by Qlue
TheTinkerer 1 point ago +1 / -0


Buzzfeed hosted the image Apr 2011. They took down the image between Nov 2017 and Mar 2018.

TheTinkerer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love the fact check this gets:

"But the bill doesn’t at all change Congress members’ salaries, which have stayed the same at $174,000 a year since 2009, according to a report from the Congressional Research Service. A summary of the bill from Republicans on the Senate Appropriations Committee confirms that, saying the bill prevents “any pay increases in FY22” for members of Congress.

Instead, the bill includes $774.4 million for the Members Representational Allowance, a budget that allows every House member to hire and pay legislative staff and manage other official expenses.

That $774.4 million number is $134.4 million higher, or 21% higher, than the financial year 2021 budget provided for the same purpose, according to a report from the House Appropriations Committee."

TheTinkerer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Might be off by a little bit from fat fingering... but:

389,752 Influenza Adverse Reactions from 1968-2021.

2,555,971 Covid-19 Adverse Reactions from (oddly enough) 2014-2021

TheTinkerer 1 point ago +1 / -0

For anyone else looking, make two tabs, accept the terms at the bottom and search for

"covid-19 vaccine" "influenza vaccine"

Edit: I was looking for the chart itself, but looks like the original poster would have compiled the data themselves and slapped the World Health Org's website header on the top of the graph. UNLESS someone can show me otherwise. I also don't see the years for the influenza vaccine; implied or explicitly stated.

TheTinkerer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just saw him get handed a note, then the whole stream froze within a minute or two. Anyone else?

Edit: Just noticed it's a re-run from earlier.

TheTinkerer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Track record of the corrupt says we're going to need a Sullivan didn't kill himself meme soon.

Hopefully these safeguards that have been put in place includes him. I'd like to hear his involvement straight from the source.

TheTinkerer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if they'll release what was talked about during that tarmac meeting between Clinton and AG Lynch? Probably going over details for the "drop the Clinton" investigation. These people have been sloppy for years.