Muslim Humza Yousaf, Who Previously Complained About Too Many Whites in Scottish Government, Wins Election to be Scotland’s Next Leader

Either the elctions are rigged in Scotland or the Scots have Mass Formation Psychosis. I listened to Humza Yousaf talk and he didn't even attempt to hide his racist supremacy. No way in God' green Earth would someone like this get elected unless it was rigged.


SHOCKING: Brit Kellie-Jay Keen Attacked and Mobbed by Trans Activists in New Zealand (VIDEO)

Don't underestimate the LGBT's abject hatred of the Creator's Nature and its immutable Laws. Christians are in the way of their rise to tyranny. The rise of transsexuals are tomorrow's commissars. In the 1980s, transsexualism was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization. By current definition, we are told the terms 'transsexual' and 'transsexualism' are no longer used in the medical or psychological professions, having been replaced by 'gender dysphoria' in medical terminology. Owing to the previous association of transsexual with a mental disorder diagnosis, and a history of disparaging use in popular culture, the term is now often considered offensive in general use, especially among younger speakers. In other words, transsexuals have been treated as social outcasts in society. Make no mistake, our society has been historically Christian oriented. So, the motive for revenge is directed at Christians. We stand in their way. Already, we are increasingly seeing glimpses of this. Ordinary people using the 'wrong' identity terminology have found out very quickly the wrath and anger of these sick people. Just as the abusive treatment of federal Judge Kyle Duncan and refusing him to speak at Stanford for his refusal to use a transgender sex offender’s “preferred pronouns” in a 2020 opinion. We now see this in full display with Kellie-Jay Keen (Posie Parker) with the hostile mob that attacked her preventing her from speaking for traditional woman's rights. Those who recognize Nature's Laws as incontrovertible have found themselves on the wrong side of the current crazed public policy. The precedent is be established, to which 'wrong speak' means being fired from their jobs, being beaten, and being convicted of 'hate' speech.

What we are witnessing in the United States is a near identical history carried out in post WWII in eastern Europe. There is really nothing new and the consequences of it occurring in Europe was a history that has been hidden and completely suppressed. Lets start by looking at what actually occurred then.

The hidden history is that transsexuals, sodomists, pedophiles. and lesbians were sought out by the Bolsheviks to serve as commissars in post WWII Eastern Europe to oppress the Christian majority. Why the Christian majority? It was recognized that Western civilization was based on Christian morality. To destroy a culture, it's religious mores must be turned on its head and destroyed. By taking the abject social outcasts of Christian society and promoting them to positions of power, the Bolsheviks knew that they could exact revenge against their eternal enemy, Christianity.

On more than a 1000 pages, a censored document called the "Sudeten German White Papers" records the many horrors with full details, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres of the death camps in Czechoslovakia. The documents record in specificity that armed Czech women, many being transsexuals, lesbian, and jewesses continued beating the wombs of expecting mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one camp alone 10 women died each day in this way (Document No. 6). In another camp, inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. Prisoners were forced to lick up infectious feces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery (Document No. 17). Doctors were disallowed to provide medical aid to the brutally raped and sodomized men and women. In Brno, 275 women committed suicide in a single day to escape the unfolding reign of terror.

Czechoslovakia wasn't the only country where the transsexual, sodomist, pedophiles, and lesbian commissars were used for revenge against Christendom, Similar accounts are found though out Eastern Europe. Some 30,000 died in camps in Hungary along with 200,000 Sudeten Germans, where powdered glass was mixed with the children's food. Shortly after armistice, when the great humanitarian, the "bel esprit" and Zio-Bolshevik Edward Benes entered Prague on Sunday, May 13th, 1945, German Christians were burned alive in honor in St. Wenceslas Square (Document No. 15). Many Christians were hung up by their feet from the big advertising posters symbolizing the Luciferian inverted crucifix in St. Wenceslas Square, then the great humanitarian approached their petrol-soaked bodies were set on fire to form living torches.

Some of these records are presented here as a startling revelation of the transsexual, lesbian, and homosexual hatred of Christianity. The prevailing lesbian psychological characteristic is that they hate males. Sodomists and transsexuals have utter contempt for Christianity.

Is the United States beginning to repeat the horrifying acts of the Bolshevik revolution? It is not a mere coincidence that the Neocons, who now dominate in the political offices of Washington, were originally Bolsheviks. Dissatisfied with their progress of revolution, they repackaged their ideology and abandoned the socialist-based platform of the Democratic Party and moved to the Republican Party.

I do not state this lightly. The United States is repeating the history witnessed in Eastern Europe. It will only get exponentially worse. Public outrage must be voiced to stop this from reoccurring. Let this recent event in Auckland. New Zealand be a forewarning to what is increasingly happening here.


“No I Didn’t Fly Private” – John Kerry Claims He Didn’t Fly on Private Jet and Backs Those Who Did Because “They’re Working Harder Than Most People”

John Kerry is a living example of a family that was once referred to in history as 'Name Stealers'. John Kerry is the son of "Fritz" Kohn, who changed his name to 'Kerry' when he moved from Vienna to Chicago. Genealogist Julius Miller said, "Frederick Kerry had left his Jewish heritage behind" when he moved to America. Why did he choose Chicago though? The name 'Kerry' happens to be the name of a famous Irish County in Ireland. "It was easier to do business as a Christian," says Prague-based genealogist Julius Miller, who specializes in tracing Jewish lineage. In other words, Fritz Kerry (aka Kohn) was pretending to be Irish. Moving to Chicago in 1905 with the name 'Kerry' does seem to be deceptive, especially when Chicago had a large population of Irish living there. If this was all 'just a coincidence', the move directly to Boston after that seems to eliminate a coincidence.

John Kerry carried on the fraud and certainly knew about it, but continued it nevertheless. Just like his Vietnam heroism being an entire fraud, he continues to defraud innocent people to this very day. Who else could rationally say those global hypocrites, who fly private jets to make decisions on taking away our gas powered vehicles and stoves, are justified because “They’re working harder than most people”?

John Kerry is part of the Khazarian mafia and is a classic example of a 'Name Stealer'.


Was it a BIG masquerade? Where's Kevin McCarthy on this? Where's Tucker Carlson with the footage releases?


Ron DeSantis Says He’s Not Interested In Being Trump’s VP Pick, “I’m An Executive Guy”

DeSanctimonious' statement says it all. What an ego and hubris for someone that begged Trump to endorse him. He would have lost the governor's race if it wasn't for Trump. Can anyone say "Sanctimonious"?


National Crisis: CDC Says 1 in 36 Children Now Identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder

To put this in perspective, comparing this to the current US population this alarming ratio of 1 in 36 children would give us 9.2 million people.... a number giving us more autistic individuals than the entire population of America's largest city, New York City.

This must stop. The meteoric rise in autism started when the vax☠xine schedule for children increased from 10 jabs to 30 in the early 1990s. It has only gotten worse since then. With the mRNA injectoid, I fear this ratio of 1 in 36 will only get much worse and may become 1-in-4 or 1-in-3 children having Autism.

Do not vax☠xinate your children. The medical industry can no longer be trusted.


Lets start by looking at what actually is happening with the lockstep obedience to be working career women and supporting abortion. It's really all about controlling reproduction and.........That's right. It's population control. Let's look at the rise of transvestites (eunuchs) invading women sports and personal spaces like bathrooms.

Did you know historically that eunuchs were given charge of the caliphate's harem? Did you know the European version of the harem was called the 'gynaeceum'? It also charged eunuchs to head the gynaeceum.

What we are witnessing today is the same history occurring. Transgenders are eunuchs. These transvestites are being allowed to take control of women's activities. Twenty years ago I saw this development. There was instituted a vastly unseen and pervasive State-run harem or gynaeceum. It was too hidden and compartmentalized for Americans to grasp it taking hold. Many men who experienced divorce and discovered the vast majority of child custody is awarded to the mother, along with draconian court ordered child support orders, saw a glimpse of it. Unfortunately, the government institutionalized gynaeceum tended not to be recognized by the vast majority of them. Most of these men never saw what hit them.

With the well-financed "transgender" (eunuch) agenda moving into women's traditional spaces, consider how this all fits into the following feminist movement. Provided below is the public policy plans with their individual thresholds and development:

Stages for Creating the Gynaeceum

1. Tradition Family - This is the Christian traditional family where the Male is the patriarch.

➡ Public policy: Males are then debased. Female is empowered. The Gynarchy is started. ↩

2. Single Parent Families - Traditional family is deconstructed. Male is replaced by the State as provider and becomes patriarch.

➡ Public policy: Mothers are then debased. Males are already controlled. Rise of the Gynarchy. ↩

3. State-run family - Female is replaced by the State as provider and Matriarch. Transgender eunuchs are used to completely dominate women and are their voice.

➡ Public policy: Mothers become assistants to the State. The Gynaeceum is fully institutionalized. The Gynarchy is universal.

For these callous changes to occur, raising children must be monitored and controlled from birth.[11], [12] To avoid backlash and the spark leading to rebellion, parents will be compelled to give allegiance to the regime. Otherwise, it will be considered a treasonous act. They will swear an oath that their children are the future defenders of the government and its public policy.

At first, parents will serve as the State's guardians and caretakers of their children. Parents will not know their children have been made wards of the State until it is too late. Courts already designate a maternal presumption in divorce.[13] The rising Gynarchy will serve to destroy the last vestiges of patriarchy and degrade the male to the role of essentially a sperm donor. Females will be empowered and designated as the guardians of their children with the assistance and welfare of the State. This authority is required until the government establishes the infrastructure to raise children from the time they are born. State mandated daycare centers will be established and compulsory education will be imposed. They will provide the necessary propaganda to prepare children for their occupational station and service to the government.[14]

In the future, mothers will be eliminated as parents, non jus personarum. Women will not be needed for child rearing. Essentially, they will be reduced to the role of surrogates for bearing children. The absent father, already deposed, is hopelessly under the jurisdiction of the Gynarchy. If he desires to see his offspring, he will have to go through the bureaucracy. When he does see them, it will be with strictly supervised visitation - for he is considered a threat to the State.

Single mothers will be blamed for the great social problems caused by their undisciplined children.[15] American society has already been greatly affected by a deluge of criminals and misfits.[16] Public reproach will serve to make women feel inept and fearful for their security. They will readily hand over their children to the government to protect their State-provided welfare. The Gynaeceum will be fulfilled at this time. Females will accept the State orphan solution and will be greatly deceived. In reality, a terrifying sin will be committed by selling their kindred's birthright into slavery. Few will ever figure it out and even fewer will openly resist this evil. Their new masters will pacify them.

The organic female instinctively desires to be close to her child; to cuddle and nourish it. She will be encouraged to assist the State by becoming a wet nurses to spend more time with her children. There are already nursing businesses for this purpose. The regime will provide women employers with incentives of enhanced maternity leave. Indeed, the State will make it fashionable and women will in turn embrace the welfare.

There at a central place, mothers will meet under the tutelage and supervision of the Gynarchy's Lesbian and eunuch transgender officials. As their toddlers suckle at their breasts, they will feel comforted to be with their children and among other females. To women it is perceived as a safe house; a haven for women to reflect; to talk about inward things, . . . and help others carry out their feminine duty to the superstate. The Gynaeceum has been institutionalized. It is seen in every population center. Each female has accepted her place in the new order as women have done throughout the history of conquered nations. Heuristically, they abhor violence. As long as the new peace is maintained (even if it is brutally oppressive) they will tend to the things that provide them comfort and security.

Males will not have a voice. The fatherless society will continue to be enforced. Men will be encouraged to invest their seed in sperm banks. With the decreasing sperm counts in European and American males,[17] men may want to preserve their seed in the hopes of continuing their progeny. The increasing "lesbian-ization" and misandry of women has already spurred a movement in this direction. A growing number of Lesbian couples have chosen to be artificially inseminated by sperm donors.[18] The government increasingly supports it.

Parental Licenses

The regime will issue parental licenses[19] as a measure to further control reproductive rights and population.[20] This has already been proposed.[21] During these times, every female will be reminded of her sex's total failure as single parents. The State will also assure men are known [to women] to be inherently violent, especially against women and children. As a consequence, females will accept parental licenses as a measure for the public good.

Psychologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists will be employed to assure each heterosexual relationship is beneficial to the new society[22] These government agents will scrutinize the most personal views of men and women alike. They will assure that each person thinks correctly and is not a threat to the regime. The Ministry will enforce compulsory foster care from birth. As a precondition to the license, parents will turn their infant over to a "State qualified" foster care center. The mother will be allowed to visit and nurse her newborn. The father will be greatly restricted.

"The creation of a new social value in the United States goes through a process of identifying and discussing an issue in organizations and the media. Persuading arguments in the form of editorials, essays and political policies shape the issue so that it assumes the specificity of a value. Then education promulgates the need for the value. Finally, legislation embeds the value in our society."[23]

The ruling class will control the nation's population, its reproduction, and the stock of its herd. It is the stated goal of the financial cabal and the United Nations to bring the world population down from the present 6.2 billion down to 500 million using warfare, famine and disease.

"The present vast overpopulation ... must be met in the present by the reduction in the numbers now existing. It must be done by whatever means necessary...."[24]


[11] The Family Support Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-485), Section 1615 of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (H.R.3448, became PL104-188 8/20/96) Both laws require newborns and children to have Social Security Numbers.

[12] Don Harkins, "Midwives Pressed into Big Brother's Service," Idaho Observer, Sept. 2000. www.proliberty.com/observer/20000913.htm, https://web.archive.org/web/20210418084937/https://www.proliberty.com/observer/20000913.htm

[13] Timothy Horton, "Winning Your Divorce ­ A Man's Survival," p. 93. 1994

[14] DeAnna Putnam, "Bryants lose court battle: Social Service now guardian of Waltham children in home schooling case," http://www.dailynewstribune.com/news/local_regional/waltbryants12142001.htm, https://web.archive.org/web/20011227231202/http://www.dailynewstribune.com/news/local_regional/waltbryants12142001.htm

[15] See "Statistics" at Robert Muchnick's web site, Center for Children's Justice, http://www.childrensjustice.org/, https://web.archive.org/web/20030209053113/http://www.childrensjustice.org/

[16] Maggie Gallager, "Fatherless Boys Grow Up Into Dangerous Men," The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 1, 1998.

[17] Sperm count decreased from 113 million per ml in 1938 to 66 million per ml in 1990. A. Michael Warhurst "Introduction to Hormone Disrupting Chemicals," http://website.lineone.net/~mwarhurst/human.html, https://web.archive.org/web/20010407062911/http://website.lineone.net/~mwarhurst/human.html

[18] Laurie Essig, "Melissa, David and me," http://archive.salon.com/mwt/feature/2000/01/28/etheridge/print.html, https://web.archive.org/web/20030907020128/http://archive.salon.com/mwt/feature/2000/01/28/etheridge/print.html

[19] Hugh LaFollette, "Licensing Parents," Philosophy and Public Affairs. 1980. http://www.etsu.edu/philos/faculty/hugh/lic-par.htm, https://web.archive.org/web/20010221200852/http://www.etsu.edu/philos/faculty/hugh/lic-par.htm. There is a long list of academics that supports parental licenses.

[20] Widely practiced in China and India.

[21] Jack C. Westman, ""Licensing Parents: Can We Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect?"

[22] Tana Dineen, "Manufacturing Victims: What the Psychology Industry is Doing to People," Book review by Robert Sibley, "Psychology Making Nation of Victims," Apr. 11, 2001. www.amazon.com

[23] Ibid. "The Rationale and Feasibility of Licensing Parents," Society magazine, Nov./Dec., 1996, p. 47-48.

[24] United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Des Moines, Iowa, September, 1991. From Karen Griffith's "Is Belief In A Planned One World Government "Far Fetched Paranoia"?"


The SVB Closing is definitely the narrative right now. Where's the Tucker Carlson expose on this? It's been one week, since his first day release. Has he been shut down? The SVB being used to make everyone forget? Now what? What is Speaker McCarthy plan B to get this out to the public?


Perhaps the landmark case of Ex Parte Milligan needs to be looked at again. It originally came into being in 1866, in which Lambden P. Milligan won the case. However, the case has been used in WWII and failed in the case of an American, who joined the Nazi cause. It again, failed in the case of the internment of Japanese-American citizens. Lastly, it failed in the case of terrorists imprisoned as a result of 9-11.

If there ever was a case for Ex Parte Milligan to succeed would be to the State government overreach that are infringing on constitutional rights. Here is what SCOTUS unanimously ruled in the case of Ex Parte Milligin --

The United States Supreme Court ruled in Ex Parte Milligan, 71 U.S. 2 (1866) that "Neither legislature nor the executive or judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of emergency....

"Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension of constitutionally guaranteed rights (to freely travel, peacefully assemble, earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent, sovereign, continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and, therefore, we the people. They violate their constitutional oath and, thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE; even the governor and President.


The prerequisite of faith is cognition (i.e. logic, reasoning and the process of knowing) and conation (i.e. desire, striving, volition; the Will). The aftermath of this is often the sentiment of emotion. So faith is based on a cognitive precept and our Creator has clearly revealed this to us.

“Because the thing known of God is clearly known in them, for God revealed it to them. For the unseen things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things made, both his eternal power and Divine Nature, for them to be without excuse.” - Romans 1:19-20.

In recognizing what blaspheming the holy Spirit is, one should seek what this actually means. The information below is rather long and involved, but I promise you it will provide an insight to what 'blaspheming the holy Spirit' means. The answer might be surprising in that it can be provided through etymology and its transliteration. In fact, understanding what the holy Spirit is key to understanding what Jesus is referring to when he performed His miracles. The miracle Jesus performed was through the holy Spirit. Recognizing what the holy Spirit is key to understanding the miracle.

One is always surprised by what one finds by 'digging' and 'turning over stones'. If we examine the translated meaning of 'holy Spirit', we find some very good insights to the holy Spirit. So, I'll start with Strong's Concordance. The word 'holy' means 'separated' or 'set apart'. The ancient manuscripts of the Bible used only the word 'Spirit', but it was understood to mean the 'Spirit that was 'set apart' or 'separated'' as opposed to general word 'spirit'.

Strong's Concordance gives us G4151 for 'Spirit' and is the Greek word 'pneuma' from which for example the English words pneumatic and pneumonia are derived. The word 'Spirit' became a common English translation of the word due to the influence of the Latin in the use of the word 'spiritus'. This Latin word is also a derivation of such English words as 'sprite', which means ’ghost'. Hence, the word 'spirit' too came to carry the meaning of 'ghost’. Both words originate from translation from the Greek word ’pneuma' and is defined through the lexicons, but most agree with the meaning of an intelligent, incorporeal being or an intelligent mentality.

As I mentioned above, the word - 'Spirit' as in 'holy Spirit' is defined in the bible via Strong's, Thayers, and Liddel-Scott-Jones from the Greek and translated as 'pneuma' (G4151), which is defined as -- “a movement of air; a gentle blast (a) of the wind, hence the wind itself (b) breath of nostrils or mouth.” A closely related word - 'psuche' (G5590) is defined in Strong’s Concordance as the following:

(1) breath (a) the breath of life (i) the vital force which animates the body and shows itself in breathing of animals (ii) of men (b) life, (c) that in which there is life (i) a living being, a living soul. (2) the soul (a) the seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions (our heart, soul etc.) (b) the (human) soul in so far as it is constituted that by the right use of the aids offered it by God it can attain its highest end and secure eternal blessedness, the soul regarded as a moral being designed for everlasting life (c) the soul as an essence which differs from the body and is not dissolved by death (distinguished from other parts of the body). The word 'psuche' (G5590) is derived from 'psucho' (G5594), which means “to breathe, blow, cool by blowing.” Note, the same concept is found with the word “spirit,” or in Greek -'pneuma' (G4151), which is “a movement of air; a gentle blast (a) of the wind, hence the wind itself (b) breath of nostrils or mouth.”

'Pneuma' is derived from the Greek root word 'pneo' meaning -- “blow,” “wind.” The same relationship is found with 'aer' (G109), which is derived from 'aemi' - to breathe unconsciously, i.e. respire; by analogy, to blow. One can get an understanding of how the word “spirit” -- (pneuma), “air” – (aer), and (psuche).

So, 'Spirit', as in holy Spirit or [holy] Spirit is better understood.

There is incontrovertible evidence and proof there is a Divine Order in all that we see, smell, hear, and touch. If you examine closely any living thing in Nature, like a flower and its disk florets, or a conch shell or horn, the pattern of toroidal spirals are everywhere. Seeing this brings comfort and reassurance to know that all life follows the same exact Divine Order provided by God. I could provide much more information in this area, but I'll refrain for now. We only need to observe Nature and it's immutable Order to realize the existence of God (Romans 1:19-20).

The Italian theologian, Thomas Aquinas, recognized the Natural Law as – "nothing else than the rational creature's participation in the Eternal Law."

The question that comes to mind is -- "Are we being rational creatures participating in the Eternal Law when it comes to defiling our immune system by participating in a massive mRNA gene experiment?

Eternal law is defined as those laws governing the eternal universe. As Dimock phrased it, one can -- "think of eternal law as comprising all those scientific 'laws' (physical, chemical, biological, psychological, etc.) by which the universe is ordered." Indeed, the Law of Nature is subject to the Eternal Law, but this doesn’t tell us what the Law of Nature is. As Aquinas noted:

“The natural law is a participation of the eternal law … and therefore endures without change, owing to the unchangeableness and perfection of the Divine Reason, the Author of nature. But the reason of man is changeable and imperfect: wherefore his law [human law] is subject to change.”

“[E]very human law has just so much of the nature of law as is derived from the law of nature. But if in any point it deflects from the law of nature, it is no longer a law but a perversion of law".

Surprisingly, very little is found for a detailed cataloging of Nature’s Laws. Emphasis tends to convey man’s moral law as it is related to nature. Yet, we know from the early Greeks their philosophy was greatly premised on Nature’s Laws and to them it was self-evident; a manifestation that all is understood. Alas, this is not so in the modern era. Instead, the axiomatic truth has been abandoned for our preoccupation with wealth and our own self-centeredness. Poetic visionaries as Percy Bysshe Shelly recognized:

"The man Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys: Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience, Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth, Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame, A mechanized automaton"

The Law of Nature is the law of all Life in its specific forms. Nature's Law addresses conception, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, mating, parenting, self-defense, migration, aging, to death. This rai·son d'ê·tre for survival (self-preservation) is instinctual for all life forms, but not necessarily for humans. For us, it is something else; ... it's something more.... It is based on our ability to recognize, and to acknowledge it is our Creator that has provided all of this to us. The opportunity is now for us all to recognize this. Our self-preservation depends on us recognizing the Creator as the author of our existence. Despite what some advocates state, we don't have the animal instinct to survive. Its [über]-understanding is critical for our continued existence and should always be respected and upheld. Nature's Laws provide us the guide for survival - those principles of the 'living breath' or 'pneuma' that govern all life forms, including mankind himself. In the Bible, the English translation is -- holy Spirit. There is a reason for me using the Greek translation, which I provided above. The original Greek translation provides great insight to understanding what is meant by the holy Spirit.

The Law of Nature is subservient to the Eternal Law. And understanding it, and living in accordance to it unlocks our ability to accept God's Divine Order for performing the very miracles that Jesus performed. Understanding this brings comfort and reassurance to know that all life follows the same exact Divine Order provided by God. The holy Spirit is the keeper of all of this. And when we are filled with the holy Spirit, our minds are tuned to the Eternal Law. We are shown through the lens and become 'aware' of it and 'miracles' result.

We only need to observe Nature and it's immutable Order to realize the existence of the holy Spirit. The holy Spirit has been there as a guiding Spirit all along.

Are we being rational creatures participating in the Eternal Law when it comes to this mass mRNA gene experiment? Have those people, who elected to be injected with the genetically modified mRNA, committed an undoable act that is repugnant to the holy Spirit? Isn't this an insult to the Mentality of Separation (holy Spirit)? Blaspheming the holy Spirit is an act that cannot be undone. It is an act that has irreparably violated the Divine Order and the Laws of Nature. It is not only an aberration but an abomination against the holy Spirit's creation.


The link is here. This is hilarious.... not that justice is obstructed... or even the Oregon law for unshackling the accused in the court room is the wrong thing to do..... Rather, I tend to agree there's a very plausible reason for not appearing to not bias the jury. Nevertheless, how difficult is it to prevent a prisoner from fleeing the court room when there are doors? Let me count the ways.......


This is hilarious.... not that justice is obstructed... or even the Oregon law for unshackling the accused in the court room is the wrong thing to do..... Rather, I tend to agree there's a very plausible reason for not appearing to bias the jury. Nevertheless, how difficult is it to prevent a prisoner from fleeing the court room when there are doors? Let me count the ways.......


Whisper Corner:

Strange goings on in Poland, where apparently a huge batch of disfigured dead bodies was discovered in a mining shaft.

More than 500 military corpses found in Polish mine, including military personnel

The burial ground was found in the Bogdanka coal mine (40 km from the border with Ukraine). Now the Polish military has come to the place to conduct conversations with hard workers. Several miners were taken to Lublin after interrogation.

There are rumors among the Poles that the bodies of foreign mercenaries who died in the NVO zone were brought there. According to another version, these are the bodies of wounded UAF soldiers, who were torn apart into organs, allegedly being taken to Europe for “treatment”.

The miners say that there may be several burial grounds, since the tunnels are periodically filled up.

It is obvious that the Poles will “swallow” this state of emergency, as well as the incident with a Ukrainian missile hitting a Polish tractor.

And another:


👉 Polish officials are trying to prevent a scandal from breaking out: in the Bogdanka mine, miners discovered a burial approximately five-hundred bodies of men in the remains of military uniforms, some pieces of clothing have chevrons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

🔹At the moment, special services are conducting investigations with employees who discovered a terrifying find in an abandoned shaft. After interrogation, some of the miners were transported to Lublin. Many Ukrainians work in the facility (the mine is located 40 km from the Ukrainian border), thanks to which secret information was leaked to Ukraine.

👉 People say that the bodies found, they say, have been disemboweled, and they are sure that they are wounded Ukrainian soldiers who, under the guise of treatment, were brought to Poland by black market transplantologists.

It’s something to file away for now, for future reference. Especially in light of another rumor that the Poles plan to build a base in the Volyn region of Ukraine, staffing it with local Ukrainian territorial defense (for now).

According to an unofficial version, the construction of the base says that the Poles, being drawn into the war, are preparing to increase the size of the Polish group and deploy the appropriate infrastructure. Warsaw continues to prepare a backup plan to send its military to Western Ukraine if the war drags on. As reported, recently in Ukraine, a subordinate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Polish legion" was created, the base of which is located in the Kiev region.

I’ve previously reported the rumor that the Polish president has offered to ‘keep the Western regions warm’ for Ukraine—i.e. annex them ‘temporarily’ so as to prevent Russia from attacking them, the logic being that Russia wouldn’t attack a territory being ‘squatted’ on by a full-fledged NATO member.

And for those who might balk, and perhaps either weren’t following the conflict from the get-go, or have short memories, allow me to remind you that almost exactly a year ago from today, Poland had already openly called for NATO intervention in Ukraine—not only in the form of a ‘peace-keeper mission’ but even a ‘no fly zone’.


Actress Behind AT&T’s ‘Lily’ Reveals Herself as a BLM and Abortion Supporting Leftist -VIDEO

It's so predictable. Do you ever wonder how people like this "get the job"? My theory is their 'woke' views is either on their resume or it comes out in the interview. Is their any Hollywood types out there that can confirm?

The actress' name is Milana Vayntrub, which led me to read her wiki bio. It says-- She was born in the Soviet Union to Jewish parents, she began her career as a child actress shortly after immigrating to the United States.

How utterly predictable.


Dick Algire On the UFO Disclosure

Dick Algire seems to be echoing the revelations made by Dr. Carol Rosin, a colleague of Werner Von Braun at a major aerospace company Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of contrived global false flag “cards” that will be played. She said Von Braun told her the UFO disclosure and invasion will be used as the last false flag to be played. From 1974 – 1977, Werner Von Braun began privately telling Carol Rosin the details of this. It appears Von Braun was part of the inner circle and privy to this information.

With me, I am suspicious of remote viewing as something falling between a form of meditation and a séance. Remote viewing may open oneself up to demonic influences... I don't know. I do know that people practicing meditation have a higher level of UFO and demonic experiences.

Dick Algire in this video seems to be accepting of the UFO disclosure occurring and its effects on our understanding of the world. It seems he doesn't believe in Christianity or religion. Also, he seems supportive of blockchain krypto currency being rolled out to replace banks, along with the technology's capability for controlling and tracking every minute aspect of our lives. Despite learning this about him, I believe he does present a very plausible picture of how the UFO disclosure will be used to destroy the existing belief system of the world and to replace it with a new one. The difference is Dick Algire seems to think of this event as pointing to a paradisiacal new world, while I believe it will be the opposite and a great deception to cause everyone to accept a totalitarian Beast system.

It's interesting that Dick Algire doesn't believe the energy used by the UFOs, or the Zero point energy that has been secreted away, will not ever be released. If true, it sounds like the new world will have masters with the power of using this new energy to keep us impoverished and ignorant. It sounds more like the movie "Elysium".

I can't help but to think of this being referenced in Revelation 16:1:

1.And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

2.(1) And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a bad and evil (+) sore upon the men, which had the (2) mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

(1) The history of the first Angel, whose plague upon the earth, is described almost in the same words with that sixth plague of the Egyptians in Exodus 9:9 . But it doeth signify a spiritual ulcer, and that torture or butchery of conscience seared with a hot iron, which accuseth the ungodly within, and both by truth of the word (the light whereof God hath now so long shewed forth) and by bitterness stirreth up and forceth out the sword of God's wrath.

(+) This was like the sixth plague of Egypt, which was sores and boils or pocks; and this reigneth commonly among Canons, monks, friars, nuns, Priests and such filthy vermin which bear the mark of the beast.

(2) See Revelation 13:16

3.(3)And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it (a) became as the (+) blood of (♣) a dead man: and every living life died in the sea.

(3)The history of the second Angel, who troubleth and molesteth the seas, that he may stir up the conscience of men sleeping in their wickedness; Revelation 8:8 .

(a) It was turned into rotten and filthy blood, such as is in dead bodies.

(+) This is like to the first plague of Egypt which signifieth all kinds of pestilences and contagious diseases.

(♣) That is, corrupt and infected. Is this the undead? Like the walking dead?

I find it provocative that of all the terms, it is the word -- "vial" that is repeatedly used in Revelation.


The Facts Are Clear: Infectious Disease Deaths Declined nearly 90% Before Vaccines Were Introduced

In the United States (and other countries), historical records show that disease mortality declined nearly 90% before the introduction of the vaccine program and routine vaccination programs — as stated in the Trends in the Health of Americans report.

In fact, some of the most prevalent diseases in the early 1900s — including Tuberculosis (TB), Scarlet Fever and Typhoid — followed the same declines WITHOUT ever having a vaccine program (in the US). These diseases were nearly eradicated in the U.S. without the population being vaccinated for them. ........

Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --

“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”

Mack then stated --

“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from a vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”

  • “The informed consent that you would have to prepare to vaccinate somebody in the public, if it’s honest, would have to say that dangers would exceed the benefits.”* BOOM.

“Most important determinant to the eventual number of [smallpox] cases is whether or not somebody gets put in the hospital. And everything should be done to prevent that.” “Unexposed [to the smallpox disease] community members have negligible risk. There is a substantial risk from a vaccine…It is the single most dangerous live vaccine.”

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