I just want to ask you guys, how can you continue with this when EVERY SINGLE PREDICTION that this community has made failed to happen? Prediction after prediction. November 3rd, December 5th, January 20th... You guys just shake it off and say “well, we must have misunderstood” or “the cabal won this round”. Do you have brain damage? Half of you are ready to go with the “Biden must be in on it” theory. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Holy shit..

I’ve been here for 3 days. I think you’re all fucking retarded. Like, actually dumb. Like... you aren’t smart people. I know the mods will delete this immediately, so guys, this is mostly for you. I wish you had the courage and the intelligence to give this all up, but you don’t and you won’t. I wish you all the best (not really, I could care less how your lives go, but ya know, just to be nice)...

Peace out homies.

  • BlueAnon