I was reading another post and it got me into a thought experiment (what Einstein used to do). My thought was this, what happens if Q starts posting again, with the correct trip code?
In my mind it could come about one of a few ways:
- Q picks up where they left off.
- Q Identifies it or themselves
- Q comes out with questionable posts (pro vax like trump etc or is anti trump) but is still Q ish
- Q comes as a shill or glows (saying stuff like sorry this was all a joke or some shit like that)
If Q does start to post as any of those options do we trust the posts? I think at this point, no matter what we would need to assume the Q account was compromised.
I am personally going to go deeper into this later in my own mind and try and figure out if the account does get compromised, is the plan also compromised or not. I would think not, but i really have to work through that.
Just want to hear everybody thoughts.
Ok lin wood has been a bit all over the place but he is saying dont vote in 2022 if 2020 is not fixed. We know that shot is not fixed yet. So i am not sure what to do.
I am also worried about a FF event at the polls. Like will they put something on the ballots or on the computer screens that can tell we are pure bloods and infect us or discount our vote.
Want to hear whateverybody thinks. I will link the lin wood statement in a bit. I am in a bad cell area (i try and stay away from cell towers as much as possible)
I want to get the communities thoughts on this. What happens if they arrest trump, with all the bullshit NY is pulling they seem like they may be getting close to be able to pull him in. They just put Bannon in cuffs and you know the lefties just want to see trump in cuffs too. It obviously won't stick, but the image of him in cuffs may be enough for whatever it is they are planning.
Just wondering if anybody else has considered this and how do you think it will go down?
It will be amazing when Trump beats the charges and walks out, but this shit could take years all the while the MSM would be showing pictures of him in handcuffs. I am afraid that would really affect the normies since most of them have TDS anyway.