I was discharged from past pcp for refusing screening labs, non-essential wellness labs, & all vax. I want to limit disclosure at the new clinic on the new patient paperwork, and lock internal clinic/external dissimination of all info to esp the new ins - BCBS. Can anybody offer a step by step for what to write & what to say to not piss them off. Anything will be appreciated

Is there another pharmacy like them out there? I am told their PayPal is not working, & I want a financial safety net for these types of transactions. I like them because they are essentially "over-the-counter" distributors that don't need a RX.


I see Tucker in 47s cabinet. In a position where he will do more damage than he can do now. An inauguration day speech recess appointment to DHS or C_A. Change my mind. FYI - Clandestine did not.

We've come THIS far (media.greatawakening.win) 🤡 Clown World 🌎
posted ago by Suidlander ago by Suidlander

You're Next


Pro.541.Transfer. CQ

Until the likes of Blackrock, Vanguard, & State Street (as examples) crash, social credit scores, 15 minute cities, & One World Governance will only solidify the grip they have on freedoms throat. Change my mind.


Out of left field Fox has been deflecting the fired narrative, but does not list her in any prime time spots in statements. What gives?

  1. What are the three acts or laws that Mayorkas can still mandate the jab?
  2. Does CMS after 5/11 still mandate the jab for "contractors" (Doctors, NP/PA'S, ETC)?

Sauce please for answers

Scarecrow Joe (youtube.com) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by Suidlander ago by Suidlander

Looking for a link to get more HCQ. Was coming from India via Singapore, but the old web link I have is not loading.


It seems to me the biggest cluster @@@@ is the epic border crises is the uncontrolled border usurpers flooding in. WTF was SCOTUS thinking?


I read a poem like this aloud on SSB each day at 6pm during my first solo crossing Perth to Cape Town in 1986. I heard from 3 people on average each day. After the first week, I had people across the globe checking on me when I was late by even 5 minutes. Before the internet & Iridium. Ninety-six sparrows later, waiting for the world to unphuq some before #97.

Invictus  BY W. HENLEY Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade. And yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, nor how charged with punishments be the scroll, for I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.


I contacted a realtor at noon. Had a outright cash offer within 1 hour. Countered. Ended up getting above list & above market. Contract for review within 2h. New home build & property contracted in 12h by the clock hours. Shise, is this unusual for the Jotaterhead economy?


9.1.1 Hypothesis - I kept thinking mirror. What if the downing of the towers was a white hat op and a nuke was found in a tower by the White Hats? What if at lunch even that very day, the Ashkenazi aka Luciferians were to detonate it, and fate was changed by the planes? All the Zionist business broke their leases. A Zionist bought the tower leases for a scant amount of their value & insured them for a terrorist event. The tower vault was emptied several weeks prior. The planes made it ~dirty. The now perpetually funded victims fund specific to cancers d/t radiation exposure? Their haste to remove the steel. 3k casualties vs an airburst with everybody in town, now scurrying about for "lunch". MILLIONS would have died instantly, and as many later by the radiation. It had to have been preplaned as a BBC reporter stated Building 7 had gone down to, but it was fine at that point & behind her. The reports of melted metal pouring down (nuclear melt down?). The plane that hit the accounting dept at the pentagon, and Rumsfeld the evening before said the Pentagon had lost $2.3 TRILLION? I'll shut up now. Oh, who shorted the airline stocks before 9.1.1, & conspirator you will have.

9.1.1 Hypothesis - I kept thinking mirror. What if the downing of the towers was a white hat op and a nuke was found in a tower by the White Hats? What if at lunch even that very day, the Ashkenazi aka Luciferians were to detonate it, and fate was changed by the planes? All the Zionist business broke their leases. A Zionist bought the tower leases for a scant amount of their value & insured them for a terrorist event. The tower vault was emptied several weeks prior. The planes made it ~dirty. The now perpetually funded victims fund specific to cancers d/t radiation exposure? Their haste to remove the steel. 3k casualties vs an airburst with everybody in town, now scurrying about for "lunch". MILLIONS would have died instantly, and as many later by the radiation. It had to have been preplaned as a BBC reporter stated Building 7 had gone down to, but it was fine at that point & behind her. The reports of melted metal pouring down (nuclear melt down?). The plane that hit the accounting dept at the pentagon, and Rumsfeld thr evening before said the Pentagon had lost $2.3 TRILLION? I'll shut up now. Oh, who shorted the airline stocks before 9.1.1, & conspirator you will have.

Make the thumb down burn. https://youtu.be/UlM8JxljzCU