Guys, I think it finally happened. Yesterday, my wife was on my computer and saw that I had open. My wife's a centrist but I was in the process of waking her up and was easing her into everything until she saw all the facts and data herself with the help of the brilliant posts here. Something just clicked in her and she connected all the dots that the MSM kept her blind from. She researched for an hour before coming to me and explaining how she became enlightened. She was starting to worry about me because I was spending a bit too much researching and learning but everything came around as God intended. She even told me that maybe our son 12-year-old Timmy should know about this amazing truth but I explained to her that everything would soon fall in place. That night, we made love four times as if we were newlyweds, it was quite amazing. I'm so happy that my wife is on the same page as me now and we can both make the effort to keep Timmy from being corrupted. It's all thanks to you guys, I can't express my gratitude enough.

If any of you have loved ones who are still asleep, make sure that they have access to the truth. Do whatever you can to stop the corruption from spreading.