”Russia is an orthodox Christian country with traditional social values and for that reason, it must be destroyed, no matter what the cost to us. This is a jihad.” –Congressman Jamie Raskin


We are at war with the Evil One having loosed his foot soldiers against Christianity itself. Here are some disturbing trends:

→ There’s a 4000% explosion in kids identifying as transsexual.

→The number of kids sent to “gender” clinics has quadrupled, forced to unlearn boy–girl differences. – TCF

→ Did you know the Talmud, an authoritive compendium of rabbinical legal traditions, recognizes 8 genders?

→ "Certain" communities welcome 7-year old transsexual kids.

Here are the Organizations that Spear Head the Transsexual Endemic.

The National Center of Transgender Equality – Founder is Mara Kiesling

GLSEN – Director is Eliza Byard

Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER) – Founder is Eli Erlick

Transgender Legal Defense Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) – Founders are Julian Weiss/Michael Silverman

Sylvia Rivera Law Project – Founder is Dean Spade

What do all the founders and director have in common?

Surprise, surprise. Every single time.


Part 2 of "On Transsexuals, Influences of Demons Serving the Diabolical One-- Q4402, Q812 and Q1269"

Effects of Hormones and Oxycotin

In terms of hormones, a classic example can be found by one the adverse reactions to anabolic steroid abuse. Anabolic steroids are a testosterone imitator. One of the several adverse reactions is known as ‘Roid rage, which refers to outbursts of anger and aggression or violence. It would makes sense that transsexual hormone treatment would perhaps lead to similar acts of anger, aggression or violence, especially if underlying feelings of ostracization, regret, and anger are present.

Our brains and senses are designed to bring us into contact with reality, connecting us with the outside world and with the reality of ourselves. Before we are born, the male and female brain neurologically develop very differently. This is permanent and cannot be changed. Sexual dimorphism is most often attributed in terms of physical attributes. These biological sex differences arise not only from epigenetic hormone actions during developmental sensitive periods but also from an individual’s experiences interacting with the outside world. And that results in human brains that show visible differences in terms of size, appearance, and function between the sexes. Women do not have the wiring already existing in males. Synthetic hormone treatment is a recipe that will destroy the individual.

Another factor that points to the abject abomination of hormonal treatment in transsexuals is that there are other hormones we are born with that make us complete. One of these hormones is called oxycotin and may be a key to why [females respond very differently to stressful situations than males[(https://taylorlab.psych.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/10/2000_Biobehavioral-responses-to-stress-in-females_tend-and-befriend.pdf). Oxytocin is a mood regulator produced by both men and women. However, the male hormone, testosterone seems to act as a stabilizer to its effect, while the female hormone - estrogen amplifies the role of oxytocin. When synthetic testosterone is injected into women wanting to be male-like, it doesn't erase the underlying estrogen influences. It tends to interfere with hard-wired processes already constructed long ago. If there is any indication of behavioral imbalance it appears as a raging female 'Hulk' with uncontrolled, unstable moods; a monster.

“Let a woman learn in quietness with all subjection. But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness. For Adam was first formed, then Eve; and Adam was not beguiled, but the woman being beguiled hath fallen into transgression: but she shall be saved through her child-bearing, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety.” --1Timothy 2:11-14.

If hormones affect transsexual emotional behavior and effects the homeostasis of body and mind, thus weakening the sense of reality, then does this open a conduit to demonic influence and possession, as seen through their sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts? I believe it is demonic influence and even possession.

When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God. – Galatians 5:19-21

I now believe many of those irrational and violent individuals are influenced demonically and are imprisoned by their own blindness to sexual immorality, impurity, narcissism, and lustful pleasures. In terms of this, demons are present in human form either by their influence or possession. I use to think that demon influence was ritually practiced at the upper level of the so-called pyramid of secret societies. This to me was separate from all the stories and reports of demonic possession existing in plebeian society. I once viewed these as random aberrations' to which the frequency of these 'random aberrations' indicated the decay and detritus of Christian faith and influence in our nation. From this I prayed for a sweeping nationwide Christian revival.

I realize I underestimated even this and now believe it is not random at all, but well organized and exists widely. It is especially exemplified in the transsexual militancy and Antifa. They are now openly attacking Christians in America. No church and life center is safe. Even our government has shown its evil hand. It is from this perspective that I tend to believe transsexuals and Antifa are part of Lucifer's army of foot soldiers. Indeed, the demon possessed and influenced are a very formidable enemy to all of us, especially the many who believe willy-nilly, that there is no Evil One. In addition to this, the growing number of deniers of God's very existence only secures the world more so in Lucifer hands.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.-- Edmund Burke

We have the absolute advantage though. Despite our sin and the ultimate penalty thereof, we are "empowered in the Lord, and in the power of his might. In this, we are able to put on the whole armor of God, that so that you [and I] can make your stand against the deceptions of the Diabolical One. Because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the world rulers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the mentalities of evil in the high places." [Eph 6:10-12].

While we wear the full armor of God, we can successfully navigate through the many deceptions of the Diabolical One and not be deceived and mitigate harm. The deceptions are many, but we know his end goal is to divide us for our ultimate ruin and conquest. Think of the Evil One's army as a well orchestrated Kabuki theater used to deceive the innocent. Figuratively, that performance of that painted and disguised male playing a female is a deception and represents worship of the Diabolical One. A Chinese Christian once told me the ancient rites in China that are memorialized theatrically and reenacted to entertain have their origins in human sacrifice. It caused me to pause and think about other cultures, even the CERN opening celebration and even drag queen story performances.

The Diabolical One attempts to distract us with Kabuki theater acts [figurative speaking], while trying to test our permissiveness. No. If there are two sides of permissiveness, it is good versus evil. The two cannot stand side by side in society. As 'Q' has stated: u/#q812 and u/#q1269

We must with all our might:




Many people don’t believe that demons are real. Instead, they interpret it in figurative terms. Despite them being open to the idea that demons exist, they almost exclusively are in denial of such phantasm happening to them and rely on ‘rational’ science to explain it. The denial ranges from disregard, silent trepidation, to not admitting to being influenced, harassed, and more.

We are brainwashed with this type of thinking that no matter how baffling the experiences might be, it must always be explained by known science. In psychology this a classic form of cognitive dissonance in that anxiety or discomfort results from simultaneously held contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes and beliefs. In many ways, you could classify these people as part of the ‘devil doesn’t exist’ crowd. Shortly I will show that this belief is witting and unwittingly nearly universal throughout society and acts as the antithesis to the belief in God. It all too often becomes the very truth behind ‘Q’s statement for “lead[ing] the world away from God and into sin.”

Psychotropic Drugs and Denial of Demonic Influence

Increasingly, we are seeing serious mental illness and irrational acts of violence in society. In the APA article “Mental Illness And Violence: Debunking Myths, Addressing Realities”, Dr. Eric B. Elbogen states – “Among those with serious mental illness, when it does occur, in many cases it is intertwined with other issues such as co-occurring substance use, adverse childhood experiences, and environmental factors”. Eric B. Elbogen, PhD. is a psychologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Duke University School of Medicine who studies violence and mental illness.

He goes on to say, “If a person has a severe mental illness, [they] may have other risk factors for violent behavior,” he says. “So, it may not be mental illness that is driving the violence at all, but rather factors like having been abused as a child, being unemployed, or living in a high-crime neighborhood.”

In my humble opinion, Dr. Elbogen is being very guarded in what he says here and omits the prevailing underlying cause driving the violence. Note that there’s no mentioning of prescribed psychotropic drugs that are linked to a long list of school and mass shootings in the last 20 years or so. Also, see “Making A Killer, The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging”, here, and here.

Dr. Elbogen states that the violence “may not be mental illness that is driving the violence at all, but rather factors like having been abused as a child, being unemployed, or living in a high-crime neighborhood.”. In stating this, he is ignoring ‘elephant in the room’ while providing examples that are academically ‘safe’. Certainly, being a psychologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Duke University School of Medicine provides the incentive for stating only these permitted ‘factors’ for driving the violence. Psychotropic drug sales fuels a $330 billion psychiatric industry. It continues to do so without a single cure. The cost in human terms is even greater—these drugs now kill an estimated 42,000 people every year. To admit publicly that psychotropic drugs are linked to mass shootings would be antagonistic to the industry that he is part of. Yet, there is more to the adverse effects of these drugs. They appear to allow a conduit or vulnerability to demonic influence, or even demon possession. This subject would not be allowed in the deliberation of discussion in the psychiatry field. To mention psychotropic drugs and its link to demonic influence, or even demon possession as a driving factor behind violent behavior would jeopardize the psychiatrist’s career. It appears acknowledging this critical factor for driving the violence appears to be a consideration too far.

As a purported science, psychiatry cannot acknowledge the existence of demonic influence. Is it clear why the Diabolical One is winning?

How much of a science is psychiatry actually? Since the field of psychiatry appears to be advancing the work of the Diabolical One in deceiving the world’ (ie. there is no devil’), let’s look at psychiatry further. We’ll soon start to see how much more this relates to ‘Q’ post 4402.

Is Psychiatry a Science?

In another post, I wrote that the field of psychiatry once classified transsexuals as being a mental disease up until the 1980s. Then suddenly, the American Psychological Association (APA) and the WHO changed track and removed it as a mental disease altogether. This occurred at about the same time mental institutions all across the United States were being closed down. Why did they do this? With this being the established precedent for over 75 years, how could ‘science’ suddenly change this? What new data and evidence was discovered to end this classification? I’ll address this in a moment, but first let’s look at the consequences of these decisions. We are now experiencing an ever growing crisis of mentally unstable individuals on the streets. Nearly all of it is perpetuated and caused by drugs. The growing problem of fentanyl and substance abuse is an existential crisis to all of us. Many of these people end up homeless and living on the streets. It is an ever growing subculture that is being effectively ignored. This neglect is a cover-up that was ignored even through the COVID pandemic.

When we talk about mental disease, not to many people understand that it is a committee of psychiatrists that determine what is a mental disease that is taken from menus of human behaviors. As part of this, the committee decides on the name, label, description and categorization of the new mental disease. The decision is made and the new mental disease is then soon marketed to the public. This may surprise many people, but there are no definitive laboratory tests for any so-called mental disorders. There are no biological markers, saliva tests, brain scans, or genetic assays. Moreover, physical medicine has adopted similar practices. Physical diseases now having eerie similarities and are concocted in the same way. For example, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is similar in that there is no valid test for it. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is an earlier version. Mental diseases are concocted by committee driven by the monetary incentives of the ever expanding pharmaceutical industry.

This provides insight to why transsexuals were suddenly taken off the mental disease classification. The influences behind the committee of mental health experts convinced them to remove transsexual behavior as a mental disease. To further provide backing to this, even Dr. Allen Frances who was perhaps the most powerful psychiatrist in America at the time…” (New York Times, 1994) admitted:

“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.” The ever expanding number of mental diseases is driven by a pharmaceutical industry that the American Psychiatry Association is in lockstep with.”

From this, Dr. Frances is telling us it is the pharmaceutical industry that is profiting off from mental diseases.

Dr. Russell Barkley, clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, sums up all of psychiatry:

“There is no lab test for any mental disorder. If a test were the standard of proof, we wouldn’t have science at all, and that would mean our whole profession rests on nothing—and that is unthinkable, so therefore a test doesn’t matter.”

That logic is no logic at all. That science is no science at all. Psychiatry is not really science. So, what is it then?

Psychiatry serves its master; the government. In Bolshevik Soviet Union any dissonant speaking contrary to the powers that be, were institutionalized in mental hospitals where they were injected with drugs and sphincter probed as a form of dehumanizing punishment. This sounds similar to the tragic plight and treatment of the J6 rally attendees. Their treatment is eerily the same. Christians and patriots are increasingly being demonized and attacked. The similarities to post World War II in eastern Europe and the untold horrific crimes against humanity occurring there are uncanny.

What is a Mental Disease?

If mental diseases are concocted and classified from a menu of human behaviors, but is void of any physical evidence detectable from lab tests, then what evidence is there of a mental disease? In my humble opinion, the evidence must be based on persistent acts contrary to Nature and it’s Laws.

Transsexual behavior is obviously consistent with this. In fact, it is a real and formidable threat to public safety. Hormone treatment has many adverse effects on the individual. These deleterious effects can begin to appear shortly after treatment begins. Long term adverse effects not only effects individual’s physiological homeostasis and health, but also emotional stability as well. Along with this is the alarmingly high percentage of transsexuals that attempted suicides being 40.6%. Along with this an astounding 80% of transsexuals have seriously considered suicide. From this, we can assume treatment for anti-depression, anxiety, dysphoria, anger, blame and other mental conditions are prescribed pharmaceutical drugs. These medicines readily affect mental activity, behavior, or perception, as a mood-altering drug. As a result, transsexuals on prescriptions of psychotropic drugs further promotes what psychiatrists call “Intermittent Explosive Disorder” (IED). This mental disorder involves repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation. Road rage, domestic abuse, throwing or breaking objects, or other temper tantrums may be signs of intermittent explosive disorder. Is it too much of a reach to suggest when drugs affect mental activity and behavior, it open a pathway of demonic influence or even possession? If drunkenness can lead to debauchery, impulsive, aggressive, and violent behavior, and thereby preventing the holy Spirit from being received, then is it out of realm of possibilities that hormones and drugs certainly have the same capability and more.

“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” – Ephesians 5:18

Hard liquor is referred to as ‘spirits’ and while there’s no clear origin of this term for alcohol, it was the alchemists of the Middle East that were the first to master distillation. Alchemy, sorcery, and pharmacy all have connections to the word ‘spirit’ and the influence of the Diabolical One. Aristotle believed drinking alcohol put ‘spirits’ into the body of the drinker.” Every ancient civilization had gods of distilled alcohol. Is this just a coincidence? Or was Aristotle referring to those ‘spirits’ as the influence of demons? I trend to believe in the later. No good ever comes from drunkenness.


Unhinged Trans Lunatic Flips Table of Conservative Student Group at University of Washington (VIDEO)

How many times must be shown that they are mentally ill?

Underlying base testosterone levels administered with artificial increased estrogen is a car wreck waiting to happen. Oxytocin is a mood regulator produced by both men and women. However, the male hormone, testosterone seems to act as a stabilizer to its effect, while the female hormone - estrogen amplifies the role of oxytocin. They state oxytocin is involved in social interaction and that being close to others reduces anxiety. Citing hundreds of human and animal studies, the researchers reported a hard-wired tendency for females to handle stress when threatened or fearful by seeking social contact, especially with other females, and nurturing their young. However, estrogen given to a biological male disrupts the stabilizing effect of testosterone on oxytoxin in males and has dramatic and undermined behavioral effects on reason and mental stability.


New Netflix Docuseries ‘Queen Cleopatra’ Color Corrects History “I Don’t Care What They Tell You in School, Cleopatra was Black”

There has been a massive attempt to overthrow the Egyptian civilization to give credence to the sham attempt that Egyptians were Negroid. However, every instanc of evidence states this is simply not true. In fact, the mummy of the wife of King Tutankhamen has auburn hair. (61) A mummy with red hair, red mustache and red beard was found by the pyramids at Saqqara. (62) Red-haired mummies were found in the crocodile-caverns of Aboufaida. (63) The book HISTORY OF EGYPTIAN MUMMIES mentions a mummy with reddish-brown hair. (64) the mummies of Rameses II (65) and Prince Yuaa (66) have fine silky yellow hair. The mummy of another pharaoh, Thothmes II, has light chestnut-colored hair. (67). This hardly describes a Negroid individual.

The Egyptians have left us many paintings and statues of blondes and redheads. Amenhotep III's tomb painting shows him as having light red hair. (73) Also, his features are quite European. A farm scene from around 2000 B.C. in the tomb of the nobleman Meketre shows redheads. (74) An Egyptian scribe named Kay at Sakkarah around 2500 B.C. has blue eyes. (75) Here is a picture of him: http://www.delphi.com/redramesses/messages/?msg=21.1

The tomb of Menna (18th Dynasty) at West Thebes shows blond girls. (76) The god Horus is usually depicted as white. He is very white in the Papyrus Book of the Dead of Lady Cheritwebeshet (21st Dynasty), found in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. (77)

A very striking painting of a yellow-haired man hunting from a chariot can be found in the tomb of Userhet, Royal Scribe of Amenophis II. (78) The yellow- haired man is Userhet. The same tomb has paintings of blond soldiers. The tomb of Menna also has a wall painting showing a blond man supervising two dark- haired workers scooping grain. (79)

The Funerary stele (inscribed stone slab) of Priest Remi clearly shows him as having red hair, (80) although he couldn't have been a priest of Set at such a late date. A common good luck charm was the eye of Horus, the so-called Wedjat Eye. (81) The eye is always blue, and the word "wedjat" means "green" (or blue?) in Egyptian. A very attractive painting is found on the wall of a private tomb in West Thebes from the 18th Dynasty. The two deceased parents are white people with black hair. Mourning them are two pretty fair-skinned girls with light blond hair and their red-haired older brother. (82)

Queen Thi is painted as having a rosy complexion, blue eyes and blond hair. (83) She was co-ruler with her husband Amenhotep III and it has been said of their rule. "The reign of Amenhotep III was the culminating point in Egyptian history, for never again, in spite of the exalted effort of the Ramessides, did Egypt occupy so exalted a place among the nations of the world as she had in his time." (84) Amenhotep III looks northern European in his statues.

Paintings of people with red hair and blue eyes were found at the tomb of Bagt in Beni Hassan. (85) Many other tombs at Beni Hassan have paintings of individuals with blond and red hair as well as blue eyes. (86) Paintings of blonds and redheads have been found among the tombs at Thebes. (87) Blond hair and blue eyes were painted at the tomb of Pharaoh Menphtah in the valley of the Kings. (88) Paintings from the Third Dynasty show native Egyptians with red hair and blue eyes. (89) They are shepherds, workers and bricklayers.

A blond woman was painted at the tomb of Djeser-ka-ra-seneb in Thebes. (90) A model of a ship from about 2500 B.C. is manned by five blond sailors. (91) The god Nuit was painted as white and blond. (92) A painting at the tomb of Meresankh III at Giza, from about 2485 B.C., shows white skin and red hair. (93) Two statues from about 2570 B.C., found in the tombs at Medum, show Prince Rahotep and his wife Nofret. He has light green stones for eyes. She has violet- blue stones. (94) A painting from Iteti's tomb at Saqqara shows a very Nordic- looking man with blond hair. (95) Grafton Smith mentions the distinctly red hair of the 18th Dynasty mummy Henutmehet. (96)

Harvard Professor Carleton Coon, in his book THE RACES OF EUROPE, tells us that "many of the officials, courtiers, and priests, representing the upper class of Egyptian society but not the royalty, looked strikingly like modern Europeans, especially long-headed ones." (Note: Nordics are long-headed.) (97) Long-headed Europeans are most common in Britain, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, and northern Germany.

A recent discovery of Egyptian mummies from the Roman period astonished researchers. One-third ot the mummies were fair-haired! Why do most news reports from Zawi Hawass fail to mention this important fact? Here is the information: http://www.delphi.com/nordichistory/messages/?msg=512.4


The very first pharaoh, Narmer, also known as Menes, looks very European. The same can be said for Khufu's cousin Hemon, who designed the Great Pyramid of Giza, with help from Imhotep. A computer-generated reconstruction of the face of the Sphinx shows a European-looking face. (98) It was once painted sunburned red. (99) The Egyptians often painted upper class men as red and upper class women as white; this is because the men became sun-burned or tanned while outside under the burning Egyptian sun. The women, however, usually stayed inside.

These are the footnotes to the article WERE THE PHARAOHS BLOND? I recommend that you study the footnotes first, and then study the article at http://community.webtv.net/Xoxana/WereThePharaohs

The footnotes give you a small idea of the huge amount of research and documentation that have gone into writing this article. Sources in a dozen languages and stretching from 1834 to 2000 have been researched. Sources from conservatives, liberals, Romans, Greeks, ancient Egyptians, Communists, racists, Egyptians, Japanese, unconventionals, religious, Italians, Germans, Nazis, Black nationalists, French, British, Americans, anthropologists, art historians, archaeologists, Poles, Russians, Jews and Arab writers have been studied; and others too numerous to enumerate. Scholarly journals, books, and art books have been studied. We hope to eventually post pictures of blond Egyptians, but for now we will have to be content with giving the reference where these pictures can be found.

  1. Coon, Carleton Stevens, THE RACES OF EUROPE. New York City, Macmillan, 1939, p. 98.

  2. Kink, K.A., YEGIPET DO FARAONOV. Moscow, Nauka, 1964, p. 27.

  3. Coon, op. cit., p. 41.


A Diabolic Gun Control Strategy

April 19 marks the 248th anniversary of the day on which 700 agents of the lawfully constituted government of Massachusetts approached the town of Lexington intent on seizing the guns of the area’s farmers. Eight farmers were gunned down on Lexington Green, after which the uniformed gun confiscators “came under attack by thousands of swarming” farmers organized as “the Minutemen,” a citizen militia armed with the same weapons as the government’s forces. On the day of “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World” in Massachusetts, these United States were founded.

The battle of Lexington and Concord which marked the start of the civil war known as the American Revolution, is too often presented in books and lectures as between “foreign troops” and “Americans.” In order to disguise what was a police action by the royal governor acting on the order of the Commander in Chief (King George), the event is presented in terms of “foreign troops” invading New England, the equivalent in our day of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army landing in Seattle and disarming the local citizens.

By framing Lexington and Concord as Americans vs. aliens, the role of the loyalist American government is overlooked, as is the fact that this was a police action by troops charged with enforcing the law of the land, who spoke the same language and were in some cases cousins of the English-Americans they killed.

Beginning the previous autumn, the local governors of New England began to enforce the king’s October 19 order for the seizure of the people’s guns and ammunition (Cf. Boston Gazette, December 12, 1774). One patriot remarked, “the Decree” that “prohibited having arms and ammunition” was a violation of “the law of self-preservation” and the right to “defend the liberties which God and nature have given us.” (New Hampshire Gazette, January 13, 1775).

To read the entire article, Click here


Joe Rogan Drinks and Defends Bud Light In Latest Podcast Episode

About a year ago (July 17, 2022) I raised a red-flag to beware of Joe Rogan. In fact, I have posted about Joe Rogan three times saying the same. The article above is another proof confirming it. You have to wonder, why would Rogan go there?

Here's what I said earlier:

Joe Rogan, when given the chance will show his true colors as a liberal social Marxist. The New Jersey (and later Boston) boy has been bathed, toweled, and dressed in liberal surroundings all his life.

He self identifies as being 3/4 Italian and 1/4 Irish and there's actually someone pitching this on YouTube!. Why? And why is this important? You tell me. Who the hell gets a near top of a Search Engine listing (placement is currently #4 highest) when searching for -- "Joe Rogan Jewish" only to find a YouTube video dispelling this rumor? You can't make this shit up, folks.

So, Is Joe Rogan Jewish? It appears Joe Rogan and his crew don't want you to know. YouTube has videos just to dispel this rumor. Amazing, no? Who else goes to this length? Joe Rogan must be very important to have professionals dispelling the rumor "Joe Rogan is Jewish."

I don't know about you, but this screams out 'someone' is covering their own tracks. But why? What does Joe Rogan have in common with Alex Jones? Joe Rogan is controlled opposition. This knucklehead didn't get to being #1 podcaster in the world without cutting a Faustian deal. I don't like Joe Rogan simply because I don't trust him. He's too smooth. There's too many people who are willing to follow this pied piper. Just wait for it. He'll have his moment when he betrays everyone.

I think his Trump statements are the tip of the spear and is just the beginning of exposing who the real Rogan is.


I just got back from Florida to see my 95 year old. Because of the fake pandemic, I haven't seen him in 3 years. During that time, I only could speak with him by telephone since that time. It's hard to have really good conversations with anyone when proximity and human senses are limited. To me, everyone has an incredible life of experiences and knowledge to share. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to hear these stories. To this day I still have not heard the 'entire' story of my dad's life. I probably won't either, but it's important to me.

My father fought in the Korean War and was wounded by gunfire being hit several times. He fought in the Battle of the Pusan Perimeter. What I didn't know about his heroism was the following:

Medics retrieved him after being severely wounded and helped drag him from the hill he was fighting on. Rescuing him took them down the hill and though a rice paddy, to which enemy fire caused the medics to abandon him there while they fled. My father recalled becoming very angry because of this. He ended up trying several times getting up to hobble on one leg only to fall and crawling while enemy fire could be heard. I still don't know how he got from the rice patty to being rescued. The most incredible thing I heard from my dad is he's not convinced the battle he fought on that hill was against the enemy, but it was another American company. While he was hospitalized, along other wounded, he learned that his buddies were killed.

While he was state-side in the hospital recovery, he met General MacArthur, who he told me he recalled "looked very pale" for an individual. I asked him what he thought of MacArthur and he said he didn't think much of him. And he was a more of a "grand-standing SOB more than anything else".

My father is 95 and I am still learning from him.


We know there is a DA Bragg and DOJ connection, to which Jack Smith is the tip of that spear. Why hasn't the GOP congress subpoenaed Bragg yet? Why isn't Jack Smith sitting in front of the Judiciary committee answering questions about his expanding election interference investigation?

It appears to be a Lego lawfare operation the democrats have put together where the other piece(es) are not yet in place. As part of this, there's the Atlanta DA, who is investigating Trump for what? Answer: Interfering in an election. Jack Smith’s team has now sent subpoenas to local and state officials in all seven of the key states – Georgia, New Mexico, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – targeted by former President Donald Trump Trump and his allies as part of their bid to upend Joe Biden’s legitimate victory.

DA Bragg stated "election interference" was the related crime. Is Jack Smith managing all of this? Now, stated Mike Pence won’t appeal a judge’s decision ordering him to testify before a grand jury investigating January 6. Will Pence bear false witness against Trump to remove Trump?

So you see it now? What they are trying to do. Jack Smith will provide the last piece to make Braggs case against Trump stand. This has to be the "related charge" that DA Bragg is referring to.


I have an eerie premonition that the 'related crime' is what special counsel Jack Smith is going to charge Trump with. I tend to think the Mar-a-Lago 'confidential' document allegations is a distraction to what Jack Smith is putting his effort into.

Why is Jack Smith investigating J6 by subpoenaing former VP Mike Pence and officials in all 7 states targeted by Trump allies in 2020 election?

Bragg is making the claim that Trump interfered in the 2020 election. In Georgia, we are seeing the same with the grand jury investigation there.

Do you see it? This is the reason why DA Bragg did not list the basis for the 34 felonies Trump was charged with. It hasn't been announced yet by special counsel Jack Smith. I pray Trump's team is recognizing this.

Deep State War Survivor Trump (s2.cdnstatic.space) W W G 1 W G A
posted ago by Tewdryg (context) ago by Tewdryg

The “No Central Bank Digital Currency Act” (No CBDC Act) reads:

“No Federal reserve bank, the Board, the Secretary of the Treasury, any other agency... may mint or issue a central bank digital currency... No Federal reserve bank may hold digital currencies minted or issued by the United States Government as assets or liabilities...”

Get behind it and spread the word.

As many have been saying for some time, this newest banking crisis is just the thing they need to exploit a panic and introduce it.

They want the ability to spend and spend on every boondoggle and bailout put in front of them, without the "hindrance" of the Fed actually having to print the paper dollars they create out of thin air.

And even more, the government wants a currency they can monitor, profile you with, and if needed, confiscate from you with the push of a button. A total loss of freedom and privacy if a Central Bank Digital Currency replaces the (already very problematic) dollars we have now.

Look at what happened even in early trials of the Chinese digital yuan: China canceled its citizens’ money after a set period, forcing Chinese citizens to spend their savings at the compulsion of the government.

All the “No CBDC Act” does is strengthen existing law by replacing an omission of authority with a hard prohibition. Congress never authorized the creation of a CBDC, and the Federal Reserve is not permitted to operate without congressional authority.

From Ron Paul


"The Science Is Settled: Trans People Undergoing Female to Male Testosterone Injections Experience Increased Rage and Aggression"

There should be no doubt these people suffer from mental illness. A good proportion of Antifa is composed of these raging lunatics. They are the 'shock' troops of the communist left.

Transsexual behavior was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization in the 1980s.

The APA and WHO need to return to this definition for these very irrational and sick people. The potential is there to not only harm, but to kill many more people.


‘Sabrina the Teenaged Witch’ Star Reveals How She Helped Students During Nashville School Shooting

This sounds so similar to Sandy Hook's Gene Rosen story. Do you remember this? Here's the article: "Neighbor Comforts Sandy Hook Students Who Escaped Building"

From TGP's article:

"In a video posted to her Instagram account, the former star of “Sabrina the Teenaged Witch” explained that she and her husband were passing the school en route to the school their children attend at the time of the shooting.

“We helped a class of kindergartners across a busy highway. They were climbing out of the woods. They were trying to escape the shooter situation at their school,” the actress said, through tears.

“So we helped all these tiny little kids cross the road and get their teachers over there, and we helped a mom reunite with her children.”

This sounds so much like the Sandy Hook story. When there is an active shooter there's no way in hell, people are allowed to stop to help. The police would never allow it.

Recycle, wash, and rinse. You can't make this stuff up, folks. It's the same play being enacted here as it was at Sandy Hook. One month prior, the Nashville Covenant school just happened to have a shooting drill exercise. Pay close attention to all the Covenant school staff, including the principal. How are they complicit? Will they echo the anti-gun narrative? I immediately became suspicious about this shooting when the FBI got involved. This is a local issue and technically outside of the FBI's jurisdiction. However, the mayor (a democrat) immediately requested the FBI. Why?


Tucker Carlson: “The Trans Community Is the Mirror Image of Christianity and Therefore, Its Enemy – Trans Ideology Claims Dominion Over Nature Itself” (VIDEO)

After reading Louis Marschalko's "World Conquerors", back in the 1990s, I realized there was a well-funded campaign for promoting LGBTQ causes, normalizing their "lifestyle", and lawfully making them a protected class. In the 1990s, lesbianism was heavily promoted and we saw lesbian rights promoted with Lilith Fair and in Hollywood. Then came the push to pass anti-bullying laws. This was really more about making LGBTQ a protected class than anything else.

I started to sound the alarm by writing about this in 2014 and warning that America could experience a similar fate that occurred to Christians in Eastern Europe under communist control. I posted this on the Alex Jones website. I called it "On Lesbianism and Homosexual Tyranny". Then in 2015 SCOTUS legalized 'gay marriage'. I commented on Voat that a Pandora Box had been literally opened with the SCOTUS ruling. And indeed it has been opened. The 2014 writing I posted addressed Marschalko's book that provides vivid detail to what the commissars did to the Christians immediately after WWII in eastern Europe. It will turn your stomach.

In history, transsexuals, homosexuals, pedophiles, and lesbians were sought by the Bolsheviks to serve as commissars in post WWII Eastern Europe to oppress the Christian majority. By taking the social outcasts of Christian society, the Bolsheviks knew that they could exact revenge against their eternal enemy, Christianity.

Tucker Carlson has now publicly recognized what I have been saying all along regarding the well-funded shock-troops of transsexuals, homosexuals, pedophiles, and lesbians. Ironically, Carlson refers to these transsexuals as "Trans-terrorism". It is indeed befitting of their vitriolic an irrational behavior. Let's start with what Louis Marschalko recorded.

The Sudeten German White Papers record the many horrors with full details on more than a 1000 pages, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres of the death camps in Czechoslovakia. Armed Czech women, many being lesbian and Jewesses continued hitting the womb of expecting mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one camp alone 10 women died each day in this way (Document No. 6). In another camp, inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. Prisoners were forced to lick up infectious feces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery (Document No. 17). Doctors were disallowed to provide medical aid to the brutally raped and sodomized men and women. In Brno, 275 women committed suicide in a single day to escape the unfolding reign of terror. Czechoslovakia wasn't the only country where the homosexual, pedophiles, and lesbian commissars were used for revenge against Christendom,

Similar accounts are found though out Eastern Europe. Some 30,000 died in camps in Hungary along with 200,000 Sudeten Germans, where powdered glass was mixed with the children's food.

Shortly after armistice, when the great humanitarian, the "bel esprit" and Zio-Bolshevik Edward Benes entered Prague on Sunday, May 13th, 1945, German Christians were burned alive in honor in St. Wenceslas Square (Document No. 15). Many Christians were hung up by their feet from the big advertising posters symbolizing the Luciferian inverted crucifix in St. Wenceslas Square, then the great humanitarian approached their petrol-soaked bodies were set on fire to form living torches.

Some of these records are presented here as a startling revelation of the transsexual, lesbian, pedophile, and homosexual hatred of Christianity. The prevailing lesbian characteristic is that they hate males. Transexxuals, homosexuals and pedophiles have abject contempt for Christianity.

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