That’s a lot pressure on you. When my grandson started K2. The teacher sent pics to my daughter through out the day. She would send them to me, and oh my gosh how pitiful. I wanted to go get him. He had the saddest looks on his face and I could see a tear on his cheek.
I had forgotten that Trump owned a team. He and Hershal Walker are good friends too. Yes they chewed up Clemson and spit them out. I’m in Tiger territory myself. When Dabo made the decision he made with the stickers going on the helmets for BLM I stopped watching . They have went down hill ever since.
God has something better in mind for you than that. Don’t settle, because when all is said and done I believe there will be less government employees. Put God first and then He will direct your paths in the direction that HE wants you to go. Be patient and let HIM teach you as you go through the process. 🙏🏻
And I agree with you about this entire plan not being based on whether or not Jr is alive or not. But wouldn’t it be sweet justice for the Kennedy men to be the ones to assist Trump in exposing all the evil. Their Fathers murders would have some closure. I have always been suspicious of Vincent Fusca and his wife. What made very suspicious is when I saw a pic of Vincent at a rally wearing a George Magazine shirt. I just sat and stared. If it’s not him, I’ll eat crow. To be fair this movement is not really about the men in place, it’s about God using them as a tool to expose the deepest pits of evil and deception. I have friends ask me often if I think we are at the precipice. I personally think we have a ways left to go. I don’t know what it’s going to take to open more eyes but it’s gonna have to be a big one because people are way still stupid. Sorry I mean deceived. I’m working on my wording.
Thank you for posting this. Unfortunately many people took the jab out of fear, even ones I never thought would. They are good people, just weak and gave in to fear. I pray everyday for the Lord to purge out all sickness and disease from their bodies. Even though I try to eat 100 percent healthy I never really know for sure what is going im my body. I don’t take a bite or a drink before I ask God to remove anything from it that would damage my body or make me sick. I’m not ashamed to say I know exactly where my help comes from. God is stronger than the enemy in all things. ❤️
I agree. I made that comment the other day on another channel. We are being seperated we are witnessing some big time separations of ones we thought were people. Listen I know truth hurts and it sucks sometimes. I get a little irritated when people say can you believe what is happening, it’s terrible. I for one am tickled pink all this is happening. I am prepared for the worst of the worst. I want it all exposed. Every awful disgusting evil deed. That’s the only way people can deal and cope. There are always going to be ones that stick their heads in the sand because they are weak. I believe that’s what Q refers to about not every one being able to handle the truth. My advice is to armor up according to Galatians 6. Get in the fight and stop complaining.
And that’s exactly what it is. It’s getting more delusional every day. Yet there are still those that thinks everything is fine. I’m ever amazed at the level of stupidity people have.