TRUST_THE_PLAN_GOY 0 points ago +1 / -1

Jesus Christ? Edward i? Alfred the Great? George Washington?

All the Founding Fathers who believed in white nationalism and were concerned with jewish influence?

Take it easy, your brain might over heat. Go back to following some conspiracytard drivel.

TRUST_THE_PLAN_GOY 0 points ago +1 / -1

Get fucked you radical leftist shit.

In 1943 a poll found 90% of Americans would rather lose the war than end racial segregation and grant black americans equality.

All those GIs who fought would prefer to be killing millions of blacks to prevent them gaining equality instead of killing Germans.

You're brainwashed with leftist drivel.

"People who think what our ancestors who killed the Nazis think, are themselves Nazis". You dumb fuck useful idiot.