Let me tell you a little story.

Last night, our small Texas town held a concert featuring a 90’s country band in our new amphitheater/social district in celebration of the 4th of July.

My husband has been a musician all his life and we decided to go into town (we live 8 miles out) to attend. I was willing to go, but the heat index was over 100 degrees. We parked at the hardware store across the street from the venue, and I was content to sit on the store’s porch in the shade – we would be able to hear the music, but not have to deal with the sun or the crowd.

As time for the concert got nearer, my husband wanted to take his chair into the amphitheater so he could watch the band. Feeling a bit irritated (and HOT), I told him to go on and I would find him later. After about 20 minutes, I grudgingly folded up my chair and grabbed my rolling cooler and went inside to find him.

As I was searching for him, I ran into an old friend from the gym. We visited and caught up for about 15-20 minutes. The band was getting ready to start, so I located my husband and set up my chair next to him.

When the band started, while it was fun to hear the old hits from back in the day, it was obvious that the lead singer’s voice had not aged gracefully and he was reaching to hit all the notes. Eventualy the sun began to set and a breeze picked up. However, this was the first large scale gathering of people I had been around in a long time and I was getting a bit antsy to go home.

Then, I noticed a couple stand up and start dancing in the aisle among the lawn chairs. It was obvious that this couple, in their shorts and sandals, had danced like this many times before. The woman sat down and the man grabbed his little girl (probably around 3 or 4) and began dancing with her just like he did with his wife. The joy on both of their faces was absolutely beautiful. I was mesmerized…and then a voice inside my head said “LOOK AROUND!”.

It was like I was stepping outside of my body and my feelings. I saw:

  • A community of all ages gathering together to have a night out to listen to some music and celebrate freedom and our nation’s independence.
  • Kids of all ages and colors playing together in the splash pad.
  • Multi-generational families enjoying the music.
  • Young couples (who were not born yet when this band was popular) obviously on dates and elderly couples doing the same.
  • Our local police doing their job making sure the crowd was safe, but doing so with a friendly smile on their face.
  • High school kids who, if judged by their dress and outward appearance, have probably never listened to country music before having a great time.
  • A band that may have been past their prime, still performing because they love the music and what they do.
  • Entrepreneurs being rewarded with business at the food trucks and stalls.

Then the voice in my head said, “THIS IS WHAT WE'RE FIGHTING FOR!”.

Yes. There’s a lot of shit wrong with this world. Evil has taken center stage, so it may seem. But there’s good in all the little things around us – and I’m going to continue to try to spread the light within my community. Where we go one, we go all.


…just skated to the soundtrack of Jesus Christ, Superstar. In communist China.

Was that a big F-U to the Cabal?? It tingled my spidey-senses.


Is it just me? Or does this current Telegram spat with Lin, Flynn, Byrne, The Professor, Jovan, etc seem a little bit like a high school bitch war???

Or WWE scripted?

These people are all PROFESSIONALS. Tops in their game. Acting like children. On social media.

Something smells. Fog of War??


….Space Force has “unrigged” the voting machine algorithms???? 🤔🤔🤔


Re-watching “Conspiracy Theory” with Mel Gibson (1997). Opening scene is Mel in his cab dropping conspiracies on his customers.

Within the first 4 minutes:

  • fluoride
  • militias
  • UN troops
  • GWHB 33rd degree mason
  • black helicopters
  • the Vatican

I expect Twilight Zone music any minute now!

‘Nuf Said! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by TXBeeLady ago by TXBeeLady
Found on QuodVerum... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by TXBeeLady ago by TXBeeLady

Kameltoe Harris’ cackle makes my skin crawl. She scares me way more than Sleepy Joe.

All I heard was comms!