With the future destruction of 3 letter agencies is the DMV one of them? Cause I doubt anyone wants the DMV to stick around with how much it's hated. 😂


We either finally get a reckoning against those who ostracised and removed our ability to feed our families. Or we officially get labeled 2nd class citizens. This part is up to us. God bless everyone! Good luck! And brace yourselves. This is going to be a bumpy ride.


Anyone know where I can see an up to date list by state of all of the MAGA republicans that are cleaning house? Need to know who to look out for this Nov.

If there is only 1 thing i could advocate for is to free a man who sent a convicted pedo to be judged by god.


So like the title says this is whats going on at the moment however my work also decided to get floor tickets. In GA is it alright for the arena to require vaccination status. Trying to avoid all that nonsense as much as possible.


Are jabs required to fly between states? Not sure about it atm and im a fly for work purposes need to know if i need an excuse to be allowed to drive cross country. Not even sure if LAX will force it either.


Is it just me or am i more and more into giving the flight industry competition by bringing back private boat travel? Itll take forever to get to destinations but i think it'll be worth it. Anything to hit the airline industry where it hurts.


Seriously had to defend my gripes against the jab mandate in LA against 3 libs. First things first. Im not human according to them. 2nd, my sources are invalid because its not msnbc. 3rd i deserve to die according to them (and theyre supposedly my friends). 4th im a murderer because i refuse to get this vaccine. And 5th i dont deserve freedom because i wont do what dafdy gov tells me. How the fuck do you guys defend against 3 liberals 2 yelling at you and 1 (allegedly) moderating. Fucking hell!


If the houseplant and the weirdos cant raise the debt cieling what will happen? Are we going to be taxed to no end? Will we no longer pay taxes?


Didnt think we would ever be allowed to taste even a shred of victory in California. Oh well. Im leaving this retarded state anyway before Nuisance does any more damage. Good luck to Larry Elder. Itll only go down hill from here.


Hoping for the best. Planned for the worst.


I pray every day that I will have the strength to continue I pray every day that the plan is real and that we will soon be left alone I pray that those demons are not just destroyed but made to suffer as everyone else has I pray that the lockdowns never happen again. I pray for the strength and the grit to be able to finally get back on my feet. I pray that newsom will be removed from office. I pray for the day when I can finally start building my better pastures. I pray that I can finally be left alone to my own devices. I pray that I can finally prove myself to my family and make them proud. I pray.

I pray for this nightmare to be over.

I dont know how much more i can handle. I cant handle another lockdown. I wont be forced to take this vaccines. Is the only way to paradise death? How much longer must we suffer.


Been looking at skywest jobs because the pay looks good enough to leave california. Anyone know if they require employee vsccination? Been trying to find out but i cant find anything from them saying they are. Thank you if you know. If they require the vax i wont even humor the application process.


So the power's out in my area in cali. Removing Newsom cant come quick enough. Power has been gone the whole day.


So far been lucky enough to stay unvaccinated here in cucka-commie-fornia. Thankfully no one checks. Just waiting on the Newsom Recall to happen seriously sick of that dickhead.


Thank you for waking me up to the bs. If it happens today. I look forward to finally being allowed to go to a restaurant. If it doesnt. I will see you all at the re education camps. By the way. TDW is right about one thing. Trump is always on their minds. Watching Telemundo with my dad and already they are talking about trump supporter infiltration in the military. Oh this is glorious. The derangement is spectacular.


Does Q have a plan of going after the IRS. Family businesses have been beaten to a bloody pulp and knowing how those mother fuckers operate they are going to finish off any business that survived last years business purge.


Alright everyone LA is a shithole. Normally I wouldn't do this because of the expendable response I get on TDW. I'm curious does anyone know a log cabin community next to a lake with decent internet that is outside of cali? I'm trying to get out of this communist hell hole.


Came here from TDW. I dont know anything about Q but from what I'm seeing it seems legit. No matter what I pray Geotus stays in the White House and brings us an era of peace quiet and freedom.