Hey y’all,

I’m not dooming here but I want to bring up a problem I’ve been seeing a lot lately. I keep seeing people post old Q drops and trying to connect them, sometimes very weakly, to something happening today without considering the context of the time.

Maybe it’s because we’ve got a lot of people who weren’t around when the drops first happened but it makes us look retarded to say a Q drop means something new when the message at the time of the drop was obvious.

The example I saw was trying to connect a Q drop talking about when he migrated boards that tried to connect it with something that happened recently. What he meant at the time by referencing migrating was obvious to those of us that read it then but, to new people unaware of context, it sounds like it has deeper meaning.

The reason I bring that up is because not thinking about the context, or even ignoring it, muddys the water and we start to see doomers upset that their interpretation was wrong.


We need to look at the drop and see how it connects with things today but also how it connects with things at the time of the drop. Some drops aren’t going to be relevant today if what it’s talking about has ALREADY HAPPENED.