Unconstitutional VAWA Law Upheld By A Propaganda Ploy
April 13, 2005
by Carey Roberts
What do you get when you mix equal parts of gender myth, a casual disregard of Constitutional protections, and old fashioned political pork? VAWA – the Violence Against Women Act -- that’s what.
For the past decade, Americans have been subjected to the relentless message, There’s no excuse for domestic violence against a woman.
OK, but what about Piper Rountree who was convicted six weeks ago for the ambush-slaying of her former husband, University of Richmond professor Frederic Jablin? Are cases of female-on-male violence so rare as to be an amusing oddity in the newspaper obituary columns?
Here’s the shocker: Women are just as likely as men to commit domestic violence against their intimate partners.
Chances are you’ve been heard the Urban Legend that follows the predictable line, male = abuser, female = victim. So I’m going to repeat my statement, this time with emphasis: Research shows that women are equally likely to commit partner aggression against their boyfriends, husbands, and ex-husbands.
We’re not talking about a handful of studies. Over 100 research reports have shown this to be true -- you can see for yourself by visiting this website:
Here’s how attorney Linda Kelly recently put it: “men and women commit violence at similar rates.” Psychologist John Archer reached an even stronger conclusion in his article in the Psychological Bulletin: “Women were slightly more likely than men to use one or more acts of physical aggression.”
It’s not a casual toss of a pillow or a playful jab at the chops. According to Dr. Archer, 38% of all persons who suffer domestic violence injuries are male.
So why don’t we read about these cases of female-on-male violence more often in the newspapers? Because men are far less likely to report the incident to the police – nine times less likely, according to one landmark study.
To understand the DV urban legend, we need to go back to 1991, when senator Joe Biden of Delaware introduced VAWA for the first time. But many in Congress were opposed to Biden’s bill because it ignored key provisions of the United States Constitution.
First, the proposed law flaunted the intent of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteen Amendment. Knowing that men are equally likely to be victims of domestic violence, how could anyone in good conscience propose a law that would confer greater protections and services, but only for women?
Second, Biden’s proposed bill violated the principle of federalism enshrined in the Tenth Amendment, and thus infringed on state sovereignty.
Not surprisingly, Biden’s bill was soon relegated to the legislative deep-freeze. That didn’t please the rad-fems. So someone came up with the idea of a publicity stunt.
In January 1993, a daring group of women called a press conference in Pasadena, California. Sheila Kuhn Kuehl of the California Women’s Law Center made the statement that would provide the boost the feminists were desperately looking for: Super Bowl Sunday was the “biggest day of the year for violence against women.”
That stunning claim quickly appeared on Good Morning America, in the Boston Globe, and elsewhere. The Oakland Tribune would report the Super Bowl causes men to “explode like mad linemen, leaving girlfriends, wives, and children beaten.” How’s that for dispassionate news reporting?
Some remained unconvinced, however, including reporter Ken Ringle of the Washington Post. In his article “Debunking the 'Day of Dread' for Women,” Ringle showed the feminist claim was a preposterous fraud. But Ringle’s expose’ came too late -- the genie was out of the bottle.
The Super Bowl Hoax, as it was later dubbed, no doubt will become a classic in the propaganda textbooks. And it clearly did succeed in triggering a surge of letters and phone calls to Congress. The following year the Violence Against Women Act was signed into law by President Clinton.
Less than five months from now on September 30, VAWA is set to expire. That means the Sisterhood’s billion-dollar-a-year gravy-train will dry up. Renewal legislation has not yet been introduced, apparently because the Republican majority hasn’t warmed up to the idea of dishing out mega-bucks to the GOP’s avowed political foes.
As the clock ticks down to September 30, the rad-fems are beginning to panic. Armageddon-Day strategy memos are circulating on the Internet. Decisive action soon will be needed to galvanize public support.
Get ready for a reprise of the Super Bowl Hoax.
Lest we become forgetful and careless. Isn't it interesting the EAU has the military draft prescribed in it? Why? The DoD has declared war on a virus; a fiction, just as George Bush did on Terrorism. This too is really a fiction. More Americans are killed by lightning strikes than terrorism. So, they have to keep redefining and expanding it to include other outgroups (MAGA supporters, military, constitutionalists, Christians, and patriots).
This is especially concerning because the recruiting goals in the military is abysmal. If the military can't meet their quotas, more drastic means will be used to get people to enlist, including the draft. Senator Chuck Schumer each year for as long as I can remember has submitted a Bill to return the draft to the United Sates military. It has been voted down each time. However, it appears from the problems the military is facing, Schumer may win converts.
The draft could be implemented as a result of this. Dissenters like MAGA supporters, constitutionalists, Christians, and patriots would become the excuse to round them up and imprison them. I'm not saying this will be the case, but it is one possibility. Look at the J6ers and now Brazil is doing the same there. I find it terrifying that these incarcerated Brazilians were forced to take the clot shot. Is this the Cabal's plan here too? I also wonder if the insanity of these people include expanding the war in Ukraine where NATO gets officially involved. Is Ukraine the model for depopulation where they are throwing humans into cauldron of death? Ukraine is losing over 400 soldiers each day. They have already lost well over half their army.
All the bowling pins have been set up from the 1990s. I recall the registry for the draft was implemented then.
There's more going on here and it has to do with the expanding declaration of war on human behavior (i.e. hate, fear, etc.). On 12 Jan.2023, I wrote about this and how it is now being connected to the war on a fictional virus.
The Obama and Biden administration used the outbreak of SARS-CoV2 as an "act of war". The requirement of an 'act of war' there must be a hostile 'actor' or 'actors'. Accordingly, we must ask what hostile foreign government(s) are involved. This has never been officially declared. So, who are we at war with? We have all heard claims of China being 'responsible', but China has never been 'officially' declared as the hostile actor. The war was purposely turned against an unseen enemy.
What we are left with is a war that's been declared on SARS-CoV2 itself; a purported virus. All the measures of war have been waged against something that has never been really isolated or purified. To all those claiming otherwise I submit to you that the 'scientific method' is not used in virology despite it being the basis of all scientific investigation. It is the substructure universally accepted in all fields of science without exception, except for in 'virology'. Dr. Tom Cowan tells in historical detail how virologists used fraud to perpetrate the virus myth. Despite claiming otherwise, the scientific method is not used.
The DoD has declared war on a virus; a fiction that is no worse than the seasonal flu. A declaration of war is a formal act by which one State announces existing or impending war activity against another. Anything contrary to this is not a war at all, but a perversion used for implementing a police state; a tyranny.
An extension to the war on 'COVID-19' is the former official 'declaration of war' on terrorism' that President George Bush publicly announced shortly after 9-11 in 2001. This was used to enact the police state in America. The fiction of terrorists being everywhere is no different than the SARs-CoV2 virus. Instead of metal detectors and backscatter X-ray machines, we are forced to submit to PCR tests in order to travel and work. Do you see the expansion of the police state here? Just as America's 'war on terror' has been an irrational exaggeration, the war on COVID-19 is the same where we are now forced to submit to invasive medical testing is now endlessly enforced. The coerced vax☠xination of the public is still ongoing.
What specifically constitutes 'terrorism'? Who is specifically the enemy?
Terrorism is not ever really defined. It can be anywhere, anyone, at anytime. The root word for 'terrorism' is 'terror' and is defined when a person or people feels "intense, sharp, overmastering fear", whether real or not. In other words, it is a psychological state of mind. It is impossible to declare war on an psychological state of mind. Yet, this is precisely what has occurred. The word terrorist is constantly evolving and now can mean a person or thing that is especially annoying or unpleasant to an opposing party.
The 'war on terrorism' is actually a PsyOp used on the American people. I believe this has it's origins in the divorce industry used by lawyers to weaponize parental custody battles. Yes, you heard me right. As incredible as this sounds, there is a huge payoff for lawyers and anyone involved in this industry. As it so often turns out, following the money leads us to the source.
Many years ago I stumbled across this revelation reviewing State statutes on domestic abuse. The Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) has institutionalized the State's issuance of ex parte orders of protection by the mere allegation whether real or fraudulent. Sound familiar? As a result, a male is required to prove his innocence if a female accuses him of any type of domestic abuse or harassment. Advocates for the battered women’s shelter supported by public money, serve primarily to promote the expulsion of men from their homes without due process of law. This is the first step in taking children away from the father and granting of custody to the State approved 'guardian-ward'; the mother. These centers also serve to promote abortion, divorce, and the prevention of reconciliation between husband and wife. The affidavit forms have become entirely automated for women to file and be processed. All a female needs to claim is that she 'fears for her safety'. An ensuing exparte order will be signed by a judge or administrative officer to remove the accused male from his home and prohibiting further contact with his wife and children. Evidence for physical abuse is not required and the only female rationale needed is being fearful of the male to trigger domestic abuse laws. As part of domestic abuse law is 'terroristic threats', which legally means to "threaten, directly or indirectly or otherwise cause serious public inconvenience, or in a reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience". A 'fear' crime is ambiguous and extremely difficult to be vindicated of. It is estimated that 66% of all domestic abuse charges are false. Incarceration is quite common for the male. After his release, he is always expelled from his own home and ordered not to return. A magistrate will hear the case, but he will not be able to return to his house unless she allows him too.
Not since prior to the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 AD, which guaranteed a sovereign citizen’s right not to be ordered from their home, have such police powers been carried out. Tens of thousands of innocent men have been thrown out of their homes and onto the streets, unsheltered, often on perjured affidavits. Nobody is ever prosecuted for these perjured affidavits, even where the proof is abundant.
It is a weaponized system to prevent reconciliation and to criminalize an entire demographic of males. So successful has this operation been, an entire multi-billion dollar industry has been institutionalized. We find that the word 'terror' and 'terroristic acts' is ambiguous, but is lawfully imposed by saying- 'fearing for one's safety'. Divorce attorneys coach their clients to say these four words. It's been very successful for lawyers, so much so that profiting off from fear and 'terrorism' has since expanded to other demographics, such as MAGA supporters, military, constitutionalists, Christians, and patriots, while Antifa, BLM, satanists, pedophiles, and radical communists are not considered 'terrorists'.
The war on 'COVID' is yet another expansion of their PsyOp using 'fear' (terror) for control and designed to remove all our rights. It is enslaving us all.
And on top of all of this the power to implement the military draft.
The worldwide lock-downs failed because the fake Pandemic was recognized and short-circuited. Worldwide lock-downs was necessary to coerce the world into being jabbed to participate in the new world financial order. The Great Reset required everyone to accept the vax☠xine passport that would be required to travel and to buy and sell. It was essentially the Beast System that the Book of Revelations talked about. Not yet the mark of the beast, but the predecessor for the mark of the beast. The real war is between uni-polar and multi-polar financial forces. I just wrote about China and their position in all of this. Ironically, TGP recently wrote a piece about China and how this Biden Administration is pushing China into the arms of Russia. In addition, the Biden Administration policy on the surface isn’t a very smart strategy in my view. That is, if you are falling for the 'blundering idiot' narrative the Biden Administration is pushing. Increasingly it appears to all be a 'cover' for the many purposeful acts relating to unseating the United States as reserve currency of the world. First we see the Biden Administration purposely drive Russia away from Europe and Europe away from Russia. This isn’t anymore obvious than sabotaging and blowing up the energy needs of northern Europe, especially Germany. Germany is the industrial and financial power of Europe. Without Germany, there is no European Union. Russia considers itself as a European nation. It has always preferred doing business with Europe. Attempting to isolate Russia has only pushed them toward China. Now, the Biden Administration is driving China toward Russia. You can't make this shit up. There's a reason for this. Nothing happens by coincidence, but it appears like the clouds of a Perfect Storm are gathering.
China is very nationalistic having expansionist ideals. I believe it doesn't care which axis (uni-polar or multi-polar) wins out, just as long as they are the master over it. And they are well positioned in global sense. Previously, I have written that the CCP is an evil empire and doesn't get along with any of its neighbors. An empowered China is distrusted by all the governments in the region. This even includes Russia. Historically, there has been distrust between Russia and CCP 'aspirations'. So, the developing relationship between Russia and China shouldn't really exist other than being diplomatically formal for keeping the peace. China has been what I describe as "sitting on the fence" letting the fractional reserve banking system accelerate. This is why China is buying gold and trying to off load dollars. They have been sitting on the fence watching the Ukraine-Russia conflict wear away at the treasuries of all the parties involved.
Here's something else that is interesting. Remember all of that military hardware left in Afghanistan? The Fake News reported it as if the bumbling Biden really screwed up. Not so, this was an intentional act to give China military technology. That's essentially what occurred. Immediately after the United States abandoned all that military equipment in Afghanistan the Taliban signed cooperation contracts with the CCP. I recall President Bill Clinton essentially wiping out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to China. We gave China a 20-year head start in developing its own nuclear warhead delivery system. But, that's not all and the same DNC behavior has been repeated again and again. Recently, a breakthrough battery technology developed by an American company was given to China. Yet, the Biden Administration is American troops to Taiwan. This has angered the CCP. China knows if Russia falls, the US will next turn their attention onto China and attempt to destroy them.
With all the sabotage occurring in the United States along with the technology given to the Chinese (especially military), one gets the sense we are being set up for war. It's starting to appear as a perfect storm.
Dioxins are highly toxic and ubiquitous compounds that are unintentional by-products of several chemical processes on earth. According to the earth pollutant terminology, they are next to the nuclear catastrophes. It is because of their concerns over adverse health effects, a number of countries have introduced stringent emission standards.
“Burning vinyl is the most serious source of dioxin in the environment – whether from trash incinerator, house fires or chemical spills”, -- Eric Coppolino, writing for Planet Waves FM – Chiron Return.
”There are no coincidences in the universe, only convergences of Will, intent, and Experience” – Neale Donald Walsch
Technology is being withheld from the American public.
There were 6,057 inventions that were under Secrecy Orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2022. For secrecy orders issued by year see website. The number of secrecy orders have only increased each year. This is technology that is rarely ever released from it's gag order. Tracking of secrecy orders can be found here. In the last 5 years, inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2018 were 5792. In 2019 it 5878, In 2020, it was 5915, and In 2021, it was 5976 secrecy orders.
“The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger that an announced need for an increased level of security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment. That I do not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control.” – JFK (source)
Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, patent applications on new inventions can be subject to secrecy orders restricting their publication if government agencies believe that disclosure would be “detrimental to the national security.” The so-called areas which the government deems “sensitive”? These include smartphones, internet-enablers and a whole gamut of technology. Dr Gerald F. Ross invented an anti-electromagnetic-transmissions-jammer and had to wait nearly four decades before it got approved. In the interim, who knows what kind of info the Department of Defense managed to glean from it.
The current list of technology areas that is used to screen patent applications for possible restriction under the Invention Secrecy Act is not publicly available and has been denied under the Freedom of Information Act. (An appeal is pending.) But a previous list dated 1971 and obtained by researcher Michael Ravnitzky is available here pdf. Most of the listed technology areas are closely related to military applications. But some of them range more widely.
In 1971, under US government secrecy orders on page 14 solar pholtaic cell technology is subject to review and possible restriction if patents for solar photovoltaic generators were more than 20% efficient. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies “in excess of 70-80%.” The world has since improved solar panel efficiency to 25%… And some scientists from the land down under have come up with solar panels that up to 46% efficient. Who knows how much faster we’d have gotten there if the US government did not try so hard to keep quite so many secrets to itself, or how much slower if it had been American scientists filing those patents. For over 12 years, the Ford Motor Company has sold in Europe the Ford Focus that gets 80 mpg. It’s not authorized here in the United States. It’s not the only manufacturer that sells much higher mpg vehicles in Europe. Yet, there are more technologies in the field of energy that the public at large will ever be allowed to use personally. The world plan appears to be Klaus Schwabb’s view of it. You will own nothing and be happy.
Regarding suppressed technologies, the question needing to be asked is if disclosure of such technologies could really be “detrimental to the national security,” or whether the opposite would be closer to the truth? I suspect the latter. This question would then lead us to the next logical question of what comparable advances in technology may be subject to restriction and non-disclosure today? No answers have been forthcoming, and the invention secrecy system persists with no discernible external review.
Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, secrecy orders may be imposed on patent applications when a government agency finds that granting the patent and publishing it would be “detrimental” to national security.
The U.S. Patent office is a place to which ongoing corruption occurs. It appears the Rothschild banking cartel has gained complete control of it. I am not exaggerating this either. I believe that Serco is running that shit show. The USPO outsources the examination of patent applications to outside companies, such as ‘Global Patent Solutions’.
Salem witch trials and The Modern Practice of ‘Swimming’.
One might have thought that, after the last woman was burned to death as a witch in 1722, the suffering was over. Not so, for the practice of 'Swimming' was inflicted of many of those who were accused of Witchcraft after that date. Incredibly it exists today and is in full swing with the 'experts' and authorities accusing the unvax☠xed of a form of witchcraft.
Although the belief in trial by water can be traced back to the 3rd millenium BC, the official use of 'swimming' in English law dates back to King Athelstan (928-930), where trial by water, termed 'indicium aquae', was a general test for all crimes. It ceased to be an official Law in 1219 under Henry III's reforms. For the next 600 years it was popularly, but unofficially, supposed to be infallible in discovering the guilt of witches and those suspected of subscribing to the black arts. But, what was this "trial by water"?
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The ordeal of 'swimming' was endorsed by James I of England, who stated in Daemonologie (1597):
"that God hath appointed ... that the water shall refuse to receive them in her bosome, that have shaken off them the sacred Water of Baptisme, and wilfully refused the benefite thereof."
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The unvax☠xed are being blamed for the spread of SARS-CoV2 and the solution is to force all of them to take the clot shot. In other words, the unvax☠xed are evil doers because they float and the vax☠xed are innocent because they sink and are drowned. Do you see the parallel? It is the ultimate form of projecting.
See St. Anthony quote here
We have all seen the number 17 being used in the media again and again. It’s beyond coincidental. We know ‘Q’ uses number 17. For example:
Referring to the Florida shooting, Q#816: WHY school shootings? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Federal aid + donations.
It is interesting to notice there are 17 dollar signs. Do you think Q would do this randomly? Those who are familiar with the Occult know he did not. Consider this:
• The Florida shooting had **17 victims**
• The Federal Government granted **$17 million** to Newtown after the Sandy Hook shooting
• Many believe these shootings to be false flags from the Deep State, which Intelligence Community is made of… **17 agencies**.
• The Malaysian Airlines plane that mysteriously crashed in 2014 was **Flight MH17**. It crashed on **July…17th!**
It's really a rocky ride in the Occult and Numerology.
First, you already know sacrificing animals is an act of worship. In all 3 Abrahamic religions, these sacrifices are codified. Where do you think the Bible has regulated blood sacrifices? Of course, in Leviticus 17:1-7
Coincidence? We read in the 7th verse: 'They must no longer offer any of their sacrifices to the goat idols to whom they prostitute themselves. This is to be a lasting ordinance for them and for the generations to come.’ Leviticus 17:7 This information is key: this verse means that through blood sacrifices to their goat idols, which are demons, they open portals in their auras enabling these demons to have sexual intercourse with them. The essence of prostitution being that unlawful sexual activities are performed for a payment, in exchange, demons go to work to give them power, wealth, fame, knowledge etc…
This is how demons reproduce with humans. Now, the higher value the sacrifice, the more powerful the demon in Satan’s hierarchy appears to receive it. This is why they humans are sacrificed. This is why they sacrifice innocent children and babies. Q#816: "What is more precious than our children?".
Don’t underestimate this. Criminality, false flags, wars, drugs, corruption are all covers for blood sacrifices to their divinities. Think of the lawless crime and shootings occurring in cities like Chicago and elsewhere. Is it really natural, or contrived? The criminality rate throughout cities like this seem to distract from their higher level crimes of sacrifice all to appease their demonic worship and lust for drinking the blood of the innocent. It’s all engineered worldwide.
Even in Islam, the Quran strictly prohibits child sacrifice. This ids found in their religious text in Chapter 17! 'Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is a great sin'. S17 V31.
Moreover, we fin:. Q#133: Follow the bloodlines I don't know if this is true, and certainly requires in depth research, but it claimed that the European royal families were related to the Egyptian Pharaoh bloodline. Here's a source to research it. Start here. We also learn in Exodus 14 Moses defeated the armies of Pharaoh who drowned in the sea. However, the pharaoh's family prevailed remaining home far from the disaster. Their wealth and dynasty continued. No one really thinks about this or is it taught. The fact is their descendants are among us. Hiding in plain sight? Using the same exact knowledge they used against the Children of Israel to maintain them in bondage.
Today, Big Tech and Big Pharma are modern day pharaohs, who are mindlessly worshiped by the woke. Pharaohs in their day were the absolute rulers of the world. And here we think of Globalism with its NWO was a modern idea. Globalism is an ancient religion rooted in magic, sorcery (pharmakeia), and power. A very good drama is needed to first captivate the audience and then rob them of their valuables. This is the world stage set to climax with the Antichrist.
Here is the Ancient Egyptian Oracle Set of Cards Pharaoh’s Priests used to work with. They would predict the future with them and also create and alter events through magical rituals. The Illuminati Card Tarot (it’s not a game) is inspired from this set but in comparison, it is like children Lego. As mentioned on top, this card is the 17th mansion of the set. It is the card for ‘HOPE’. The reason is 17 is a secret door to the Beast, which they worship for their needs to be fulfilled. You want to know which door? Here it is: the sum of the square of all prime numbers within 17 is 666. 2²+3²+5²+7²+11²+13²+17²=666.
Now do you remember when Michelle Obama said out of the blue: ‘All we have is hope?’ It strangely made all the headlines. This was code for: ‘we don’t have anything on Trump, all we have is Hope Hicks. In other words it was 'Let’s focus on her. Through her, we’ll bring the man down’.
They played the HOPE Oracle card and freed the ‘17’ energy through 17 sacrificed humans.
Too powerful. There was no way Hope Hicks could have survived… Thank goodness it came to pass she didn't answer any of the Congressional questions.
Q#128: What is a spell?.
1.) Verbally attack, demonize, dehumanize. (Any right-wing voice on TV, radio, internet)
2.) Physically attack – beat heads – through “protests” and “demonstrations”
3.) Go after people’s money and livelihood: Attacks on Prominent Talking heads and conservative websites through doxxing, demonetizing, shadow-banning, blocking, etc.
4.) Silence those that dare to speak out. See YouTube – Facebook of hundreds of conservative voices
5.) Jail the ones that won’t conform to narratives. See hate crimes.
6.) Kill anyone that opposes. See Communism, National Socialism, etc.