Warrior_of_Virtue 13 points ago +13 / -0

Well, if Biden were dead, Kamala would become acting president. And as she isn‘t a natural born citizen, she couldn‘t be President. And with both the presidency and vicepresidency vacant, that would make… oh my - Speaker Johnson to become acting President.

Now, that would be a tad bit… unfortunate for the dems, wouldn‘t it?

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I was tempted to go for a custom gaming distro, but with Mint, everything just worked. Network printer? There it is. (formerly) NTFS formatted drives? Non problem (had some trouble with that on the gaming-centric CachyOS distro). Gaming correctly chosing on which display to show? Works. And a few little things more.

Seriousl, installing the latest nVidia driver from the driver manager app, installing steam and setting „compatibilty mode“ to „all games“ isn‘t really difficult or bothersome, and Mint is rock-solid, stable and just works.

And it‘s true that games sometimes run better. Red Dead Redemption 2 runs better in Linux than in my windows install.

All I‘m saying is, don‘t sleep on Mint for gaming. If you don‘t have the latest and newest hardware, Mint just works for many people, and is really easy to understand and use. Heck, you don‘t even have to use the terminal, and the options are all there in the GUI, sensibly arranged in the menus etc. .

Mint is a beginner friendly distro, which isn‘t to be confused with beginner-distro.

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liight office work (LibreOffice is more than adequate for that), browsing, gaming (It‘s amazing, 95% of my steam library just works, and Java Minecraft with mods is a breeze with an App called „prism launcher“), watching movies, storing photographs), ripping dvds, doing my taxes, light video editing, eMail… actually, I do almost everything on Linux - except VR.

I dual boot for the time being, as I also like to play some VR now and then (Quest 3 cableless via Wifi-Streaming), and although there is a streaming app for linux that works (ALVR), it‘s still flakey and not (yet) viable compared to windows.

If not for VR gaming, I‘d delete the Win 10 install (it‘s on a second SSD).

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

I made my Cinnamon Desktop look like the Gnome desktop with a Dock.

Main Panel on top, made it smaller, put the clock in the middle, added an extra „power off“ applet in the top right corner and added a dock (Plank) on the lower edge, plus replaced the icons with a more appealing set - couldn‘t be happier.

Edit: I have to add, I started with Mint a month ago, then tried out CachyOS (Arch based) and Fedora KDE and Fedora Gnome, but nothing came close in stabilty and useability to Mint. If you don‘t have the newest hardware, Mint completely delivers. Might be a bit different with the latest GPU or other components, because most of the drivers are implemented in the Kernel of the distribution. And Mint is on a bit older Kernel, so not quite up to date with the latest and newest hardware.

As a rule of thumb, if your hardware is older than about 2 years, Mint should work just fine. If it‘s newer, a more up to date distro like Fedora (Nobara, Bazzite) or Arch (EndevourOS, CachyOS, Manjaro) might be better.

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just have to add, almost any linux distro is good for gaming. I‘m gaming on Mint, with an nVidia GPU, and thanks to the in-built driver manager of Linux Mint, setting up the GPU was a breeze.

For windows games, just install Steam from the Repository, or Heroic for Epic and GoG games, and lutris for the rest.

And you can also run most (not all unfortunately) windows programs with WINE, a compatibilty layer that „translates“ between Linux and the programs. There‘s an application called „Bottles“ which makes setting up WINE pretty easy.

Warrior_of_Virtue 19 points ago +19 / -0

Just did about a month ago. Feels good man.

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Luckily, one month ago, I switched my main Rig, my wifes laptop and just now the HTPC to Linux Mint.

No turning back to Windows spyware.

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Super bowl will look like a puppy bowl or something?

Warrior_of_Virtue 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does fhe DS even realize how bad this will boomerang on them?

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

There‘s already a term for that, it‘s communism.

(Or as a fellow Pede posted, marxism.)

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

You really have not even a slight inkling of a clue, do you?

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

This title is the definition of misleading.

Phrased as it is, it implies that Flynn is fine with the killing of President Trump or even would have something to do with it.

He states the possibility that the DS will resolve to it - which is an absolutely realistic assessment of the sutuation.

Warrior_of_Virtue 5 points ago +5 / -0

„Nobody is above the law.“

This will come sooooooo back to haunt them lol

Isn‘t it nice how MSM etc. has hammered this very sentence into the minds of the population?

Yup, nobody is above the law, and NCSWIC.

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