Well, according to the Racine/Voat/SenateAnon theory that you're quoting almost word for word, "QAnon" is a "false prophet":
We are the reason why 8chan was targeted and closed - what MAP was found on 8chan posted here and immediately deleted by mods? We are the reason the false prophet QAnon was created. Why did the Anon before Q (SenateAnon) say to “keep digging into Racine” right before they went dark?
... and Trump is kind of an accomplice to Satanic pedophiles:
Donald Trump made The Deal in Racine for the 8th Wonder of the World to enable the Agenda.The Deal was signed with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles - directly involved in the real definition of Pizzagate - they essentially established the Art in Embassies program. Why?
Whole rant here: https://pastebin.com/WhzTZ4cp
A "brutal dictator" who's been ruling peacefully one of the most ethnically and religiously complex country in the mid-east, and this for decades before Obama's CIA decided with the MIC & DS that time had come to put a pipeline in there.