I've got Retribution shirts to make.




Make sure to fill out your refund request before Feb. 19th. Otherwise, THEY reserve the right to donate it to whoever GFM decides. What bullshit!


ELI5 please


Patriot Boner!


My horse is perfectly healthy but has upped its Zinc, C and D3 intake recently. He just got some dewormer in. Is the recommendation to go ahead and take some or wait until symptoms develop? I have found a lot of dosing recommendations but it seems to be split on when to actually start deworming. I guess my fear is if I deworm my horse before he actually has symptoms, it might make it less effective if/when he develops symptoms? Thoughts?


I've been trying to spread the red love. I have a co-worker, army vet, who I've been philosophizing with. I mean hours of discussion where I've shown him videos of Dr. Malone and the front line doctors, the studies coming out from countries with high vax rates and now high breakout cases, where the Pfizer exec admitted to the Texas Senate about the outcome of animal trials, etc.

This morning he sent me this email:

Good morning,


I'm vaccinated and, no, I don't know what's in it - neither this vaccine, the ones I had as a child, nor in the Big Mac, or in hot dogs, or in other treatments…whether it's for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, or vaccines for infants or children. I trust my doctor when he says it’s needed.

I also don't know what's in Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or other meds, it just cures my headaches & my pains ... I don't know what's in the ink for tattoos, vaping, or every ingredient in my soap or shampoo or even deodorants. I don’t know the long-term effect of cell phone use or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.

In short ... There's a lot of things I don't know and never will… I just know one thing: life is short, very short, and I still want to do something other than just going to work every day or staying locked in my home. I still want to travel and hug people without fear and find a little feeling of life "before".

As a child and as an adult I've been vaccinated for mumps, measles, rubella, polio, chicken pox, and quite a few others; my parents and I trusted the science and never had to suffer through or transmit any of said diseases ... just saying.

And for international travel, I got a ton more immunizations

If you are not vaccinated, I respect your choice, I am vaccinated, please respect mine ...

I got vaccinated, not to please the government but:

  • To reduce the chance of dying from Covid-19 without my loved ones at my side.
  • To NOT require a hospital bed if I get sick.
  • To hug my loved ones
  • To Not have to do PCR or antigenic tests to go out dancing, go to a restaurant, go on holidays and many more things to come ...
  • To live my life.
  • For Covid-19 to be an old memory.
  • To protect us.

I’m weary of seeing people dying to this disease.

I've typed up the following response but haven't sent it yet. At this point, it's too late so should I even bother sending?

There is a HUGE difference between the vaccines and a newly developed, dna-altering technology. There is also a difference between something that has been approved and around for years v. something with less than 1 year's worth of human trial studies for a product that had a 100% fatality rate within 3 years of animal studies. That being said, it is absolutely your choice to willfully and ignorantly put anything in you if you aren’t sure of the ingredients, especially if the effects can’t be reversed. Prayers for you that your doctor knows better than the specialists who have come out against this, especially Dr. Malone, the inventor of this mRNA delivery method. :(

UPDATE: I decided to not send anything. I've seen multiple people reply this is floating around the interzones and he may not have actually written this. Sorry, my twatter/FB accounts have long been nuked so I'm not seeing those platforms. Really aside from here and Telegram, I'm off social media.

I want to say the reason I tried to reason with him specifically was because he is a Vet. We are going to need all the help we can get on our side. Every day I hear shit about UN troops on our soil, illegals flooding our borders, Chinese troops on the northern border, subs off our coast and now Potatus has made us look like weak, spinless pussies to the rest of the world.

I keep hearing "the military is the only way." But if my co-worker feels like this, you have to wonder how many other former and especially active-duty people feel like this? Would the military really not turn against the American people? What if they honestly believe the unvaxxed are the enemy?


Am I having a Mandela effect? When did the pronunciation change?


Aha, the freedom boner!

Watched this on Prime last night. Holy shit does it hit close to what's happening now. Anyone else see this? Thoughts?


How is this going to get the media reporting it?


Won't lie, I'm jelly of the other pepe's. Thank you!


Being reported by Disclose.TV on Telegram.

I've been doing a lot of research into some pretty fringe topics. One of those being into the Orion Wars, who leads the dragos and who leads the Galactic federation. I just finished a book about the history of this war, how it started, who is fighting who, the different races, etc., and it made a claim about this being a war between the original creator god and satan. However, in this book, it refers to Satan as Vlad Dracula (who in a later version, incarnates on earth as Vlad the Impaler) and the creator-god, who in a later version (think Matrix, later versions of Neo), reincarnates as Merlin.

It got me thinking about Q-posts 636, 435 and 173, wizards and warlocks. For anyone wondering, the book is called Merlin's War. It is a short read (less than 200 pages) but it does seem to tie in the reptilians, Pleiadians, grays, etc., as well as why ascending to the 5th dimension is so important (they can't follow us there), which also ties into the Pleiadians trying to ascend to 5D as well. Could this be who Q is?


I work for a national organization and once a month, meet with other district leaders. Prior to Covid, this organization would sponsor twice-monthly events where professionals in certain industries could attend to keep up their continuing education requirements. Since Covid, these events have been moved online, but today's call was about starting to have hybrid events again.

Then someone mentioned she would not allow members to attend the in-person events until they could prove they had gotten the vaccine. I immediately interjected that I would not do that for the members of my district. First off - HIPPA, I'm not asking anyone about their medical history. The second point I made was if someone was vaccinated, it shouldn't matter if there were non-vaccinated people, where it devolved into an argument about even with the vaccine there was a 10% chance you could still get it so she was going to penalize the people that refused.

I then jumped on FB because I had updates to make to the company page. There was a post, from one of the most 'gothic-punk' people I know, waxing poetic on how he just got the shot with tons of people cheering him on, bashing us 'conspiracy nuts' who were dooming society with our selfishness.

I guess I'm dooming today but seriously, I don't see anyone waking up. In fact, I'm seeing more people that I thought were either 'right' or anti-establishment touting this bullshit. :(


I've really been trying to figure out why Trump was encouraging people to get the vaccine. Do you think this could be the scare event? Maybe those that choose to get it will become sick/suffer/PAIN? Is he allowing because he knows they will be able to cure those who get sick from the shot? Or is it possible that wasn't Trump at all? Very convenient the day after Faucci calls him to do this, he does.

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