Bigwig traitor. I remember he died, and his Daughter even said he was executed. I keep on thinking Cheney, but this one is still alive?
Why can't the left make memes?
Humor is produced by presenting a truth that, for one reason or another, is hidden, whether by state repression or social disapproval.
Humor is the result of provocation, but in order to create the desired effect, people need to share a minimum perception of reality, which ends up being a fundamental difference between the right and the left.
While the right believes that there are certain immutable structures in our social, political and economic reality, the left believes that this same structure can be modified according to their utopias.
It has gone so far that today these people even deny the existence of insurmountable biological differences between men and women, for example.
Therefore, a humorous comment about these differences can only be produced by someone who perceives them, first and foremost, and is willing to exploit them.
For the left, such an act is not only offensive, but also criminal. In this way, the left has lost its ability to make humor, because it can no longer understand reality and, even when it can, it is unwilling to present it, because this goes against its pseudo-moralism.
The radicalism of the left and its quest to subvert human nature itself are not only a threat to humor, but also to freedom.
It is ironic, since one of the leftists' criticisms of conservatives was their tendency towards dogmatism. Today, no one is more rigid in observing their dogmas than the left.
Since they can no longer be interesting, they have lost control of social networks, leaving only the search for CENSORSHIP.
Original in portuguese :
I couldnt find the speech nor the date he said it, but I thought it was due today, feb 26. Can someone help out here?
Soros = Sorrows
Two of my employees where diagnosed with cancer lately, and I remember reading about treatment with Ivermectine and other detox protocols. I did not save those posts, has anybody a link on that? Thx in advance and God Bless!