Q is a complacency operation, I cant think of any other logical explanation. We need to stop screwing around on the Internet wondering how to decode a bunch of 4-Chan posts and waiting to be magically saved by the Military who were actually in control all along!

I've been here since r/The_donald, I'm not some Chinese or Alphabet soup agency bot looking to get some more political prisoners, I'm an American just like you, who isn't going to take this anymore!

They're mocking us! with every passing day they look at us and chuckle to their pedo friends "good thing we fooled them right?" and just keep on going murdering and stealing from the American People.

FYI I'm not dooming, dooming would be saying "Oh well, Q is fake, there's nothing we can do now, wight as well give up" And I'll be damned before I ever give up! I don't care if i'm the only person left on this planet who is willing to fight for my God-given freedom, because if there is no other option but to fight, By God's good grace I will fight!

I don't want a war, I don't want violence in any regard. But with every day, it's looking like we don't have a choice any more.

"When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil." - Thomas Jefferson

Are we going to listen to a bunch of cryptic posts on the internet or one of the very men WHO FOUNDED THE COUNTRY?

I'm not going to demand any of you join me, I'm not even going to ask nicely or beg, it's your choice to make and your's alone. If you want to keep waiting on a fairy tale you keep on doing that, or hey, maybe it is real and i'm just an impatient redneck.

I don't know about anyone else, but I know this: Give me liberty, Or give me death!


We need to start forming Minutemen groups in our local communities, wether it be your whole town, or just your cul-de-sac, we need to be ready for when they start busting down the doors of innocent Americans to infringe on their God-given rights.

Try to find out who in your neighborhood is sympathetic to our cause, and owns at least one rifle, talk to them and get them on board if you can. Train under the guise of household fire drills as not to raise possible suspicion.

Because when the Fed Bois come a-knockin' we need to be ready to protect our selves and our families from tyranny.

This isn't about violence, this about defense, because, while I'm ready to fight, I'll be damned if they don't fire the first shot.

Stay safe my fellow patriots.


I have faith!

Faith that the Lord shall see us through these tough times, because no matter what happens, God wins.

We must stay strong as a united people. We are many, they are few. For they have only managed to remain in power so long by keeping us divided and distracted, utilizing Hollywood, The MSM, Two-faced politicians, and by diverting our attention to unimportant issues such as Transgender bathrooms, and "Climate Change". By getting us to focus on those things, they have succeed in worming their way into every level of the government poised to strike at our freedom once all the pieces were in place.

But then Trump happened. it threw a massive wrench in their tyrannical machine, Trump began to dismantle their schemes, and lead the charge to bring their evils to light. So they stepped up their efforts to take control, Biden and Kamala were the final touches. But even with all the renewed efforts and bogus election machines, they just barely scraped together a Biden "win." now they are finally ready to do it, to take complete control over our great nation and the world. But, it may be too late for them, of all Trump's achievements, the greatest may be the fact, that he united us, into one people, determined to seize back the reigns of our own future from the Globalist, Communist, and Elitist scum that have infected our society.

Although I do not know for certain what will happen tomorrow, I have faith in my fellow patriots, that even if Trump's plan does not work out, we, ourselves the people of the United States of America will rise up to fight back the evil of those who would seek to enslave us. And to secure a bright and prosperous future for our selves, our children and our country.

Where we go one, We go all. Good Luck Patriots. And may the Lord be with us.