It was not founded on Christianity per sey. It was founded on Christian morals. These same morals can be found in many religions such as Judaism and budism. It would be antithetical to the constitution to force everyone to be Christian.
Satanism should be outlawed. Yes that is the one religion that has to go. But America is made up of people from all walks of life. I agree with you except for making someone violate their own conscience.
July 4th. We have to get the word out. I’m trying to do my part but I need to see commitment from the masses!
I am a devout Christian and I disagree with the religious test. There are other ways to confirm someone’s motives. Freedom means being tolerant of others beliefs. Their beliefs might be wrong, but we cannot create a religion state. We must remain free. For all. Polygraphs would be handy. Psychological evals to make sure we are not allowing narcissistic individuals into our government yes. But not force someone to violate their own religious beliefs.
No streets. Just stay home. If enough people refused to work for one week the entire system would be halted. Normies would have no choice but to pay attention because they need their stuff and cannot get it because we shut down the country. It’s simple.
Catsfive you arE way too busy fren. Take a brake you hard worker you!
The more they martyr us the bigger it grows. They need us more than we need them. We keep squeezing and do not let up. We show them our resolve!
They will learn as they go. It’s called life! It’s a dance!
How do “WE” get the word out? We are the news! Man your battleships!
One million is a start.
^ this is an AI bot shill account! I figured it out. Folks be aware. GAW is infiltrated!
Wow. So we just sit back and wait. Keep posting your memes. And wait for 2024 cause it’s the most perfect election ever? Or do something collectively that will absolutely make an impact the like we havnt made since 1776? My granddaddy Wundt no sissy! We didn’t sit back while the enemy took are asses through the mud. We fought back. No prepare yourself to sacrifice. You took an oath didn’t ya? Well?
Boys! She’s comin in 🥵!!! For ole Glory🇺🇸
Auto downvote? I mean…. As soon as I replied…..boom💥 downvote! Uggggggh. She’s over the target captain!
There will be no civil war! They are bluffing. They need us more than we need them. Wake up! Be aware!
Ye of little faith! A sick perverted generation! Open your eyes! They need us more than we need them!
Naguard goes along with the people! They will 100% protect the constitution! Get it in your head! Know your people! We are all at war!
The PEOPLE control the national guard! You keep seeing things wrong! We are the army bruh! Get yer wigs about u soldier!
So! They have to come to us. You are a pessimist pal! Fedboi?
Fedbois 🙄
Please do not think I am naive. I see your sarcasm and I raise you a God! He destroyed the Egyptians and then he sent his people to the promised land. The same way he did the pilgrims who cam and made peace with the natives of this land. It was bankers, rulers, and men of evil who corrupted this land from the beginning. The pilgrims are to thank for why and how the gospel became the foundation for the very constitution that we all swear to protect. Study the pilgrims pilgrim 🤠 🏜 🎃
Just don’t go to work for a week. Nothing runs without us making it run. No printing press, no internet, no transportation, no nothing. Get my drift?
We have the power!
The tv won’t work anymore. There won’t be anyone to run the power plants. We the people are the ones that make everything work.
The Republican Party is full of fakers. We need a new party. The republicans have sold us out!