term limits for the mods.
We need a concerted, UNIFIED effort from our mods to sort out the shills, trolls, and doomers. This is getting to be ridiculous.
And it doesn't bode well for the community when WE KNOW the MSM peruses this site. We've already had anons who have been quoted by them, turning their words against the Great Awakening itself AND the website in general.
I think we need to have a "family meeting" of sorts, to sift thru the static noise to get to the root of this issue.
It seems to me, we're being inundated with shill/trolls with at least 1 or 2 that have worked their way into being a mod. Of that's the case, we need to ALL be in the same page with this and eject those mods.
Infighting SHOULD NOT be tolerated. ESPECIALLY among the caretakers, the mods. This is The Great Awakening, and we're the "tip of the spear." As such, we need to be more discerning than the other GA affiliated sites. GAW took over that role after Voat left us. We didn't have this problem as much over there because we were, for the most part, all aligned on the subject.
Which is why I now feel we need to dig into ALL the mods' history re: GAW. Total transparency is needed AT ALL TIMES. Also why I feel we need to be voting on who will represent us as mods for this site. It will definitely set us apart from the other .wins AND the other Great Awakening affiliated sites and somewhat elevate us as a TRULY Republic loving group if we can figure out how to hold elections for the mod team.
Just my 2 cents.
Thoughts, anyone?
Since the Senate has moved on to closing arguments, and these "301 witnesses" won't be testifying, it's clogging up the NEW feed with extraneous and old bullshit. People are still replying positively to those posts. Only, THAT isn't happening now, so it's moot.