Not sure how that could/would work. What about the need to save all communications for government “transparency”.

The meme’s just get funnier and funnier. In all seriousness, how will he ever not be looked at as a demented Septuagenarian making believe he is President?

Putin must be drinking the really good vodka tonight laughing about it.


I haven’t been willing to give it eyes, but I thought I’d see if anyone else has.


I just read an interview with Pierre Delecto as he waxed on about his meeting with Biden over the latest Pandemic tax dollar grab bill.

All I could think as I read his statements is that he honestly thinks that what is needed is just a little bit of camaraderie and understanding, and the compromises will be the optics needed, not whether what they compromise with (not that there will be any compromise, it will be capitulation) is good for the nation.

They have no clue how much we truly despise them.


Yesterday, driving around I saw two bald eagles, facing each other, perched on a light pole about 30 ft above me. An amazing sight.

Today, driving home, and a bald eagle is simply sailing above me about 20 ft in the air, wings and tail spread wide (different road as well).

While I see them occasionally, these in plain site so close, well, I sure hope that is a sign of good tidings for us all.


We are seeing (whether we are interpreting properly or not) lots of signs that, shall we say, can be interpreted in a few ways. It would seem to me that the bad guys are monitoring and seeing this as well. If they are seeing what we are (as an example, why would the fence around the capital be reversed), why are they going to show up? If you were thinking you were entering a roach trap, would you show up to get stuck?


“Trump supporters have stormed the Capitol, forcing the evacuation of Congress, and interrupting the electoral vote count.”

Go Team!