Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!
Legal minded people (ergo, lawyers) need to figure out how to proceed in taking down this massive fraud. We know the DOJ and FBI are worthless and can't expect any justice from them. What are we to do with all of this massive election fraud? Would this be a State issue, in which State AGs can charge the transgressors for violating the law? Something needs to be done about it to shut these operations down, pronto.
I recall James O'Keefe exposing this by knocking on doors of several of these listed contributors (smurfs). The responses from these elderly people was of shock. They denied making these contributions and then were informed that someone (ergo, 'ActBlue') was making contributions in their name. Could these unknowing smurfs be used in a criminal or civil lawsuit? I'd like to know what can be done, especially if it is a needed go-around from the DOJ.
It's obvious fraud. I recall James O'Keefe exposing this by knocking on doors of several of these listed contributors and the responses from these elderly people was shock. They denied making these contributions and then were informed that someone (ergo, 'ActBlue') was making contributions in their name.
If any legal minds and/or lawyers are reading this, how does one proceed in taking down this massive fraud? We know the DOJ and FBI are worthless and can't expect justice from them. Would this be a State issue, in which State AGs can charge the transgressors for violating the law? Something needs to be done about it to shut these operations down, pronto.
We have already witnessed the dramatic effect of a spontaneous and concentrated boycott against Bud Light. This is ongoing and the brand needs to be bankrupted to set an example to other corporations. Bud Light really deeply offended their base customers with the queer Dylan Mulvaney face planted on every Bud Light beer. How stupid of a move was this? What were they thinking? One has to wonder. The offense led well beyond their core base to the occasional brand buyer and further. The occasional brand purchaser is actually a very big part of Bud Light sales.
What we learned by this boycott is that our efforts work extremely well when we are united and focused on an individual company. To me this is the 'Whac-A-Mole' strategy to effectively end corporate abuses against Christian and moral-minded Americans. If we unite to take down one company at a time for their deeply offending marketing and funding to despicable, anti-family, anti-Christian organizations, such as their funding of causes involved in grooming of our children, then we have a much better chance of succeeding. The sentence for any company involved in child grooming is that they shall no longer exist. They need to be bankrupted and put out of business, plain and simple.
Target is feeling the effect of many Americans boycotting their stores. My family has ceased all business with Target. Yet, we can do even better. I've said to many people that the alternative is simply by using many other retails, including Walmart. Someone said to me that Walmart isn't much better than Target. Indeed, they are correct in saying this. I have boycotted Walmart before. However, our efforts become divided by taking on more than retail. If we focus on one retail at a time. it's using the 'Whac-A-Mole' tactic until they are bankrupted and gone,... never to prey on our children again by indoctrination! If we focus our efforts on bankrupting one offending corporation at a time, like we saw with Bud Light, our success will have a huge message to any other business with a woke mentality. These businesses need to operate on the mindset of being very afraid. After all, we are indeed their customer base. There is no forgetting and there is no forgiving for their attempt in trying to harm our children. After Target is bankrupted, we can then focus our efforts on Walmart. Maybe by then Walmart changes their tune and understand that it is the customer who dictates the existence of a box top retail store and not Blackrock.
Norway LOCKED Man in Psychiatric Ward for Questioning mRNA Shots..... It CAN Happen Here Too.
What is a man who cannot speak his mind?
"Now someone had anonymously reported him to the police for being “mentally unstable”. We have no idea who it was. Could be anyone. It could be some antifa extremist that had reported him for all we know.".... "Then the police contacted the health system based on this anonymous tip."
Using 'anonymous tips' is all too often fraudulent and is bearing false witness against those who present an opposing view from the regime. This is precisely the tactic used in SWAT-ing people like Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, et. al. In some cases these individuals were SWAT-ed multiple times.
Anonymous tips are very problematic and provide a loophole for governmental abuse, as seen here with the persecution of Trond Harald Haaland. The same tactic of using 'anonymous' sources has been used against Dr. Jordan Peterson to submit to 're-education' or lose his license as a result of unknown alleged "complaints" "... made by members of the public, [but] not by any individuals who Dr. Peterson has ever treated." Despite these two examples occurring in Canada and Norway, the same tactic of using 'anonymous' sources is a favorite tactic here in the US for silencing and even criminalizing outspoken individuals. IMHO, it is rampant use of 'Bearing false witness' against innocent individuals, whose only act was publicly speaking their conscience. The prevalent use of Anonymous tips is IMHO unconstitutional. The tipster is seldom ever revealed no matter the legal path. It is always denied. Every individual has the right to face their accuser. That means that identifying the 'anonymous' tipster would immediately end the practice of SWAT-ing. It would save lives as a result of mishaps and would provide a legal remedy to Bearing False Witness.
Sounds innocuous, but it is not. The fires in Canada and in California, and now on Maui were designed to set the stage. NOAA is set to release temperature levels from Antarctica next week that will be the reason to declare the emergency. Klaus Shwab's daughter has been gloating about this coming declaration that will, as Yuval Harari says will amend the real opportunity lost with the 'COVID' lock-downs.
What does this mean to you? They will ration gasoline and electricity... and possibly food. It is the 'COVID' sequel with lock-downs.[It would give Biden vast and unchecked authority to shut down everything from communications to infrastructure. They can literally do exactly what they did in COVID. If you disagree with the climate emergency, speech can be shut down.
PART 4 – Antarctica And Its Secrets
Admiral Richard E. Byrd, was sent on a mission to Antarctica with a large armada of 68 ships, 13 warships, an aircraft carrier with 33 aircraft, and 4700 navy and marine personnel. It was the biggest deployment ever to this part of the world. Why would Admiral Byrd be sent to Antarctica with such a large fleet of warships and record such fantastic experiences there?
In his official journal, he wrote of meeting tall Nordic looking people and their leader who was referred to as the “Master”.
“The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my Hosts speaks. “Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master…”
Is it merely a coincidence that Satanic cults refer to Lucifer as the “Master”?
On December 8, 1954, Byrd appeared on the television show “Longines Chronoscope”. In the interview’ he said that Antarctica, in the future, would become the most important place in the world for science. Admiral Byrd’s prediction may be materializing.
In recent times, a bizarre list of public figures have traveled to Antarctica. The list itself contains individuals known to be members of secret societies. That list, just for the sake of a brief review, includes the following: King Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince Harry of Great Britain, John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, XRP cryptocurrency co-founder David Schwartz, Bill Gates and Bill Gates, Sr., and Tom Hanks. Of course there’s also unconfirmed reports of other elites like Klaus Schwabb going there too. The timing of a trip to Antarctica by Secretary of State Kerry on election eve is especially odd. Election night is one of the historic nights in the United States, and in such an important night, the Secretary of State has a prominent responsibility to be on duty and be present in the office. So what is so important to call for his presence in Antarctica?
Then we have the Wikileaks DNC leaks of John Podesta, with attachments of 25 or so amazing photos of Antarctica. Again, why the interest in Antarctica? Previously in 1999, Bill Clinton visited the small USAF Air Mobility Command Base (“Deep Freeze”) in Christ Church, New Zealand and telephoned the American McMurdo Station base in Antarctica. How odd is this, especially from a person who said he “loathed” the military? Clinton was the first president to ever visit this American base. As a visitor to New Zealand in 1979, I was aware of this base, but I can honestly say there was nary a thought in my head to ever go there. New Zealand is a beautiful place with so many other places to see. So why would some of the most depraved people in the world be so interested in Antarctica? The growing list of people gets stranger and stranger, and despite their stated reason, there’s has to be something more going on than just “climate change”.
Hollywood has done a masterful job in the science fiction realm for greasing the axle to getting us all to wonder what is under the Antarctic ice. The recent spate of bizarre stories about Antarctica has only increased. The reporting of anything from ‘alien’ discoveries under the ice to the discovery of a lost civilization has a growing audience, to which there are those who ‘want to believe’. There’s no doubt a growing number of people are looking for some ‘savior’ to save us from ourselves. All the problems of the world are expressly reported as worsening, and by our mere presence, we are making it far worse.
To add to the mystique of Antarctica is author Linda Moulton Howe’s interview in 2018 of a retired US Navy Seal Commander and his colleague, a US Marine Special Ops analyst. The whistle-blowers claim that in August, 2003 they were carrying out a mission to extract a scientist from a huge, alien architecture at least 2 miles under Antarctic ice. Both whistle-blowers told her that in August 2003 they had been briefed about Antarctica’s alien presence, linked to Star Gate portals around Earth, and have been ‘terraforming’ Earth and our solar system for millions of years. The key word being used is ‘terraforming’, which means “to alter the environment of (a celestial body) in order to make capable of supporting terrestrial life forms”. In other words, we are being told God didn’t create life on Earth (including mankind), ET did. The whistle-blowers statement confirms the findings of Dr. Alnor that all of the ET stories are attempts to get us to change the way we think about God. They all attack the person of Jesus Christ and they all attack Christianity.
Dr. Alnor’s deliberation is well-founded when he warned us that the New Age god worshiped by UFO devotees may be one of the cleverest demonic onslaughts ever launched against humanity.
Other researchers have echoed Dr. Alnor’s statements and investigated secret government programs involving aliens, advanced technology, and the sinister conspiracy that is rapidly unfolding. The Faull Brothers have interviewed a former FBI special agent, a department of defense consultant, best-selling authors, and seasoned research professionals, who all unveiled pieces of this grand subterfuge . Watch the video here. What these witnesses and researchers reveal, is that we are fast approaching a great deception that will usher in the mark of the Beast System.
Next, PART 5 – “The Church Of Satan And Parallels To Extraterrestrials”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
PART 8 – Evil Spirits of the Nephilim Past And Present
The debate of postdiluvian Nephilim existence is ongoing, but we are living in biblical times with so many unanswered anomalies happening all around us, Ignoring what is before us is not a solution. In 2nd Peter 2:5 it is clear that all of the ungodly were wiped out in Noah’s flood.
And if he didn’t spare the ancient world, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others, when he brought the flood on the world of the ungodly; – 2nd Peter 2:5
With so many unexplained archaeological OOPARTS (Out of Place Artifacts) being found, and the discovery of giant skeletons ranging in size throughout the United States and around the world, to which many of them have been unearthed with giant weapons, armor, and strange artifacts, all of this cannot be simply ignored. Perhaps, the explanation is there are postdiluvian Nephilim existing distinct from those before the flood. Was there sons of God that came into daughters of men after the flood? If these fallen angels are in addition to those who were imprisoned in darkness as a result of their transgressions before the flood, then the abyss would contain two sets of fallen angels: those who had violated human women before the flood and those who had violated human women after the flood. This interpretation would imply that God had commanded the Israelites not to have sexual relations with the daughters of Canaan. Violations of this decree would have produced a second generation of Nephilim and perhaps explain Og, the king of Bashan and the giants there, Goliath, and influential writers like Diodorus Siculus, Pliny, Strabo, Plutarch, and Plato, who all verify accounts of giants. It could explain the Paracas skulls and the discovery of massive skeletons all over the world.
The explanation of a second Nephilim, or by the evil spirits from the first Nephilim being able to inhabit flesh; the bodies of men and women, and other ‘forms’, is not any less credible than the much promoted biological extraterrestrials with advanced technology. Accordingly, it is entirely possible that the Nephilim greatly advanced these technologies too.
With the many wars and its aftermath of destruction and conflagration, great civilizations collapsed and were lost, including the great libraries. As a consequence it always resulted in erasing what God had shown us, including the technologies that were developed. According to several whistle-blowers, it now appears the secret ruling cabal has access to advanced technologies purportedly through pacts with the EBE/IBB/Nephilim in exchange for the blood of sacrificed children.
Whether these whistle-blower reports are true or not, the promotion of the extraterrestrial narrative is expanding, and the discrediting and erasing of our relationship to God is in full swing. What was once kept hidden in secret societies, initiations, lodges, think tanks, and chapters is now brazenly being shown. The ‘dark world’ of an increasingly totalitarian government, including the three-letter agencies partnered with the military industrial complex, are in accordance with evil. An invisible hand has made its move and all of these entities seem to be acting simultaneously. The promotion of extraterrestrial beings is now applied to the garden of Eden story as well, in which God and Lucifer are portrayed as not from the spiritual realm of heaven, but rather as advanced technology EBEs. This interpretation has many proponents that crosses into several fields of study. Author Zecharia Sitchin in his “The 12th Planet”, proposed an explanation for human origins involving extraterrestrials, and attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. The wide extent of advocates of extraterrestrial creationism extends from the occultist Aleister Crowley, and before him, mystic and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky, to the horror-fiction author, H.P. Lovecraft, and later on to ‘Ancient Alien’ author Erich von Däniken, all of whom, as author Derek Gilbert states, drew from the belief that our saviors will be coming from outer space. Watch Derek Gilbert at 13:53 mark
"Do what thou wilt" and seek to align themselves with their Tue Will through the practice of magick.” – Aleister Crowley
Derek Gilbert, who is an avid researcher on the subject notes that contacting these extraterrestrials is always though telepathy and seances, which suggests a spiritual connection. The UFO phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch seems to underscore the association of UFO sightings and other phenomena, including electromagnetic anomalies, with luminous orbs of light. The same luminous orb phenomena is often captured on video by paranormal researchers just prior and during paranormal events (hauntings) occurring. The same electromagnetic anomalies are well-known to paranormal researchers and is believed to indicate the presence of spirits and demonic entities. So, what are we actually dealing with here?
It's been stated many times by Internet pioneer and ufologist Jacques Vallée that the public is being kept in the dark because the rulers of the world, who worship the Diabolical One don't think we are ready. It appears this may be changing soon. Vallée was first noted in the 1960s for his defense of the scientific legitimacy of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) and later for promoting the inter-dimensional hypothesis (ITH). What changed? By 1969, Vallée's conclusions had changed, and he publicly stated that the ETH was too narrow and ignored too much data. Vallée began exploring the commonalities between UFOs, cults, religious movements, demons, angels, ghosts, cryptid sightings, and psychic phenomena. Vallée's opposition to the ETH theory is summarized in his paper, "Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects", Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1990.
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
PART 7 – Nephilim Accounts After The Flood
Let’s return to the bible to see what it says about the ‘Nephilim’ after the Flood. In the Old Testament, the only mentioning of Nephilim after the cataclysm was in Numbers 13. It was in the “evil report” that the spies sent out by Moses brought of the land of Canaan. As a result of this bad report, God’s judgment against these spies was harsh. They all died from the plague accept for two faithful servants of God.
“Even those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land, died by the plague before the LORD.” – Numbers 14:37
The phrase “evil report” is translated differently in individual translations: "evil report" (ASV); "bad account" (BBE); "evil words" (Brenton); "bad news" (CEV); "bad report" (ESV); "ill report" (Alter); "discouraging reports" (NAB, NJB). In Numbers 14:36 it doesn't speak about a false report, but about an undermining, disparaging report. The Lord gave the posterity of Israel the land of Canaan land, but the negative report caused all of the people to complain and revolt against the Lord. It triggered despair and the lack of faith in them. They feared for their lives if they traveled there.
So they gave a negative report to the Israelites about the land they had scouted: “The land we passed through to explore is one that devours its inhabitants, and all the people we saw in it are men of great size.” – Numbers 13:32
“We even saw the Nephilim there — the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim! To ourselves we seemed like grasshoppers, and we must have seemed the same to them.” – Numbers 13:33
Caleb and Joshua, two of the designated spies, were first to provide their report before Moses. However, the other spies must of already ‘leaked’ their negative report to the Israelite community beforehand.
The men went back to Moses, Aaron, and the entire Israelite community in the Wilderness of Paran at Kadesh. They brought back a report for them and the whole community, and they showed them the fruit of the land.
The reason is that Caleb had to quiet the people before Moses when he spoke.
Then Caleb quieted the people in the presence of Moses and said, “Let’s go up now and take possession of the land because we can certainly conquer it!”
Caleb urged Moses to send the Israelites up there to possess the land and assured him the Israelites would succeed. The other scouts however provided their ‘negative’ report before Moses. If the spies’ report was bad news and it was meant to mislead, then why didn’t Caleb and Joshua, two of the designated spies, call them out as being mistaken or even liars? Caleb and Joshua never denied the other men’s report of the sons of Nephilim and their “great stature” or “great size” and the peril forthwith. Instead, the crowd was incited to stone Caleb and Joshua after they tore their garments, which is a sign of their deep distress at the rebellious attitude of the people.
Can their description of the Anakim as descendants of Nephilim be taken as reliable? Being witnesses to what they observed isn’t really debunked. Their transgression was for instilling fear into the community causing their lack of faith, which undermined God’s plan for the Israelite people.
Another source telling us about the Nephilim is in the Book of Enoch. It is considered one of the ‘Deuterocanonical’ or ‘2nd canon’ books and is quoted in the Book of Jude. The Book of Enoch gives us greater insight about who the leaders of the fallen angels were. These Watchers taught mankind some really wicked practices and technologies. They taught them how to make weapons, how to perform abortions, how to do witchcraft and sorcery, astrology, makeup and jewelry, and much more. From this, it’s entirely possible that they greatly advanced these technologies, at least in the antediluvian era, and afterwards. Even the pre-Flood Nephilim, who were destroyed, their spirits are not bound, but they dwell to and fro on the earth.
But now the giants who are born from the (union of) the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. Evil spirits have come out of their bodies. Because from the day that they were created from the holy ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation. They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits. The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth. The spirits of the giants oppress each other, they will corrupt, fall, be excited, and fall upon the earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, nor become thirsty, nor find obstacles. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of the people and against the women, because they have proceeded forth (from them). – 1 Enoch 15
In the apocryphal “Book of Giants”, found both in the Dead Sea scroll and Manichaean versions, we are told after the flood, the giants and their sons still remained on the earth without bodies, become evil spirits, and are given a law by an angel of God how they are to live if they want to avoid being sent to the dark prison of punishment that the Watchers were sent to. And this explains how the Nephilim came to be on the earth after the flood. From this, we are told they are evil spirits.
After the Nephilim died they became roaming spirits of the earth. Not being confined to flesh, but able to inhabit flesh; the bodies of men and women, animals, and other "forms." Only when reading through the Testament of Solomon do we find evidence of these evil spirits residing on earth until the final judgment. Disembodied spirits they would become.
And there came before my face another enslaved spirit, having obscurely the form of a man, with gleaming eyes, and bearing in his hand a blade. And I asked: "Who art thou?" But he answered: "I am a lascivious spirit, engendered of a giant man who died in the massacre in the time of the giants." I said to him: "Tell me what thou art employed upon earth, and where thou hast thy dwelling." (Page 157) – Solomon 1:70
The Testament of Solomon is important primarily due to its writings of the spirits of the fallen Nephilim. Did Solomon encounter the spirits of the Nephilim which further amplifies the existence of their fallen nature? Even after the death, the Nephilim still lived through other bodies and “forms”.
Next, PART 8 – “Evil Spirits of the Nephilim Past And Present”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
PART 6 – More On The Nephilim
Is it conceivable that the Nephilim somehow survived the global flood? If so, is it also possible the knowledge given to them also did? The answer to these questions are greatly debated and there is controversy to their existence. Even the etymology of the Hebrew word ‘Nephilim’ is uncertain. Some scholars have interpreted it to be rendered, ‘great’, ‘large in body’, but many scholars claim this is incorrect; for it means, ‘excellent’, ‘noble’, ‘skilful’. This definition seems correlate with the rest of Genesis 6:4 for it says they, “were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown”. The phrase ‘mighty men’ is interpreted to mean, ‘strong’ and ‘brave’. The phrase “men of renown” is interpreted to mean, ‘famous’, ‘of note’, ’notable’, or even ‘infamous’nomasto/s). In Genesis 6, where the global flood is described, it tells us that the Nephilim were also on the Earth afterward. In Deuteronomy 2:11, the giants Anaqim are called Rephaim, and two of the most famous of the Raphaim are King Og of Bashan, whose huge iron bed could still be seen on display in Rabbah of Ammon (Deuteronomy 3:11) and the warrior Goliath, who descended from the Raphah in Gath (2 Samuel 21:19). The Rephaim and Anaqim were defeated by Joshua, Moses, and Caleb, and then the rest by David. Joshua 11:22 says that, “No Anaqim remained in the land of Israel, but some remained in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.”
”The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.”
The phrase “in those days” is easily interpreted to meaning the period of time before the Flood. In the Greek, the word for days is, ‘hēmérān’, which can mean, ‘used of time in general’, i.e. the days of his life. In Hebrew, the word, ‘yôm’ is used and can mean a ‘temporal time, a general period of time’. Notably, the Great Flood was considered as an unforgettable temporal divide in the memory of ancient peoples, so that the days were spoken in terms of before and after the Flood. We can see this evidenced by the stela left commemorating the Assyrian king Asshurbanipal declaring he was able to interpret ancient texts of “stones inscribed before the Flood”.
“I, Ashurbanipal, within the palace, understood the wisdom of Nabu [the god of learning]. All the art of writing of every kind. I made myself the master of them all. I read the cunning tablets of Sumer and the dark Akkadian language which is difficult to rightly use; I took my pleasure in reading stones inscribed before the flood.”
In the Companion Bible, Appendix 25,, it is noted that in Genesis 6:4 the word ‘afterwards’ is interpreted as being after the Flood, and it is postulated there was a “second irruption of these fallen angels”, apparently discovered in the land of Canaan, and were in fact known as "the nations of Canaan". However, there is no corroborating evidence citing this. Notwithstanding, the theory does provide an explanation for giants/Nephilim mentioned in the bible after the Flood. In going along with this theory, as it was for the purpose of the Flood, the sword of Israel was necessary for their destruction. In fact, they were to be cut off and to be utterly destroyed, every last one of them. But, we know Israel failed and their destruction was not complete. We don’t know how many got away to other lands to escape their general annihilation. In Deuteronomy 2:11, the giants Anaqim are called Rephaim, and two of the most famous of the Raphaim are King Og of Bashan, whose huge iron bed could still be seen on display in Rabbah of Ammon (Deuteronomy 3:11) and the warrior Goliath, who descended from the Raphah in Gath (2 Samuel 21:19). The Rephaim and Anaqim were defeated by Joshua, Moses, and Caleb, and then the rest by David. Joshua 11:22 says that “No Anaqim remained in the land of Israel, but some remained in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.”
With many perplexities connected with Anthropology today, recognizing this possibility could solve these mysteries. One of these enigmas are the more than 3000 Paracas skulls found in Peru that lack the sagittal suture and thus containing only one parietal plate rather than the two found in humans. DNA testing on these skulls have shown mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far”. Despite the lack of skeletal remains, the skulls sizes provide an estimated height of these people as being seven to eight and a half feet tall. Completion of a second round of DNA testing determined these skulls dating back as far as 2,000 years to have European and Middle Eastern origin. Is this evidence suggesting Nephilim connections? It’s not surprising that LA Marzulli, author and researcher of the Paracan skulls, who funded the DNA testing, calls his book on the subject “Nephilim Hybrids”. The Paracas skulls are only one of many examples of giants. The Adena giants of Midwestern United States and the Lovelock cave mummies are but few examples of over the many thousands found in America. Hugh Newman and Jim Veira document these many cases in their book. “Giants on Record”. In tact skeletons at Lovelock are reported to have measured eight and half feet tall and was later described as having been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similar to to Egyptian mummies. Is this another connection to the Middle East? Stewart Ferris reports that the question being asked, could Egyptian mummification have been a simplified, non-functioning version of a lost art of body preservation that had a real chance of reanimation? This idea may sound outlandish, but its acceptance can only be reckoned if it is first acknowledged that the ancient Egyptians descended from a highly advanced antediluvian civilization, one that has long been lost due to great diluvial cataclysm. Moreover by asking if so, did the Watchers provide mankind technology to accomplish this? The controversy is premised on multiple archaeological OOPARTS (Out of Place Artifacts), enigmas, and anomalies prompting this intriguing theory that instead of marking the culmination of mankind’s technological development, Egyptian achievements signaled the tail end of the decline of an even greater society.
Next, PART 7 – “Nephilim Accounts After The Flood”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
PART 4 – Antarctica And Its Secrets
Admiral Richard E. Byrd, was sent to Antarctica with a large armada of 68 ships, 13 warships, an aircraft carrier with 33 aircraft, and 4700 navy and marine personnel. It was the biggest deployment ever to this part of the world. Why would Admiral Byrd be sent to Antarctica with such a large fleet of warships and record such fantastic experiences there?
In his official journal, he wrote of meeting tall Nordic looking people and their leader who was referred to as the “Master”.
“The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my Hosts speaks. “Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master…”
Is it merely a coincidence that Satanic cults refer to Lucifer as the “Master”?
On December 8, 1954, Byrd appeared on the television show “Longines Chronoscope”. In the interview’ he said that Antarctica, in the future, would become the most important place in the world for science. Admiral Byrd’s prediction may be materializing.
In recent times, a bizarre list of public figures have traveled to Antarctica. The list itself contains individuals known to be members of secret societies. That list, just for the sake of a brief review, includes the following: King Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince Harry of Great Britain, John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, XRP cryptocurrency co-founder David Schwartz, Bill Gates and Bill Gates, Sr., and Tom Hanks. Of course there’s also unconfirmed reports of other elites like Klaus Schwabb going there too. The timing of the Antarctica trip by Secretary of State Kerry on election eve is especially odd. Election night is one of the historic nights in the United States, and in such an important night, the Secretary of State has a prominent responsibility to be on duty and be present in the office. So what is so important to call for his presence in Antarctica?
Then we have the Wikileaks DNC leaks of John Podesta, with attachments of 25 or so amazing photos of Antarctica. Again, why the interest in Antarctica? Previously in 1999, Bill Clinton visited the small USAF Air Mobility Command Base (“Deep Freeze”) in Christ Church, New Zealand and telephoned the American McMurdo Station base in Antarctica. How odd is this, especially from a person who said he “loathed” the military? Clinton was the first president to ever visit this American base. As a visitor to New Zealand in 1979, I was aware of this base, but I can honestly say there was nary a thought in my head to ever go there. New Zealand is a beautiful place with so many other places to see. So why would some of the most depraved people in the world be so interested in Antarctica? The growing list of people gets stranger and stranger, and despite their stated reason, there’s has to be something more going on than just “climate change”.
Hollywood has done a masterful job in the science fiction realm for greasing the axle to getting us all to wonder what is under the Antarctic ice. The recent spate of bizarre stories about Antarctica has only increased. The reporting of anything from ‘alien’ discoveries under the ice to the discovery of a lost civilization has a growing audience, to which there are those who ‘want to believe’. There’s no doubt a growing number of people are looking for some ‘savior’ to save us from ourselves. All the problems of the world are expressly reported as worsening, and by our mere presence, we are making it far worse.
To add to the mystique of Antarctica is author Linda Moulton Howe’s interview in 2018 of a retired US Navy Seal Commander and his colleague, a US Marine Special Ops analyst. The whistle-blowers claim that in August, 2003 they were carrying out a mission to extract a scientist from a huge, alien architecture at least 2 miles under Antarctic ice. Both whistle-blowers told her that in August 2003 they had been briefed about Antarctica’s alien presence, linked to Star Gate portals around Earth, and have been ‘terraforming’ Earth and our solar system for millions of years. The key word being used is ‘terraforming’, which means “to alter the environment of (a celestial body) in order to make capable of supporting terrestrial life forms”. In other words, we are being told God didn’t create life on Earth (including mankind), ET did. The whistle-blowers statement confirms the findings of Dr. Alnor that all of the ET stories are attempts to get us to change the way we think about God. They all attack the person of Jesus Christ and they all attack Christianity.
Dr. Alnor’s deliberation is well-founded when he warned us that the New Age god worshiped by UFO devotees may be one of the cleverest demonic onslaughts ever launched against humanity.
Other researchers have echoed Dr. Alnor’s statements and investigated secret government programs involving aliens, advanced technology, and the sinister conspiracy that is rapidly unfolding. The Faull Brothers have interviewed a former FBI special agent, a department of defense consultant, best-selling authors, and seasoned research professionals, who all unveiled pieces of this grand puzzle. What these witnesses and researchers reveal is that we are fast approaching a great deception that will usher in the mark of the Beast System.
Next, PART 5 – “The Church Of Satan And Parallels To Extraterrestrials”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
PART 5 – The Church Of Satan And Parallels To Extraterrestrials
Satanic priests claim it was Lucifer that showed mankind ‘knowledge’ and that the tree of knowledge symbolizes this. Lucifer is portrayed as the ‘Light Bearer’ and ‘Morning Star’ who showed us ‘free will’. The serpent is seen as the ‘Instructor’ who imparts knowledge and the tree symbolizes this. The Instructor urges Eve to partake and eat of the fruit. As encouragement, he promises her that she will not die, despite God’s (Demiurge) warning of death. Eve then offered this knowledge to Adam, who also ate of it. When they heard ‘Demiurge’ walking through the garden they hid from Him, He called out and asked where they were, how did an all seeing ‘God’ not know where they were and what they had done? This contemptuous caricature of God misrepresents the story of Genesis and is used to shed doubt and lead astray God’s children.
They claim God did not hand down His own free will to “know thyself” and thereby imprisoned Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden keeping them ignorant and from achieving knowledge of technology. They falsely reason with the absence of free will, there can be no polarity, no evolution, and therefore, nothing to "choose" between. To “know thyself” involves enlightenment, carnality, and pride.
1 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away. – 2 Timothy 3:1-5
It’s not surprising that the top entry in Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ‘pride’ as being, “1. reasonable self-esteem : confidence and satisfaction in oneself : SELF-RESPECT”. This is in contrast to its earlier emphasis as having, "the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's own importance”, as found at Conservapedia. The word ‘pride’ and the changing of its meaning is an example of attempts to change the meaning of God’s word and the way we think about God. As we learned earlier, the changing and re-branding of words is an important part of psychological warfare.
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. – Proverbs 6:16-19
The truth is it was our Creator from the beginning who gave us free will for us to choose whether we wanted a relationship with Him. And as a reward we were blessed. It was not as they falsely claim to evolve “knowing thyself” and achieving technology making them like god themselves.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. – Genesis 1:26-28
Our Creator gave us knowledge to invent, build, and produce tools to overcoming all the elements of the Earth and to exercising lordship over all the living creatures of this world in accordance to His Divine Order.
Contrary to this, the Nephilim came into existence having no knowledge whatsoever. Before the days of Noah, it was mankind that made pacts with the offspring of the fallen ones and doing so was a complete betrayal of God. For what was shown to mankind came directly from God. This included the inventions and technologies that built the pyramids and the tower of Babel.
“And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” – Gen. 11:6
“And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship,” – Exodus 31:3
Next, PART 6 – “More On The Nephilim”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
PART 3 – The Religion Associated With UFOs And Extraterrestrials
There appears to be a religion lurking in the background of all the EBE and UAP disclosure discourse. When I first noticed it, I couldn’t really identify it. . There was a feeling I got of something being off when talking to attendees at these conferences. They speak of it as a gospel of fact and belief. Indeed, there is a religion behind much of the ufology movement and called, “extraterrestrial creationism”. In C.S. Lewis book, “Space Trilogy” (“Out of the Silent Planet”, 1938), he describes angels and God as divine extraterrestrials. Television shows like the 1990s “X-Files” series were not the first Hollywood productions to nudge public opinion across the Rubicon of mutating science fiction to conceivable reality. However, it’s 9 year run did help make New Age ufology popular. Aside from this, was the rise of Scientology and its many “Free Zones” that believe preceding humanity’s arrival on Earth, we lived in extraterrestrial cultures. In 1992, author and researcher Dr. William (Bill) Alnor warned us that the New Age god worshiped by UFO devotees may be one of the cleverest demonic onslaughts ever launched against humanity. His extensive field research and exhaustive literary review details the ties the UFO followers have with the occult and the New Age Movement, and they allow him to provide a biblical response to the UFO craze.
An example prefacing the religion aspect of this is the highly popular “Ancient Aliens” television series. In one of their episodes even the Last Supper of Jesus Christ is argued as originating from extraterrestrials. It starts out by asking,
“Does human blood contain sustaining properties far beyond its function inside the body? And if so, the substance known as ambrosia be flowing through the veins of every human? As far as many ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, the answer is yes.”
It’s interesting that the word “Ambrosia” is used here. In classic mythology ‘ambrosia’ is defined as “the food of the gods, said to bestow immortality”. Even though the writers don’t state it directly, I got the real sense that they were leading us to conclude that it was ‘adrenochrome’ used in the Last Supper. Blasphemous? You can watch the short video here.
In other episodes we are shown ancient ruins and construction that cannot be explained away even by our modern technology. Indeed, it is a puzzling question that doesn’t have really good explanations. And since it is presented as having no earthly conclusion, we are pointed in the direction that only ‘extraterrestrials’ could have had the technology to build such incredible structures. This doesn’t represent all of the claims of extraterrestrials being present in the past to help and instruct us. There’s more, but first let me provide some interestingly news. Despite the censorship, people are becoming more aware of the deception and recognize it for what it is:
A growing number of sources claim these aliens are not extraterrestrial (EBEs) at all, but inter-dimensional biological beings or entities (IBBs or IBEs). In fact, “FBI Document No. 6751”, shows us that the FBI knew since 1947 that these beings were inter-dimensional See at mark 21:34. And yes, these same sources claim they are demonic. There is even an ”Alien Abduction Help Forum” that abductees report their experiences and found surprising results by praying and calling out the name and authority of Jesus Christ. (See here). Joe Jordan, a UFO researcher and an official investigator for MUFON, recounts a case back in 1993, in which an “abductee” recounted how the aliens stopped the abduction and disappeared when he invoked the Name of Jesus. Sharing this information with leading researchers, he discovered there was a cover-up in the UFO community. These top researchers knew of other cases like this, but feared that it would “affect their credibility in the realm”. Jordan says it is for this reason why there is no documentation of it. Since that first case, Jordan has documented over 400 cases of abductees being able to stop the abduction by invoking the name and authority of Jesus Christ. Joe Jordan states that within ufology there is a schism. On one side there may be Christians who are very positive about the research, but there’s an opposing group highly connected with the new age and the metaphysical - that are against these ideas. If Joe Jordan isn’t convincing enough, there are many more witnesses testifying similar stories. Janet Flier and her husband AF Major George Filer reveal their own experience. She testifies that she invoked the name and authority of Jesus Christ and was able to stop the IBB attack on her. This corroborates Jordan’s testimony. Aleister Crowley, who embodied the ‘pre-Satanist’ esoteric discourse for the later the Satanic church, drew an image of what he called “LAM”, which was a being that he contacted through ritual magick. The image strikingly looks like what we know as an “extraterrestrial Grey”.
"Today they call them angels and demons, tomorrow they will call them something else…" (extraterrestrial aliens). – Aleister Crowley
Dr. Alnor contends that the alien vessels seem to change shapes per historical era. The saucer shaped UFOs are giving way to more triangular versions. He reports that every single one of these UFO/New Age Conferences are trying to get us to change the way we think about God (See video at 6:57 mark).They all attack the person of Jesus Christ. They all attack Christianity.
“And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel.” – Ephesians 6:19
Researcher and Radio show host Chad Riley states these IBBs refer to themselves as 'Nephilim' (See at mark 24:45). Crazy? Not really. The world is already crazy. So, acceptance of 'crazy' is already manifested in the time we live. Make of it as you will. There’s more witnesses, including whistle-blowers, that have made the Nephilim connection to IBBs. I’ll get to that later, but first even 'Q' makes mention of 'demons' and their attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin.
Many people view demons in a figurative sense. Despite them being open to the idea that demons exist, they almost exclusively are in denial of such phantasm happening to them and rely on ‘rational’ science to explain it. The denial ranges from disregard, silent trepidation, to not admitting to being influenced or harassed by demonic entities.
We are brainwashed with this type of thinking that no matter how baffling the experiences might be, it must always be explained by known science. In psychology this is a classic form of cognitive dissonance in that anxiety or discomfort results from simultaneously held contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes and beliefs. In many ways, you could classify these people as part of the ‘devil doesn’t exist’ crowd. This belief is witting and unwittingly nearly universal throughout society and acts as the antithesis to the belief in God. It all too often becomes the very truth behind ‘Q’s statement for “lead[ing] the world away from God and into sin. To fall for this deception is a huge mistake.
Who are the powers and the “dark world” that’s mentioned? If we are being conditioned to accept the day when EBEs are revealed, how will the masses react? Will fear paralyze and confuse the masses? Will world religions be overthrown? The Ancient Astronaut advocates tell us EBEs were once worshiped in ancient history. Are we being led to doing the same? There is a great deception being conjured and everywhere it seems UAPs and EBEs are being increasingly reported. The US military is now providing the public with increasing disclosures of the UFO phenomena. In July, 2001, a military whistle-blower in an interview tells us It’s All A Lie. In his testimony he reveals that he had access to and was aware of the extent of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). He further added that EBEs exist in compartmentalized areas of these DUMBS. Whether this is true or not, the part I thought was interesting was the whistle-blower didn’t believe that EBEs are extraterrestrial at all, but have always been from Earth. This corroborates other military personnel like Greg Rinchich (See Magic Mirror, “Project 77” video at 4:15 mark) that had special access clearances. He further states the agenda of the world rulers is to hide any evidence that corroborates the Bible and God’s existence.
Is it possible these EBEs are ‘Nephilim’, and demons masquerading as such? \Shortly, I’ll examine the Nephilim aspect of this, but first the demon part needs to be addressed. According to Genesis 6:1-4, the Nephilim were the children resulting from the sexual relations between the sons of God and daughters of men. Christian scholars have thought that these “sons of God”, who were specifically called the Watchers, were angels that sinned and bred with human females, or possessed human males bearing offspring with human females. In the Book of Jubilees, it tells us these angels were sanctioned by God Himself (Jubilees 5:6) to teach mankind and do what is just and upright.
And in the second week of the tenth jubilee [449-55 A.M.] Mahalalel took unto him to wife DinaH, the daughter of Barakiel the daughter of his father's brother, and she bare him a son in the third week in the sixth year, [461 A.M.] and he called his name Jared, for in his days the angels of the Lord descended on the earth, those who are named the Watchers, that they should instruct the children of men, and that they should do judgment and uprightness on the earth. – Jubilees 4:15
The Watchers were to teach mankind and did so, but later they defiled themselves by entering the daughters of men and having children with them. And as a result, the corrupt Watchers were punished by being imprisoned in darkness. Their children, the Nephilim, were destroyed, but their evil spirits were not imprisoned to the abyss as their fathers were. Fallen angels (not Watchers) are demons and have the same abilities that the IBBs have shown themselves to have by manifesting themselves in both the physical and spiritual realms (See “Misunderstanding #2”, p.14-15). The question is what happened to all the Nephilim? Were they all wiped out in the Great Deluge? Or do they still exist today?
Next, PART 4 – “Antarctica And Its Secrets”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
PART 2 – Ramping Up The UFO Disclosure Campaign
There’s much talk about the UFO disclosure in the public domain these days. One article, “Lies, Damn Lies, and UFOs: Deciphering the Truth Hidden Amid Decades of Propaganda” addresses this recent phenomena quite well. In what appears to be a very well-devised narrative, several well-informed “insiders” have recently come forward claiming that “extraterrestrials” are real and have been visiting Earth for decades. The time is coming when a ‘full’ disclosure will come and the catalyst triggering it will be used to distract the public from some other great travesty. Be alert to this.
The disclosure news will increasingly capture the public attention and will preface their intended objective. Predictably, it will be the first step before a terror act that will be orchestrated with convincing flare. ‘Order out of chaos (‘ordo ab chao’), to which their ’order’ is found by the ‘Problem — Reaction — Solution’ formula.
“A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it’s going to get.”— Ian Williams Goddard
The UFO narrative has been carefully crafted for over 70 years to be used at the right time for herding the masses into accepting the Beast system. It increasingly appears as though this great ‘revelation’ is nearly at hand.
The classic stages of propagating a deception is a well-oiled tool used by the government for building up a narrative, while Hollywood and UFO research organizations have provided the opposing teasers to flame the possibility of their existence. Thesis. Antithesis. Hollywood has made a constant stream of movies since the 1930s exalting extraterrestrial beings as either benevolent and malevolent towards Earth and its inhabitants. At last count there has been over 661 films featuring extraterrestrials made. This doesn’t include literature, television series, and games. The popularity has only grown, along with those believing in the existence of extraterrestrial life [extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs)]. Not surprisingly, reported sightings and abductions have also increased. From 1990 to 2014, there has been a 2,466% rise in sightings. In pursuing years sightings have tapered off, but for 2023, it seems like it’s on the rise again. In a 2022 an Ipsos poll conducted in the US and in 36 countries found that 17% of Americans believed it was likely that extraterrestrials will visit Earth, which is just under the global average of 18%. India and China, which comprise roughly half the world’s population had an average of 34% believing ET will visit us shortly. The question becomes at what point do we reach critical mass (a tipping point) of acceptance?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." – William J. Casey, CIA Director, 1981
For years a story has circulated in and out of the UFO community that former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three meetings with extraterrestrials. Witnesses here and here, including a former politician, have come forward claiming the story is true. These revelations are now being told after 50 years. Why now?
Since Eisenhower, every American president was purportedly briefed on the UFO phenomena and had ‘full disclosure’. This seemingly changed after president Richard M. Nixon made privy to his friend and entertainer Jackie Gleason, of extraterrestrials kept at Homestead Air Force Base. At the time, Gleason happened to have an intense interest in the UFO phenomena. Nixon obliged his friend and had arranged for Gleason to visit Homestead AFB. Upon his arrival there, Gleason witnessed the embalmed bodies of four alien beings. Deeply shaken afterwards and returning to his home, on the promise of absolute secrecy, Gleason confided to his wife, Betty what he saw. That secret only lasted until the divorce and she then freely discussed the story publicly. In a 1983 interview with the National Enquirer, Betty McKittrick told the story of after a golf game, Nixon took Gleason to an air force base to show him the remains of extraterrestrial beings. The story quickly spread and captured the public’s imagination. Despite the lack of evidence for the February 19, 1973 incident, it remains a popular story in UFO lore. The timing of this interview was soon after the immensely successful 1982 Steven Spielberg movie, “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”, which captured the imagination of millions of people.
For what was once ‘imagined’ and produced in Hollywood studios soon afterwards entered the arena of politics. At first, President Jimmy Carter made headlines with his claim of seeing, along with 25 other men, a UFO in in Georgia, in 1969. The experience stirred the would-be president to bring UFO’s into the conversation during his campaign in 1976. President Ronald Reagan also had his own account of seeing a UFO in 1974. Apparently his sighting was so eventful, years later on Sept. 21st, 1987, at the United Nations General Assembly, President Ronald Reagan said,,
“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
Speaking at the White House in front of a room full of reporters on May 5th, 1988, Reagan again brought the subject up and said,
“I've often wondered what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer…a power from another planet. Wouldn't we all of a sudden find that we didn't have any differences between us at all, we were all human beings, citizens of the world and wouldn't we come together to fight that particular threat?”
The same reoccurring thesis was brought up three years later when Henry Kissinger at the Bilderberger Conference in Evians, France, 1991 is reported to have said:
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government”* – Henry A. Kissinger
It’s difficult to assess whether Reagan or Kissinger had inside knowledge that prompted their statements. However, it does seem to provide us some clues to the intention of the whole UFO narrative.
Werner Von Braun Reveals The Plan To A Colleague
Werner Von Braun was the director of the Marshall Space Flight Center and chief architect of the Saturn V rocket that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon. From 1974 – 1977, Werner Von Braun began privately telling Carol Rosin, a colleague at a major aerospace company Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of contrived global false flag “cards” such as asteroid impacts and extraterrestrial invasion, which would lead to the militarization of space and usher in a New World Order. It was at Fairchild Industries where Von Braun learned about the planned sequence of false flag cards being discussed at boardroom meetings.
“The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we're going to build a space based weapons system . . considered the enemy ... then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow. . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . against asteroids we're going to build space based weapons. First the Russians are going to be the next enemy then asteroids. And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. 'And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We're going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,' and all of it, he said, is a lie.” Why would Carol Rosen specifically recall this by saying,
“And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.”
I find her remarks quite peculiar. To repeat something so often betrays the intent of the message. It seems rather clear to me that Von Braun wanted to plant the thought in her head, so she wouldn’t forget it. Was his ‘false flag alien invasion’ claim – a genuine warning or a deception? Since Von Braun was an Operation Paperclip scientist and worked with other Paperclip Nazi scientists, were their intentions sincerely in the interests of the United States? There’s another compelling story claiming that Von Braun may have been a double agent and was protecting the Nazi interests in Antarctica. There are high level decision makers who claim this was indeed the case. They claimed while the German scientists provided technical assistance for US rocket and other advanced aerospace programs, many were sabotaging US industry efforts to replicate the advanced aerospace technologies the Nazis had reverse engineered from extraterrestrial spacecraft. Several officials in the defense industry echoed this belief.
The Significance Of Disclosure
For me, I was always puzzled by the entire UFO subject. It was an enigma to me. One in which, I had no real answer for. A long time ago in the late 1970s when I was in engineering school, I use to work for the Naval Ocean Systems Center. A friend there who worked in the AI lab at the Point Loma Research facility, invited me to his church. There I recall a certain youth pastor sharing with us his belief that UFO/space aliens were demonic entities. This was the first time I heard this belief. At the time and until recently, I rejected this as a wacky Christian superstition. I now believe I was wrong. My eyes have been opened as a result of a series of recent revelations. Many of which are presented in this article. The Carol Rosen interview was something I was aware of for many years. I watched the interview when it first came out. Yet, I still considered it an enigma and didn't sense there was any evidence to this ‘alien’ final card happening. Now however, it appears this last false-flag card is being readied to be played. There's too many corroborating stories to ignore this false-flag and great deception from happening. One indication that provides insight to the public’s acceptance of a deception is the changing of terminology.
In terms of re-branding words, this is precisely what is occurring in the UFO field. The old words of ‘little green men’, ‘Martians’, ‘space alien’, and even ‘E.T.’ had a ‘certain’ stigma attached to them. What was once considered taboo in the ranks of government is now taken more seriously by U.S. officials. No one is laughing anymore. ‘Space aliens’ are now being referred to as EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). Even the common UFO name has publicly changed and many experts now call them UAPs: Unexplained Aerial Phenomena. There’s a reason for this. It’s a well known marketing trick for re-branding product. Re-branding has a tendency for erasing past stigmas. It’s all about getting the public to accept it. Similarly, there’s a reason why the word ‘transvestite’ and ‘cross-dresser’ are now considered derogatory terms and the social lobbyists want us to use an endless list of preferred words and pronouns. Part of psychological warfare is the power to change words and their meaning.
Next, PART 3 – “The Religion Associated With UFOs And Extraterrestrials”
PART 1 – The SARS-CoV2 Pandemic
Despite the apparent failure of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic to usher in the Great Reset, it was successful in other ways for laying the foundation of a one world government. Don’t be fooled. This pandemic is over, but the public health powers are not. All that is needed now is another 'crisis' to herd the masses into accepting world government. This brings up the next question, ‘What will be the next crisis?’ The use of emergencies, man-made disasters, and war have been used repeatedly in the past to successfully get people depending on government for finding the ‘solution’. In a recent interview (now banned on Youtube) with James O’Keefe, Robert Kennedy, Jr. befittingly recognized that, “Fear is recognized [forever] as a governing tool. And particularly for totalitarian elements, it’s always been the most attractive…. but fear, it’s the most potent one.” . Fear is the prime mover in all emergencies. The greater the fear, the greater the paralysis and confusion.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. – Psalm 34:4
So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” – Hebrews 13:16
A glaring example of this was the experimental SARS-CoV2 mRNA campaign. Out of manufactured fear, the delivery was consistent to the tactic of ‘shock-and-awe’ (‘rapid dominance’), in which the majority of Americans were compelled and coerced to go along with what government insisted they do. Again, the key word here is ‘fear’ with its intended aftermath of paralysis and confusion.
“In July 2020, Yale University announced a study of the trigger words and phrases that would have a higher likelihood of promoting an otherwise individualistic society to quietly follow mandates (not laws) to control behavior. The phrases tested were believed to be most successful at conveying feelings about health, helping others and fear.
In October 2019, a pandemic round table meeting called Event 201 brought together many high-ranking men and women with governmental authority. There were 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise. Participants included representatives from the World Economic Forum, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Johns Hopkins University Population Center, the World Bank, the Chinese government and vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson. The transcript from Event 201 openly suggests it was planned and frighteningly close to what actually transpired since January 2020. It may have been a coincidence to predict one or two major public health decisions, but it appears that the group was either remarkably prophetic or were complicit in shaping the decisions and events of 2020 from behind the scenes. A growing number of people are awakening to the realization that powerful forces were attempting to usher in a wold government. As part of that plan was a worldwide depopulation effort. The size and scope of such a plan was so colossal many people couldn’t believe such a nefarious plan was possible in today’s world. The world’s elite were attempting to use a medical emergency and the ensuing panic to lock-down the global population under a medical Marshall Law. Without lawful informed consent and by using the most coercive methods, an experimental vaccine was sanctioned. To many people, it was a wake up call of biblical proportions. The evidence keeps pouring in and suggests we are living in biblical times. And if the SARS-CoV2 pandemic was conceived, coordinated, and sanctioned by the world’s elite and powerful, then it’s reasonable to believe most of the emergencies (man-made disasters; arson, industrial sabotage, plane crashes, forest fires, train derailments, mass shootings, terrorist acts, wars, etc.) have purposely been created for similar reasons.
Public emergencies always follows the problem-reaction-solution thesis. This is actually a simplified version of the psychological effects of trauma, to which there are five recognized stages of human behavior in dealing with it. The ‘COVID-19 pandemic is no exception to the ensuing trauma that it caused. It must be remembered that it was all concocted for an insidious purpose. I recall 'Q' saying that 7 out of 10 planes crashes are targeted kills.
Ponder if you will on what was written here. This is an incredible statement. From what we have learned from the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, the lock-downs, and the abject evil that was perpetuated in murdering the elderly and the innocent, it is well within the realm of possibilities. It is part of the biblical times we are living. Accordingly, we must have an open mind to the risk of incredible evil affecting us and our loved ones. Psychologically, we must accept all the possibilities and set them on the table.
Just as plane crashes are used for a desired result, national emergencies, man-made disasters; arson, industrial sabotage, train derailments, forest fires, mass shootings, terrorist acts, wars, and others may be used in the same way. The desired result repeatedly points to an unmistakable direction and the eerie feeling that we are being led. Like an easy target, the public is being set up, deceived, and being prepared for a false flag. In terms of false flag events, consider the story of Lee Harvey Oswald being set up as the easy target (patsy) and blamed for JFK’s assassination. Then think more expansively to the over a thousand J6ers, who were essentially set up as patsies and used in this great false flag event. The false flags have only gotten bigger. What was the purpose of each of these false flag events? Ironically, they are related and is part of the dark world we are living. Those responsible bore false witness against the many innocent and profited lavishly from their Faustian bargain with their master, who they recognize as being Lucifer.
Since the JFK assassination, a dark force has been controlling both political parties and the three letter agencies.
We now know from the SARS-CoV2 pandemic that false flags have been taken to levels of unprecedented heights, to which an entire population of people having objections based on religious and philosophical grounds to vax☠xination were discriminated against and persecuted, fired from their jobs, and jailed. Churches and places of worship were closed down. Under emergency authority, it confirmed that in this setting the religious rights of Americans is subject to the whims of government.
The digital vax☠xine registration system was set up and field tested with partnerships between government and public corporations. Without the required App on a smart phone to prove vax☠x status, several cities during the lock-down required retail businesses, restaurants, and public travel to deny service. Many Christians interpreted it with biblical proportion and was the advent of the Beast System. The pieces are coming together and we are being set up for the next and perhaps the last great false flag card.
Next, PART 2 – “Ramping Up The UFO Disclosure Campaign”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card' Series.
PROLOGUE – Biblical Times
We are living in biblical times. The time is drawing near, but there is still hope and in time we shall overcome. As a review of how biblical the time we are living, I think it is important to revisit a Q posting (#4541) from June 29, 2020 that sums it up quite well:
Please note there are 8 or 9 parts to "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card". In researching and putting this together, it is my sincere hope the reader will find insights to the biblical times we are living. Thank you Great Awakening. Enjoy.
Despite the apparent failure of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic scheme to usher in the Great Reset and One World government, it was successful in other ways for laying the foundation of a One World government. All that is needed now is another 'crisis' to herd the masses into accepting world government. The use of emergencies, man-made disasters, and war have been used to get people into depending on government for finding the solutions. Most of these emergencies, man-made disasters, and wars have purposely been created for this very reason. I recall 'Q' saying that 7 out of 10 planes crashes are targeted kills.
Just as plane crashes are used for a desired result, national emergencies, man-made disasters, terrorist acts, mass shootings, wars, and others are used in the same way. We are being set up and deceived into the last great false flag card for accepting the Beast System.
The UFO narrative has been carefully crafted for over 70 years to be used at the right time for herding the masses into accepting the Beast system. Werner Von Braun was the director of the Marshall Space Flight Center and chief architect of the Saturn V rocket that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon. From 1974 – 1977, Werner Von Braun began privately telling Carol Rosin, a colleague at a major aerospace company Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of contrived global false flag “cards” such as asteroid impacts and extraterrestrial invasion, which would lead to the militarization of space and usher in a New World Order. It was at Fairchild Industries where Von Braun learned about the planned sequence of false flag cards being discussed at boardroom meetings.
For me, I was always puzzled by the entire UFO subject. It was an enigma to me. One in which, I had no answer for. A long time ago when I was in engineering school, I use to work for Naval Ocean Systems Center. A friend there who worked in AI invited me to his church. There I recall a youth pastor stating he believed that UFO/space aliens were demonic entities. At the time until the present, I rejected this as Christian whacked superstition. I was wrong. My eyes have been opened as a result of a series of revelations. The Carol Rosen interview was something I was aware of for many years. I watched the interview when it first came out. Yet, I still considered it an enigma and didn't sense there was any evidence to it happening. Now however, it appears this last false-flag card is being readied to be played. There's too many corroborating stories to ignore this false-flag and great deception.
These alien beings are referred to as EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), but the indication is that they are not extraterrestrial at all, but inter-dimensional biological beings or entities (IBBs or IBEs). And yes, they are demonic.
This military whistle-blower states these IBBs refer to themselves as 'Nephilim'. Crazy? Not really. The world is already crazy. So, acceptance of 'crazy' is already manifest in our reality. Even 'Q' makes mention of 'demons' and their attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin. u/#q4402
Many people view demons in a figurative sense. Despite them being open to the idea that demons exist, they almost exclusively are in denial of such phantasm happening to them and rely on ‘rational’ science to explain it. The denial ranges from disregard, silent trepidation, to not admitting to being influenced or harassed by demonic entities.
We are brainwashed with this type of thinking that no matter how baffling the experiences might be, it must always be explained by known science. In psychology this a classic form of cognitive dissonance in that anxiety or discomfort results from simultaneously held contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes and beliefs. In many ways, you could classify these people as part of the ‘devil doesn’t exist’ crowd. Shortly I will show that this belief is witting and unwittingly nearly universal throughout society and acts as the antithesis to the belief in God. It all too often becomes the very truth behind ‘Q’s statement for “lead[ing] the world away from God and into sin.”It is a huge mistake. Why would 'Q' mention this if there isn't any basis of it being true? It is actually possible the Nephilim were somewhat both fallen angels and giants. According to Genesis 6:1-4, the Nephilim were the children of the relations between the sons of God and daughters of men. Christian scholars have thought that the “sons of God” were fallen angels (demons) who bred with human females or possessed human males who then yielded children with human females. The question is where'd all the Nephilim go? Do they still exist today? Why would Admiral Byrd record such fantastic experiences when he traveled to Antarctica?
These researchers on the topic have investigated secret government programs involving aliens, advanced technology, and a sinister conspiracy that is unfolding. The Faull Brothers have interviewed a former FBI special agent, a department of defense consultant, best-selling authors and seasoned research professionals, all unveiling pieces of this grand puzzle. What these witnesses and researchers reveal is that we are fast approaching a great deception that will usher in the mark of the Beast System.