SwampGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not sure. We cannot see what happened in the Storm Eye.

But we can see that Biden doesn't have the full power of administration. It's good news. And also, we can see the people refused to follow him. What he signed will be pieces of sh*t.

So whatever he seized the regime or not, that's fine.

What we should do is to live our best every day. They cannot beat us, never.

If Trump can return by any legal ways, he is our president. Even he is not in White House, he is still our president because Biden is not our president.

SwampGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guys, we must check out if this was for a movie filming before or it happened on Jan 20th (or several days before Jan 20th).

Fight back!

SwampGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are wrong.

Because Q has never shown up and he hasn't won up to now. So in the perspective of the left, we are crazy and unreasonable.

They think anything about Q should be removed. And they also think that Q is a kind of cult. But indeed, we cannot refute unless Q has won.

But do you think we should not talk about Q? Who gives them rights to stop us talking about Q? So think logically: the behavior we follow Q is non-fact-based but we still go on. Don't get into the trip.

SwampGG 5 points ago +13 / -8

I have noticed that, but so what? Someone points out and we go to check, that's fine. I don't think it is that bad.

The left always says don't spread rumors, you know why? They don't want you to say anything, including both truths and rumors. That's an excuse.

by Hot_Rod
SwampGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all, ask yourself: why do you believe in Q? Why do the people believe in Q?

Because Q is one of us.

So now I may say that Q would have failed, but you are Q now.

The spirits of Q and Trump are rooted in our minds.

Even you want to use violence, that's up to you. If you think the left attack you and you cannot stand it, you can do it in your way.

In my mind, I want to use a mild way to change the world step by step.

I don't think Trump and Q can finish the job in four years. So for the beginning, we should understand that we need to fight by ourselves.

by Hot_Rod
SwampGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

The big tech can change the data easily.

They can set a video's upvotes to be very large and you cannot even check if there are so many people clicked the upvote button.

Like what? Like Biden's 82000000 ballots! Biden says he really has so many supporters. So what?

The brainwashed left choose to believe those numbers manipulated by big techs.

SwampGG 5 points ago +7 / -2

Do our best every day.

To build our communities.

To educate our children.

To expose the evils of the left.

To tell the world truth.

We will never fail.

SwampGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the bird sing is the Broadcast. However, we don't see it until now.

The scam account on Telegram cheats us.

But maybe one day it will ring, who knows?

SwampGG 1 point ago +2 / -1

That depends on whether Flynn is still on the seat in next days.

The left know he is the guy of Trump, they mustn't let him stay in the army.

SwampGG 1 point ago +2 / -1

But the question is that they want all.

Each State which wants to leave the Union will be crackdowned. It's not a joke.

So if the whole country are under rule of the left, you even cannot live as what you want. You can only live as they want.

SwampGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe in Q but I believe in the people more.

Try to think that we all are Qs. We all are Trumps. So they cannot beat us.

If we are always trying to let Trump and Q help us, we cannot win.

If we do this, it will be the real Great Awakening.

SwampGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can confirm this screenshot is true because I have seen it at the very first moment on the channel. They deleted the paypal link as soon as possible.

So GeneralHyten is also a scam account because it recommends that account all the time. They are together.

During the periods, many of us believe this account and take them as the information source. So the results is totally wrong.

But I am still believing in Q. He is real. However, the question is he has been away since last December. What happened? When can we meet him again?