Because the fear of loss is a greater motivator than the hope of gain. 🚔👮♂️🚓
I have watched his body language, he is pissed. Not only is he angry but he keeps grabbing his nose and sniffing. I know an addict when I see one. I am one. Recovered by the grace of God! Mark the time, Mcarthy is about to loose another round. He is pissed off. And the cocaine is making in very apparent. Watching on Patel Patriots channel on Rumble.
I have a feeling that false flags will get worse the closer we get to 2024. So keep your eyes and ears clear. Pay attention. Also, when the Vax hoax blows up, they will spin it and blame Trump. You know it’s coming so when it does, be prepared. Do not fall for the gaslighting. Do not let these people rent space in your mind. 🎃
It’s brilliant. That speech given by Jordan was a blow to Mcaurthy! They are laughing at the Rinos to their face and only a handful of congressmen know what is up. They played the entire Congress like a fiddle! This movie 🍿 requires lotsa popcorn! Dem loyalists are revealing themselves. D.c. is melting down! Blah ha ha 🔥🌶🤣😆 what a glorious time to be alive. MAGA!!!
When talking to normies they shut down. Their minds only want to hear what they already think to be truth. As soon as you start leading their thinking, they close mind! They have been conditioned to do this. Public schooling has taught them not to think for themselves but to trust what someone they look up to has already said. So instead of giving them the truth, just drive them nuts. We can break them if we allow them to break themselves. Learn this statement and get used to using it over and over again. (It’s extremely powerful) “You know the truth, I don’t need to tell you what you already know!” And leave it at that! Reverse psychology. They will eventually start asking questions. Do not answer them. Force them to search on their own. Tell them, “you know the truth, I don’t need to tell you what you already know!”
How many believe that America has lost its founding and most people have been led astray? Press 1 for yes Press 2 for no The “church” is the problem? Fundamentals are a thing of the past? Christ needs people to fix his Church? The answers should be in the form of : (1121) We will visit Santa and much else soon. For now I need to know what intelligent people think. I will have the same poll on Twitter and elsewhere. I will track heavily . I need to know.
Starting with 911 I need to map every major deep state event since. The point of the video will be to showcase the stupidity of those making the rules and those that report on it. I need video clips of them saying stupid things to them making stupid policies. It will be funny, informative, and red piling. Some might think this post is low effort but it is not. It is for something that will be fantastic in the future. These things take time. I had so much research on my laptop and on Christmas Eve my hard drive crashed. No backup. I don’t trust clouds and I will be installing ssd soon. No more motorized hdd. So if you have clips or just memories of times people were overtly stupid yet mistakes our kindness for ignorance, please share. I wish I had a way to sticky so that this could be added to. I will give credit to anons for helping on this project as it is not for my ego rather it is for the good of humanity Ty and for the future of my grandchildren. Thanks in advance. TheGr8🎃
I am running out of documentaries to enjoy. Your links are always the best. Old, new, any conspiracy theories or truth bombs. Help a pumpkin out! 🎃
I’m noticing many posts that are here one minute and gone the next. Is someone deleting posts? Is GAW secure? Are we under attack? Honest ?’s
Give us a wink and let us know you are with us? Twitter, Truth, Telegram, we will find it just make us kek! We’d love some hopium and some proof! Morale needs a big big boost. Let us know you hear our cry for justice! Thanks and Wwg1wga!
Looks like the government just gave themselves a Christmas bonus. Billions to Ukraine to launder and much omnibus! Merry Christmas peasants and pissants!
Somebody in Arizona made printer go brrrrrrrrr! That is all. Have a nice day!
We the people do not get away with breaking the law no matter how big or small. If I run a red light it is a misdemeanor and that can be slapped but if I commit a felony the prosecution is out to win their case and will do anything to be famous. Time we start holding lawyers to account and prosecute them when they break the law. The court of public opinion is a greater power than we realize. We have more than we know. Time to liberal up and start throwing a fit and not let up until we get what we want. At least until we can fix this government and set it back upon its founding!
This attorney sounds and acts just like the fat ass that was trying to bury Kyle. You can tell when a lawyer is trying to use psychology to confuse a witness by the arrogant way they smuggly question said witness. Hobbs is guilty af and treason is punishable by death. She’s lucky Americans know the author of grace and she can live the rest of her life in gitmo. Death is inevitable!