https://youtu.be/8S96iQYL0bw This is a lecture about the real reasons the southern states left the union. When you see whats going on today, it makes complete and total sense. We have been completely mislead in our education to the point we dont even recognize we dont live in the America our forefathers built. There are several other videos on this channel that talk about the war. Each as interesting as the last. I urge everyone to watch them. It could greatly help current relations within our culture if people can understant the civil war was nothing to do with slavery.



Anyone wanting a good laugh, watch what happens to "the king" when someone is bout it bout it. Notice the whiteys protecting his bitch ass.



I found this while looking into military space technology. What i found interesting is the Air Force was allegedly going to unveil a powerful space weapon to the world in AUGUST but decided not to due to the crisis in Afghanistan. Awful convenient don't you think? Think maybe china is a little less ballsy if they know we dont even have to fight a real war with them? Just something to think on.

God bless

So thie dude can go fuck himself. The only reason anyone even cares what he says is because WE (US TRUMP SUPPORTERS) spread his message, raised 2.4 million for his legal fees, and then he tells the only president who ever gave a fuck about our people to stfu? Nah you can rot in that cell bro. If thats even where hes at.



I know, I know, its Alex Jones show, but this woman seems credible and goes into great detail about the vaccines. Check it out.


Well patriots wish us luck. Our county school board announced at 3 today on the day before school starts that our children had to be masked to attend and no online option. We're now gathering information to confront the school board. You should have seen the facebook post lol parents are pissed. Prayers would be much appreciated. Never done anything like this before but honestly.... fuck these people. God bless, patriots.


Im seeing people going back and forth saying they are or theyre not. Whats the general consensus here? Are they putting up guillotines and chanting de mission macron or are we seeing edited video of something someone is planting?


TB12 out here Makin Super Bowls Great Again! I find it absolutely hilarious that the greatest to ever do it is friends with the greatest to ever hold office. And the salt flows hard...




Been saving and sending but any good info or video is much appreciated