Just my two cents. These atheists have ruined the minds of the populace by their institutes of higher learning. I believe the most dangerous thing we face as society as a whole, is the public educational system. By allowing power hungry principalities to influence the minds of our youth we have in essence given over our freedom to the enemy. Their arguments are always given in a matter of fact and very arrogant manner to which children see as empowering. Children by nature, want to be in control. They want to be able to tell their parents, “see I told you so!” These people always come off as spoiled and therefore they lead any youth that will listen to them, down a path of pride and contempt for any moral standard. The idea that, I can do whatever I want and the only consequences are those of men are what has led America down the path of self destruction. If God doesn't exist then I am free to murder all those who seek authority over me and I should be the ruler of my own world. Because without God there is no need for morality. Be careful what you let the minds of your children be exposed to. Satan is very cunning. The thought of a wealthy popular lifestyle is very attractive and all it takes is one signature to sell your soul to Baal! God Bless! TheGr8🎃
I need to showcase the hypocrisy and the only way to truly do this is to add screenshots. Or I guess I could use a third party platform and post links but I don’t think it will have the same impact. Thanks in advance. Ps if there is no way to do this can we see about adding this feature for future posts?
Unfortunately it looks like GAW is too. Stop for just a moment and read the Art of War! We are at war. This is the fog. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiN69z2pf_7AhUUlGoFHaCnCdkQFnoECFoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.ualberta.ca%2F~enoch%2FReadings%2FThe_Art_Of_War.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2JfwfGDCzGSCEeT4eQOK-Z I am sure this will help explain a lot. Be patient and keep watch! Love from TheGr8🎃
Mods shouldn’t be able to sticky their own posts. It makes it seem that mods are the arbitrators of what is relevant and what is not. It should be 100% collective. Allowing a mod to sticky every post they make makes it seem as if this person is the smartes in the room and if they say it it must be true. This is the problem with public education. A consensus view is the base for true discussion not the opinion of select few.
Did they create common core math so that young adults would not be able to notice the irregularities in the amount of deaths reported by the CDC? I do the math and I find somebody is fudging numbers. Why? Why are they trying to hide birth/death numbers from us? Is there something they don’t want us to pay attention to? Surly the amount of people being born every year decreasing drastically over the past year and the amount of people dying suddenly increasing exponentially over the last year have nothing to do with each other. Do they? Did they make a mistake by teaching me math? Or did they make a mistake by teaching our kids common core math? Was this done on purpose? People cannot be this blind can they? Or is it a gamble. To bet that people just won’t pay attention? You know, because they are too busy trying to figure out how to pay $6 for a dozen eggs? And why are eggs so high? We grow chickens right here locally! Hatcheries out the wazoo! Did chickens stop laying eggs thus lowering the supply all the while the demand stays the same inevitably causing the price to soar to gold standard pricing? Heck let’s just buy chickens and farm eggs. It’s like finding a gold mine! Or is all of this on purpose because the average stooge pays no attention and just goes along with what they are told to do? Me? I’ll just have to buy some chickens and hope I don’t become one of those unreported statistics. You know the ones that “died suddenly!” Forgive me for being such a jack-o-lantern, but I am TheGr8🎃!
Donald J Trump is Q+ I will write a thread soon to help explain. But the plan always was for Elon to buy twitter. Twitter servers were collecting all the information and the white hats knew their plan to use twitter to steal elections and bring in a NWO. They never expected Trump to win and they never expected Elon to buy Twitter. This is what is called the Quantum Initiative!
Enjoying the show🍿
Love watching them. Especially if we’ll produced. Always love finding new ones I didn’t know about. Drop them here please. Also good books though I tend to not enjoy the brainwashing ability of a book and how they are written to conform the mind. I still love to learn new things. Thanks in advance. From one hyper patriotic PunKin! All puns intended. @TheGr8PunKin TheGr8🎃
Harvest time!
“We the People” we are the largest military on the planet. 80+mm strong. Armed to the teeth. We are the ones with everything to lose. When Washington and the patriots decided to fight for independence from the crown, he did not use a trained army of soldiers. No, it was farmers and business men (most were teenagers) who pledged their lives and fortunes to free us from the crown. John Adam’s was only 18 years old when he signed the Declaration of Independence. It was the people and they knew to prevent such evil from ever turning on the people that the nation would have to be armed in order to protect what was rightfully theirs! Many in our military are brainwashed woke children. It will be up to we the people. Trump has said this and Q said this. We are the military. When you push someone into a corner after you have already taken everything he had to lose then when he lashes out of that corner and bites the ever loving shit out of you then you will know you have met your match. There is nothing on this planet more dangerous than an American who has had everything stolen from him including his family! He has nothing left to loose. He becomes a viscous pit bull! They will never take our guns because it will be the last thing they ever try to take from an American because we will then take their lives! P.S. this is not an invocation to violence just the truth about what happens when good men lose all they have.
He’s been silent for about two years and now he’s posting again. I think he is close to certain people. He’s one of the geniuses. Very smart guy. Seems out there but he is very good at laying it out!
Anyone know the latest?
https://youtu.be/xPcJWvbDtG0 Educate yourself on WHO HE REALLY IS!
Is over priced ice cream another way to launder money? What about all of these other products out there that normal people cannot afford and we know the rich do not throw money away on things that are disposable. Look at wayfare and all of these companies selling products at prices that could only be something other than what they picture.
How patriots could call me a doomer or dismiss my posts that just so happened to be twitter links Boggs my mind. So many that gave me flack over the years saying, “keep it relevant to the movement”, are the same ones who retreated, like a bunch of pansy’s, from the digital battle field. I understand if you were banned, but those of you who pretended to be die hard Q followers, then went against the plan, will be seen as nothing more than pansies. It is patriots like me that stayed the course and held the line, through the hardest times our nation has ever endured, that will be here to comfort you when all shit hits the fan. We will be the ones telling you things are better than they seem all the while you will be the ones dooming. You’ll be doing the same as always, with your big egos and smug arrogance about how you’re too good for twitter, or too good for YouTube links, all the while, us real soldiers will still be dropping red pills and waking up the masses. Keep preaching to the choir, right here where you’re nice and cozy and safe in mommies basement while we, the true fighters, take the punches directly on the battlefield. No thanks needed. You are welcome. We do it for God. We do it for Country. But mostly we do it for future generations. So that they can enjoy the same great freedoms that our ancestors gave to us. Quit being pussies and stop attacking your fellow patriots. The enemy is not here in this cozy forum, no, it is over there, on the battlefield. Get off your ass and go meme!